|Shot 29| • Jealousy I • |Jyatt|

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"You've gotta be kidding me" I said in disbelief as I stared blankly at the screen.

"Thems the rules, Finny. I won, fair and square" Jaeden said proudly.

"Oh really, Jaeden? Well then, you wouldn't mind if I called Wyatt and asked his opinion?"

Jaeden spit out his drink and slowly turned his wide eyes to my smirk.

"You wouldn't dare"

"Why?" I cocked an eyebrow. "Because you looooove Wy Wy?"

"Shut up, do not" he blushed and pouted, averting his eyes from me.

"I'm calling him"

"No, Finn don'-" he protested.

He reached for my phone but I stood up and walked away while dialling.

"Hello?" Wyatt's deep voice said on the other line.

"Hey, Wyatt" I smiled.

"Oh hey, Finn. What's up?"

"I'm over at Jaeden's, and we're kinda bored by ourselves. Want to come over?" I asked, smirking slyly at Jaeden who rolled his eyes and groaned.

"Sure, I'll be there in about an hour"

"Get here soon, noodles"

"Shut up"

I hung up laughing and Jaeden folded his arms. I sat down next to him and patted his back.

"Oh, come on, Jaeden. I'm just messing with you, buddy. I really would like to hangout with both of you" I smiled.

He turned his eyes to me and gave in, smiling back, unable to resist.

"Alright, Finn" he chuckled. "Wanna go another round or two until Wyatt shows up?"

"Sure, let me-" I was about to get up by using my hand to push myself off the bed when my hand instead landed on Jaeden's.

He didn't move, instead our eyes slowly went from our hands to each other's eyes. Our cheeks glowing red, I slowly removed my hand and rubbed the back of my neck.

"I, um...sorry, Jaeden" I apologized sheepishly.

"It's okay" he said quietly.

But when our eyes slowly met again, something came over the both of us, and our lips met.

He's not Jack...


I don't know what came over me, he's not Wyatt...

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