chapter 2

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chapter 2



As we were walking our shoulders were brushing up on each other. everyone that saw us together were giving us questioning looks. We have walked together before but never been this close before. I think its nice to be able to walk with him.

"so Cassy, how are you getting to the party?" he asked casually. he actually looked a little nervous talking to me, I don't know how long he's been like this but I've never realized.

"oh um, Liv is picking me up." I started to hear some whispers happening around the school and I couldn't really make out what they were saying untill I saw Sarah approaching Alex and I.

"Have you guys heard about all the whispers?" she asked looking really scared and happy.

"no Ive been walking with Alex so I wouldnt know." I answered truthfully. "why what is it?"

"well I have 2 knew things for you to find out, apparently you to are a couple." she said but also looked happy while saying it.

"we are?" I said with a questioning look.

"I didn't know that." Alex said as suprised and shocked as I was.

"well are you?" sarah said

"um no were not. this is the first I've heard about it." I said. "anyway what's the other thing you need to tell us?" I wasn't sure but when I mentioned it she looked scared and annoyed.

" you won't like it but, You'll never guess who is back, Jackson!!, JACKSON IS BACK. He got another tatto and he has long hair and he is really freaky." I was holding in a breath I didn't know was there untill Sarah shook me and looked frightened for her life. I turned around and met with those dark brown eye that looked so mysterious yet so frightening.

" hello Cassy you look more beautiful then ever" he said with a wink. I jumped about a foot in the air in shock and started slowly walking backwards untill I hit something. Alex's chest, he seemed so confused but when he heard the whispers that Jackson was back, Alex knew exactly who he was.

"why are you here?" I said in disgust and I was quite frightened. I looked at his apperance, dark brown boots black jeans and a black t-shirt. He looked like if you smiled at him he would be happy to take your teeth out. He didn't look very happy to see me though and I just hoped he wasnt going to Alex's party.

" I am here because my mother and step dad are making me come back her so that I can learn. I missed 2 years of that already. happy to see me?" he still looked the same as last time I saw him just more tattos and extra hair. I didn't miss him, hell I would be happy if I never saw him again.

" well you still look the same just older and no I'm not happy to see you." I said I wanted to tell him that know one would be but when I said that I wasn't happy to see him he honestly looked really sad.

" Anyway why are you standing against this loser." he said proud of his comment I looked at Alex and he looked like he was about to jump on Jackson and punch him.

"Alex is not a loser he is 10 times more of a man then you could ever be." I said with a scoff and then Jackson looked like he was about to kill me so I took a step further into Alex. then I realized we looked like a couple and when he put his arm around me Jackson looked like he was litterly going in for attack.

"10 times better then me. please look at him he is a peice if trash he looks like he belongs on the streets" he said clearly annoyed.

"acually,  you look like you do live on the streets so talk for yourself. She dosnt look like she is enjoying this conversation so I am just gonna go, Come on Cass." he said while turning on his heel and walking away. he grabbed my hand lightly and then took me to walk with him.

Before I knew it Jackson had called out Alex's name and punched him in the face and then they were on the floor rolling around like dogs, punching each other as hard as they could.

I heard a whistle and a few teachers came barging through the halls and at that point Alex made it look like Jackson kept on punching him while Alex did nothing. the teachers dragged the boys off each other and then pushed them on either side of the corridor, I ran up to Alex and hugged him while grabbing his hand to get him to walk with me.

" Alex are you okay? do you need anything? lets go get you cleaned up." I said a little worried for the big open skin on his cheek.

"okay thanks Cass, and no thanks I don't need anything. but thankyou for offering." he said nicely.

"okay just sit on the bench" I said wile running into the toilet stall,  grabbing paper towel and running it under the water.

He looked like he was in pain so I grabbed his hand and looked at him as if to say are you okay? he looked me in the eyes and nodded his head to tell me that it was fine.

I put the wet paper towel on his cheek and wiped the blood off. When I looked at his lips I had never realized how pretty and plump they are. He actually looked happy that I was helping him.

" thankyou for this Cass, um I was meaning to ask you something, you know, before all this happened." he said while motioning to his face.

I felt the butterflys starting to do flips in my stomach. This was it, he was going to ask me out. I was smiling from ear to ear. I almost forgot to answer him.

" oh um, yeah sure go for it." I said sounding like an idiot from how high my voice sounded.

" can you please come home with me after school and help me set up for the party? I know its a pretty big ask but it will only take an hour or a little more." when those words came out of his mouth, my smile had dropped and now I felt a little bit upset. But I had to remember, he is a player.

" uh yeah sure that's fine, just text me what time suits you." I said trying to sound as nice as possible but I just wanted to cry. "I have to go but ill see you later.bye" I said.

"uh okay bye." he said back.

Now I have to look amazing for this party. ill just have to go bye a dress. get my hair done. everything will be perfect.

<3 thanks for reading.

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