A/N: Kind of my vision for Noll ^^^, but with slightly darker skin??? He's 6'2 but Aaron's like 5'7 so the height difference is adorable lol
He had never expected to be giving orders in the kitchen like he began to, at least once Aaron had spoken with Gertrude and Noll was officially considered the Assistant Cook. He began working with Gertrude on more complex meals and organizing kitchen flow more efficiently. What he was most glad about, however, was that despite the fact that Gertrude must only wonder when she looked at him, Why did the prince choose him? and despite the fact that he saw deep suspicion always in her eyes, she did not ask questions. She merely accepted it as so, despite how many questions she must have had.
The new position came with new, better living quarters then most of the others. It was an actual room of his own--in the servant's quarter corner of the palace, but his own space nonetheless, where as the scullions did not live in the castle at all. He certainly hadn't. He'd been living in what was essentially an abandoned hovel for a while, so far into the woods the tax collectors never even came by. Noll thought to himself that he could quickly get used to the better lifestyle. He received a nicer uniform, fine meals, and power over the others in the kitchen. Those who looked down on him suddenly had to look up, and while he knew he shouldn't feel so elated about being above them, he couldn't help it. He liked to control people. Who wouldn't? He wasn't abusing the power, so what was the harm in it?
Gertrude had already taught him the behind-the-scenes of the kitchen and often taught him how to make meals and how to assist others on doing so. Within a month, he had learned how to make everything from chicken cacciatore to the most basic sandwiches, every meal somehow made expensively, even if it was just fruit. Perhaps the most shocking was how exquisitely the royal family ate despite some people out in Yoheim's streets going days without meals. Still, he knew he had to look past that if he were to continue with the job.
Looking about the kitchen, he saw that it was at half the staff it should be ever since Prince Aaron had laid them all off just to save his own neck. What a selfish bastard he was. But still, Noll couldn't blame him for the fear--this was the Liberty Syndicate they were talking about. The Syndicate, from what rumors told, had over thirteen thousand known members by then, all of which were willing to start a war against the royal family. They were powerful and could very well take down the monarchy if they wished to, especially with all of the crushing reforms that have been put in place in recent years. The reforms were due to the growing increase of danger in southern Yoheim specifically because of the rebels, and many people were displeased by them. Noll couldn't blame the royal family for putting reforms in place, either, he just wished they would be smarter about it.
He sighed, chopping lettuce in the kitchen, the afternoon sun glowing through the windows which were open to air out the strong scent of spice.
Gertrude's voice hailed him from across the kitchen, and he handed off the dicing to a kitchen maid before slipping through the people. It was usually more difficult to get around, but with decreased staff, he found it easier. He was used to living in the city, so crowds were never a problem, and he made it over to her quickly. She handed him a bottle of wine, grinning. "My little nephew has to deal with his fiancée again. He's probably shaken her off by now, so go bring this to him." She picked up a glass as well, handing them both to him. Noll took them, sighing as he headed from the kitchen and down the hall.
His thoughts wandered to Aaron, and he found himself twice as curious about their whole situation than normal. As soon as he had walked into Aaron's office, after hearing about how everyone else was being let go, he was sure that he was next. But instead of being laid off, he was given a raise. While Aaron insisted it wasn't completely influenced by what they had done, Noll knew for sure that it really was the influencing factor. Why did that make him so angry? Maybe it was how insulting it felt. Why did he need to do things like that in order to get further in society? And was that the only reason Aaron wanted to see him for? Was that really all he was to Aaron: a personal plaything? If anything, Aaron was his plaything--

Servienne (LGBT)
Storie d'amore(Editing old chapters. Currently editing: Chapter Five) Servienne: ['sərvē-en] or [s-err-v-ee-eh-n] [originally titled "Servitude"] The prince is an arrogant, controlling, spoiled brat who treats the help like they are lower than bugs. King Er...