The players girl

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my first story. I don't copy any stories or any lines.

chapter 1


"cassy, I have to go, work called and I am not going to be home till later so I have put money in your bank so you can eat what ever you want"mum said.

Mum usually has to work late because she is a nurse at the hospital. I don't mind but in our big house it gets a little lonely sometimes.

" alright mum im on the way to school now, I am studying with liv and Sarah tonight. I will probably end up sleeping at Sarah's, love you have fun." I said. Sarah and liv are my best friends, we always do everything together.

I heard the door shut and a car engine start so I pulled out my phone and sent a text message to the girls.

* mums working tonight, told her that I'm studying but we will go to Alex's party.*

almost straight away I got a message back from liv.

* sounds good, what time? ill be at yours in a couple of minutes to pick you up. x *

I smiled at her message, Liv and Sarah are the party type of girls and they hear about all the new events. its good.




There here. I ran down the stairs and grabbed my bag. On the way out I ran into the house maid Anne.

" hey Cass, your mums working tonight so are you going to go to the girls house to study?" she said with a wink. she knows that I like to party and she always keeps a secret.

" yeah accually I am and I'm staying there aswell, I am also going shopping later with the girls for some more chlothes and shoes. see you later Anne." I said.

I walked out the door and liv and Sarah were in the car waiting for me the music on full volume. I opened the door with a little bit of a shock when they screamed at Me.

" CASSY I NEED TO TALK TO YOU " they both shouted at the same time. I laughed and looked at them with a questioning look. when they gave me one back I just stared at then and shouted " WHAT "

They got a little freaked out at first because it was so sudden but then they just looked at each other and smiled.

" you know alex miles? well of course you do know him but I walked passed his group of friends and heard them mention your name then when alex talked about you he started smiling and blushing and I think he likes you!!" sarah practacly scream talked.

"well are you sure it was me they were talking about?" I said in complete shock.

" positive! , I cant belive that he likes you Cassy " Sarah said.

" what if I see him. does he know that I know? " I asked not really sure what to say.

" no he dosnt know and I don't really want him to know because we will make you look really good the night of his party! "

" okay so are you able to go shopping today after school? we will get me a whole new wardrobe! " usually on Mondays if we don't have anything on we go shopping. we have since year 7. its good to just get out and go shopping with the girls.

" yeah I can go. can you liv? " Sarah asked.

" yep, do we just meet were we usually do? " she asked. we usually meet at her car but last time we had to meet at my locker. I'm still not sure why.

" yeah we will meet at your car " liv said.

We arrived in the school parking lot and when we found our usual spot there was Alexes group around it.I started freaking out because I didn't know if he was gonna try to talk to me.

" girls he's there do I look alright? " I asked.

" yeah but are you okay? are you scared? we will be right next to you so if you need us okay! " she asked.

" no I'm fine, thanks girls " I said

when the car came to a stop my heart started beating out of my chest like someone had put a gun to my head, a scared and also excited type of beating.

I saw Alex and his group start to stare at me and when I got out of the car Alex walked up to me and I just acted like I didn't know that he likes me.

" hey Alex " I said trying to act cool and casual but it kind of came out as an excited squeak.

" hey Cass, you coming to my party? " he said with the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. When I stared into his eyes I started to feel shaky and shy but I had to hold my game.

" yeah ill be there, mums at work tonight so I am going with liv and Sarah. " I said as casually as possible and it worked.

" good see you then beautiful " he said with a smile and a wink. he always calls me beautiful but this time it had a diffrent affect on me a feeling that ive never felt before.

This boy is the end of me... 

I walked straight up to the girls and almost straight away they asked me what happened so I explained it to them and they started cheering and smiling when I told them that he called me beautiful.

5 hours later....



The bell finally. I just had geography with M.r Maider. He is really nice and he never gets angry.

As I was walking out of the class room I bumped into someone a tall muscular boy with  rock hard abs. I dropped all my textbooks on the floor and don't even bother looking to see who it was as I picked up my text books but when I did look I saw Alex.

" im so sorry Cassy I didnt mean to " he said. I was acually kind if glad it was him instead of someone else.

" its okay " I said.

" ill walk with you to the cars. is that alright? " he asked politely.

" yeah that's fine Alex " I said nicely

as we were walking down the hall all of the kids made a big row in the centre so that we could walk through. As we were waking I saw all the girls giving Alex winks. To be honest it bothered me a little bit.

I have had a little bit of a crush on Alex for a while.


thankyou for reading.

this is my first book so its not very good at the moment but it will get better.

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