Noll was about to meet the king, the father of his paramour. He was nervous on all levels that nervousness could exist on, but he forced himself to calm in order to keep his composure.
"Father," Aaron spoke up, before clearing his throat to add his afterthought, "and Uncle." Both the king and duke glanced at Aaron before seeming to simultaneously light up a little. It was family, after all, and Noll knew not to interrupt in any way, shape, or form. He simple stood straight behind Aaron, head lowered slightly, trying to act the part he was supposed to be playing. He listened in on their conversation.
"Aaron! Ah, how have you been? You've seemed to coop yourself up these last couple of weeks, so I thought perhaps something had happened," Ivor spoke up, and Noll couldn't help but notice how cold his voice actually was by nature. He may have hidden it with eccentric, boisterous, and joyous behavior, but as a Synfilian-raised citizen, where every commoner was like that on the surface--the nobility of Synfil being more tame--he knew how to pick out the actors and know the level of sincerity behind such façades. It was normal to him. And behind that façade, Ivor was, to put it simply, a cold-hearted ass of a man.
"I suppose you could say that, yes. My apologies, uncle." It seemed to take Ivor and Noll both aback at how coolly Aaron treated his uncle now. Noll had heard how close the two were and how noisy and happy Ivor had made Aaron on his arrival, but now that was gone. Tension hung thick in the air, but surprisingly, it was Erwin who came to slice through it. "It's always nice to talk to you, Aaron. I'm afraid it's so rare these days, what with all our work and all. I'm glad you've gotten back into social interaction after getting sick like that. And I know work keeps you busy." Ah, yes, when Aaron had fallen ill thanks to him trying to avoid Noll so recklessly. Looking back, it startled Noll how much they had both changed since then. Aaron was different now--kinder, more compassionate. And Noll was more mature, levelheaded. Even since then, a lot had changed in them.
"Yes, it does keep me busy, especially with the Liberation Syndicate on the rise. It's honestly just an eyesore to see their name on paper now. It sounds so self-righteous," Aaron muttered, and the three laughed. Noll stood there silent. "Aaron, you've yet to even mention the new edition to the party," Erwin suddenly mentioned. Noll's blood ran cold. He couldn't talk to King Erwin! He would mess up, he would--
Their eyes were on him. He could feel it. Noll looked up at Aaron to ask for permission, and the prince nodded, allowing him to speak. "I," Noll looked to the king, smiling and bowing, remembering his training. "Your Grace, I am De'Noll Robinay, valet to His Royal Highness, Prince Aaron," Noll greeted, gritting his teeth as he remained in his bow, worried he'd get a negative reaction. "Valet? Heavens, Aaron, why didn't you tell me? No need for such formalities. It's nice to meet you, De'Noll, was it?"
Well, that wasn't the reaction Noll had been expecting, what with all of the stories he had been told, but he was pleasantly surprised. "Yes, sir." Noll stood up again straight, smiling when he met Erwin's curious oak eyes which examined him; Erwin seemed startled by his appearance. "You're Synfilian. I should have known by the name, but your looks give it away. And I hear it a little in your voice. You can never completely rid of the accent, after all." Erwin offered a friendly smile, and Noll was shocked by how nice and welcoming Erwin seemed to be that he almost forgot to speak. "Y--Yes, sir. I apologize for that. My father lived in Yoheim for many years but raised me in Synfil where he was born. I was sent here after he passed away and I got a job in the castle about a year and a half ago now. I met Aaron about eight months ago at the start of autumn."
"What job did you start in, then?" Ivor spoke now, and Noll's green eyes sifted to empty brown ones, a cold gaze than sought to shatter him completely, to constrict him and suffocate him and consume him--like a snake. But Noll stood his ground. "A scullion." Erwin and Ivor went silent before looking at Aaron with astonishment on their faces. Noll paled, realizing he may have made a mistake. But he had been asked directly. He couldn't just lie. Regardless, Aaron looked perfectly calm, like he had been expecting something like this. Or perhaps he was just masking his worry? It was hard to tell when he was wearing his mask. "What are you looking at me for? You know very well, father, what you instructed me to do. I did just that. I tried to understand the servitude. This is me trying to do that. He worked his way through the ranks and we got to talk more. And he seemed responsible enough. I thought I'd finally need a valet just to have them around. I trust him enough." What was that supposed to mean, Noll wondered? Had Erwin told Aaron to do all of this? Noll looked at Aaron with confusion in his eyes, but he was ignored.

Servienne (LGBT)
Romance(Editing old chapters. Currently editing: Chapter Five) Servienne: ['sərvē-en] or [s-err-v-ee-eh-n] [originally titled "Servitude"] The prince is an arrogant, controlling, spoiled brat who treats the help like they are lower than bugs. King Er...