What do you think of when you hear the name of 17 year old Allison walker.
- The devil itself
- Nothing but a trouble maker
- And the baddest bitch ever
When kicked out of her 18th school her parents move her all the way to Florida
Being moved w...
At first her name is Allisonwalker and then the priest changes it to Collins so don't be confused
I was waiting for this day to occur
But just as happy i am I'm nervous as fuck
'Violet get my things marisa get the make up I'm taking a shower' i said and grabbed a towel and i ran in the bathroom and i turned the shower on and i washed my hair and i washed my body and then I put on some lace undergarments and i walked out and marisa sat me down
'Let me do your make up' she said
'Violets gone she's doing the venue' marisa said
'Yeah i know' i said and then marisa done my hair
'Ok done' she said
'It's been almost 40 minutes' i said
'We leave to the venue in an hour' she said
'I'll put on the dress' I said and she nodded and i slipped on my dress⬇
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Heels 🔝
I know ialready showed these
'Woah it looks even better now' she said
'So i looked ugly before' i said and she slipped on her heels
'You know what I mean' she said and i smiled
'Where's the venue' i asked
'Outside the house' she said
Oh my god
'Let's go' i said and i followed her downstairs
'Alecs already here. Everyone's there they are waiting for you and you look beautiful' violet said and i smiled and walked out as music played
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What alecs wearing 🔝
I felt like some princess
I got to the front and alec leaned in
'You are a princess' he whsipered
He read my thoughts
'Do you alec Collins take Allison walker to be you lawfully wedded wife to take care for and love for the rest of your life' he said
'I do' he said staring at me
'Do you Allison walker take alec Collins to be you lawfully wedded husband to take care for and love for the rest of your life'
'I do' i said
'You are now prouncounced husband and wife. Allison Collins and alec Collins you may kiss the bride'
Alec smashed his lips onto mine and everyone clapped and cheered and we pulled back
'Let's go Allison Collins' he said and i smiled as everyone came up to us and congratulated us and we hugged them
'Oh dear change into the dress so it doesn't get dirty' she said and i went back into the house and quickly changed and then slipped on my purple heels and walked out
It was already 6 PM
Well the marriage did last about an hour
Everyone was here
All cousins from over seas and everyone had cups of alcohol and wine and plates of food
'Don't be sad when you find that dress on the floor ripped tomorrow morning' Alec said
'Oh really' i said and he laughed and was about to kiss me when
'He stopped ageing at the age of 17. But when he was 14. One day he came storming to me asking. Why did you born me. He was so angry that we didn't ask for his permission. I will answer that today. Even though it took you a while. Me and your mother brought you into this world so you could share happiness with your wife and us' he said and everyone was smiling and he smiled too
'TO MY WIFE. A TOAST TO MY WONDERFUL WIFE' he said and everyone cheered
'Let everyone party let's head back to our hosue alone' he said and we got to the hosue and he kissed my cheek and went to my neck
He kissed and bit it until we got into the room
'As i said don't be mad' he said ripping off the dress.....