A Break

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                 Tom's pov
I felt like such an idiot. I looked at Tord and sighed. "I really fucked up." I mumbled. He chuckled. "Go after her idiot." He said pushing me to the door. I ran downstairs to y/n and hugged her from behind. "Let me go!" She screamed. "Shh. Ivy's asleep." I mumbled. She elbowed me and I whimpered. "I'm sorry. I just got caught up in the moment." I mumbled. She kicked my knee and I fell. I gripped her shirt quickly. "I know I'm dumb. But please, don't let this one dumb mistake ruin us." I said. She sighed. "We need a break." She mumbled. I gripped onto her. "No that's not true. I need a break." She said, crouching in front of me. "I love you. But I need a break from the chaos. So how about you go with Tord and we can be friends." She said. I smiled slightly. "Can I have a goodbye kiss?" I asked. She giggled slightly and gently kissed me. I sighed. "Can you stay here?" I asked. "Yeah." She mumbled. I smiled slightly. "So...where will I sleep?" She asked. "Oh. I mean there's the attic, or the basement." I mumbled. "Attic! Yes!" She yelled. I giggled. "You should get some rest." I said. She nodded and ran up to the attic quickly. I chuckled slightly and sighed. I walked back upstairs to Tord to see him standing on that chair again. "Tord what're you doing?!" I yelled. He looked at me and chuckled. "I was taking it down." He said. I sighed and walked over, picking him up. "Tom put me down!" He yelled. I chuckled and let him fall onto the bed. I giggled slightly as he gasped. "Did you and her work it out?" He asked.

                 Tord's pov
He looked at me and smiled. "Yeah. Kinda." He said. "What does that mean?" I asked. "She needed a break. From everything. So we broke up. She told me she wanted to be friends." He said. He looked at me and smiled. "She said I should start dating you." He said with a chuckle. I blushed dark red. "Y-you don't have t-to." I mumbled. He chuckled and untied the rope, throwing it to the side. He walked over to me and kissed me gently. I grabbed his collar and gripped it surprised. He slowly pulled away. "Will you go out with me?" He asked cupping my cheek with his hand. I blushed dark red as a tear slid down my face slowly. "Why're you crying?" He asked concerned. I bit my lip and smiled. "You don't know how long I've been wanting to hear that Tom." I mumbled. He smiled and kissed me gently. I kissed back and he slowly laid me down on the bed. I pulled away quickly. "T-Tom?" I asked. He smiled reassuringly. "I won't hurt you. Get some rest." He said. I nodded but grabbed his hand as he went to walk away. He looked back at me curiously. "C-can we cuddle? J-just until I fall asleep?" I stuttered. He chuckled and kissed me again. I kissed back gently as my heart raced fast. He slowly pulled away and smirked. "God I do adore you." He said, quoting a song I used to listen to. "Oh god. Don't start." I mumbled. He chuckled and got up, closing the door. He walked over and laid next to me, flicking off the light. He cuddled up to me and I blushed. He kissed my forehead gently and cuddled up to me.

                 Your pov
I looked around the attic. It was dusty and dirty. I smirked and grabbed a broom. I started sweeping stuff up but started sneezing. "Damnit. Dust allergies." I mumbled annoyed. I sighed and continued to sweep, occasionally rubbing my nose. I finished and the place looked pretty nice. I started sneezing insanely. I started panting. I gripped the broom as I started having an asthma attack. I gripped my chest and fell to the ground. I looked over at my bag and tried to reach for it. I couldn't reach it and my arm fell limp. I panted heavily as tears rushed down my face. I flinched as I heard the attic door open. "Y/n? I heard a thud. Are you okay?" I heard Tord ask. I glanced at him and he dropped down next to me. "What's wrong? What's going on?" He asked concerned. "I-inhaler." I stuttered trying to grab my bag. He opened up my bag and found my inhaler. He sat me up and I took a puff from it. I took a deep breath and gripped my chest. I was panting slightly. "You okay?" He asked. I nodded. "Th-the dust triggered an a-asthma attack." I stuttered. "Are you sure you want to stay up here tonight?" He asked. I nodded. "I-I'm fine." I mumbled as I took another puff from my inhaler. He sighed. "Should we get Tom?" He asked. "No." I growled. "He doesn't know. Right." He said. I sighed and nodded. "Your conditions pretty bad." He said. "I swear I'm alright. Go back to bed Tord." I said. He sighed slightly. "If you need anything just bang or stomp. I'll come up here." He said. I nodded. He left and I closed the attic door.

                 Tom's pov
I woke up alone. I sat up and looked around. The door creaked open and I looked at who was there but couldn't see through the darkness. I flicked on the light and looked at Tord as he hissed at the light. "Where were you?" I asked. "I-I was checking on Ivy." He mumbled laying back down. "Oh god Tord you smell like dirt and dust." I said. "You smell like the attic." I said. He sighed. "Why were you in the attic? With y/n?" I asked suspiciously. He sighed and laid his head on my lap. "I couldn't sleep and I had heard a thud. I went up to check on her. She had dropped something from a shelf." He said. I sighed and leaned down kissing him gently. I slowly pulled away and he sighed tiredly. He curled around me, his head still on my lap. I giggled and pulled my fluffy blanket around him gently. I was freezing but I didn't really care. He sat up and tugged at my hoodie. I looked at him. "Scoot down." He mumbled. I chuckled slightly and scooted down. He curled up on my chest and pulled the blanket up onto me. I smiled and cuddled into his hair. I coughed slightly and sat up, brushing the dust from his hair. He chuckled and sat up. "I have to take shower." He mumbled. "But why?" I whined pulling him back to my chest. He chuckled. "I have school. And so do you Tom." He said. I sighed. "Do me a favor and wake y/n." I said. He nodded and gently kissed me. I kissed back, blushing. He slowly pulled away and smiled. "Get ready. You've got school." He said like an adult. I stuck my tongue out childishly.

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