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Tom's pov
I felt so bad. I took a deep breath and called her. She picked up quickly. "T-Tom?" She sobbed. I could hear loud traffic from wherever she was. "Where are you?" I asked. "N-nowhere." She sobbed. I started tracking her phone. "I just wanted to say I am so sorry." I said. I texted Matt and he said she went out for a walk. She wasn't far from my location. "I'm sorry." She sobbed. I spotted her to see she was walking up and down the street. A truck was coming but she didn't seem to care. I ran up and grabbed her, jumping out of the road. I hugged her tight to my chest. "God damnit don't do that y/n!" I yelled hugging her as tight as possible. She started sobbing into my chest. "I-I thought y-you were d-different." She sobbed. "I know. I'm sorry." I said. "Tom! Y/n!" Matt screamed from across the street. He started running over when a car came. Edd pushed him out of the way and I hid y/n's face in my chest so she didn't see it. "Edd!" Matt screamed loudly. The guy who hit Edd called an ambulance. "Matt, I'm gonna get her out of here." I said. He nodded. I carried her back to the hotel room. "I'm sorry." I said. She sobbed into my chest uncontrollably. I sighed and rubbed her back. "I-I love you T-Tom." She sobbed. "I love you too y/n." I said hugging her as tight as possible. "Don't ever do that. Ever again." I said. I carried her back to the hotel room. I laid her down and she whimpered slightly. I sighed and grabbed a pillow quietly laying it on the floor.

                 Your pov
I watched as Tom laid on the floor. I flipped over and just quietly sobbed curling into a ball. I was surprised when he hugged me. "Please stop crying." He said quietly. I flipped over and cried into his chest. "M-Matt c-could've-" I sobbed. "I know. I know. But that's not your fault. He ran across the street. You weren't in the street when he got there. It's not your fault." He said calmingly. I stopped sobbing after awhile and just gripped his hoodie. He laid me down gently and laid next to me. He held me tight. "I'm sorry." He said. I cuddled into his chest and gripped his hoodie. "We need to go back to school tomorrow." I said quietly. He nodded. He fell asleep but I couldn't. Every time I closed my eyes I saw Edd, flying off the windshield of that car. I gripped Tom's hoodie tight. I sighed and slipped from his grip. I kissed his forehead and walked to the bathroom. I pulled a razor blade out of my pocket. I started slicing my wrist not even counting. "Y/n?!" Tom screamed. I looked up at him shocked as tears rolled from my eyes. He ripped the razor blade from my hand. He grabbed my hand and looked at the cuts. "Eight. Damn now I have to do sixteen." He said. He rolled up his sleeve and winced as he cut it. I grabbed his hand. "Wh-what're you doing?!" I sobbed. He looked at me with dead, cold eyes. "I told you. For every one cut you make I make two." He said. "Tom please. I'll never do it again. But please don't do this." I said. He sighed quietly and put the blade down. He hugged me tight.

                 Matt's pov
I sat in the waiting room for an hour, impatiently tapping my foot. "Sir. He's awake." One of the nurses told me. I ran down to his room to see he was trying to sit up. I ran over and gently, carefully pushed him back down. "Y-you're okay. Y-your okay." I sobbed. He kissed me gently then backed up slowly. "What were you thinking?!" He yelled. I looked at him surprised. "You could've gotten hurt. Or worse! You could've died!" He yelled. I started crying more. "I-I know. I-I'm so s-sorry." I sobbed. "Matt I'm joking. Please don't cry." He said. "I-it's my fault. I-I shouldn't have run o-out in the street l-like th-that." I sobbed. He chuckled. "Stop laughing! You broke two of your ribs! You broke your arm! And your leg! And it's all my fault!" I screamed through sobs. He started laughing but winced in pain slightly. I sat there sobbing. He sighed and hugged me gently. "Please stop crying Matt." He said. "I-it should have been me." I sobbed. He sighed and gently pulled me off of him. He kissed me and I kissed back. He gently rubbed my back and we slowly pulled away. "I'm okay." He said. I smiled and sighed. I leaned back and laid on his lap. "I'm still really sorry." I said. He gently grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "I love you Matt. Stop apologizing." He said. He leaned down wincing slightly and kissed me. I kissed back but gently pushed him away. "Something wrong?" He asked. I shook my head. "You're ribs are broken. You shouldn't be moving around much." I said pushing him down gently. I gently tucked him in and kissed his forehead gently.

                 Tom's pov
Y/n sobbed herself to sleep. I gently bandaged her wrist and laid her in bed. I wanted to let it go, but I couldn't now. I picked up the blade and put sixteen slits in my wrist. I whimpered slightly as I did. I washed the blood away and wrapped it. I walked out to see y/n standing next to the door with her head down. I pulled my sleeves down quickly. She sighed and walked to the bed. "I warned you." I said. "Shut up." She said. I sighed and walked over to the pillow on the floor. I switched off the light and laid down quietly. I was surprised when I felt y/n's arms wrap around me. "Y/n?" I asked. "Shut up and go to sleep." She said snuggling into my back. "It's one o'clock in the morning. If we're going to school tomorrow you need some sleep." I said flipping around. She snuggled into my chest gently. "Can we skip? One more time?" She asked. I sighed. "Yeah. Only because I love you." I said with a small giggle. She giggled and hugged me tighter. "I love you too." She said. I snuggled into her shoulder gently. "Tom?" She asked quietly. "Yeah?" I asked looking at her. She sighed with a small blush. "Never mind." She said. I gently kissed her and she froze for a second. I pulled away slowly. "I'm sorry. I've been wanting to do that all day." I said blushing insanely. She blushed more and hugged me tight, snuggling into my chest gently. She looked at me and gently kissed me. I kissed back and licked her lip gently. She opened her mouth slightly and played with my hair, grooming it, as I traveled her mouth gently.

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