chapter 13

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chapter 13 - The plan.

Sorry that I deleted the other chapter, I didn't do it on purpose it was an accident but now I am trying to remember the things that happened in it so I can re write it, I will also change it around a bit. x


As we walked out of the classroom everyone mumbled there 'goodbyes' and there 'cya laters'  even the occasional 'drunk fuck' from Riley petterman.

When I walked out of the classroom everyone was staring at me, most of them had that stupid sympathetic look in there eyes that just wants me to rip there faces off, I never say or think anything like that but today is an exception.

I kept on walking down the hall with the people's eyes still trained on me untill I felt a light tap on my shoulder, I quickly turned around in hopes and hatement (is that a word?) that it was Alex, but it wasn't.

"Hey girly!" said that familiar voice, That's the exact voice that I don't want to hear right now, so I turned away and walked on my heal as far as possible from Jackson.


After I just got out of my last class for the day it was time to go home, so yet again I had to do the 'walk of shame' as I call it now, and hopefully I won't see the dickhead that caused my walk!

I do need to talk to Alex about something though but im just not sure when I want to talk to him! 

As I was walking out of the classroom I bumped into someone's chest, I looked up and locked eyes with the ass himself.

I want to hurt him so bad right now but I also want to cry and shrug my shoulders as if nothing happened.

"Hey beautiful! Were have you been all day?" he asked.

'away from you' I muttered in my head.

"Just in class." I stated.

"Okay, do you want to do anything after school? We could watch a movie or we could go out for dinner? anything you want to do!" Alex exclaimed waving his hands around in mostions as he talked.

"No sorry I'm busy but maybe another day!" I stated. But then I remembered the 'plan' and what I had to do!

"well that's okay maybe ano-" he was cut short buy the sound of my voice.

"Acually I can fit in time, but over at 5" I said.

"Okay, I gotta run but I will catch up with you later!" he said rubbing his hand up and down my arm before kissing my forhead and walking away.

I informed the girls about Alex coming over then I left school.

"Honey, what are you doing home?" Anne questioned me.

"Uh, well, actually." I stutterd. I couldn't find the words to tell her that Alex had cheated on me.

"spit it out." Anne said growing impatient.

"Alex cheated on me!" I said.

"What? tell me everything!" Anne requested.

I took in a deep breath before speaking again. "Well just before class started, a couple of girls in my class were walking down the corridors and when they got into class they started whispering, so when I walked up to them, they- they told me that Alex cheated on me and then I invited them over tonight, and I also invited Alex over because he dosnt know that I know so were getting payback." I cried out.

"Oh honey, would you like anything?" Anne asked me with sympathy.

"just some cookies please, I have to get ready for Alex." I said walking up the stairs. On ny way up I heard Anne scoff and mumble something under her Breath but when I turned around she was gone.

I ran around my room in search for my lace bra and panties, I had about an hour untill Alex was due! I quickly fixed up my hair and put my school clothes back on making sure to make my black skirt that I wore today a little higher and to leave one button of my shirt undone. I wasn't really up for seeing him as he cheated on me and we had only been going out for a couple of days and I know that I'm his girlfriend and its normal but, is it really normal to already want revenge when we hadn't been going out for long? Just sitting here on my bed I realized that it would be better if I made him have horrible payback! I don't deserve to have this done to me, I know that people might think that I'm not the nicest person to get along with and they may think I'm a Bitch and I'm stupid but none of that really matters except my own opinion. But now when Alex arrives and what i keep on doing to him, he will wish he never met me before!


25 minutes later.

There was a knock on the door so I quickly ran to my bedroom door and shouted for Anne to send Alex up.

I looked over my appearance a little better then opened the door, Alex came walking up the stairs shortly after and then he shut the door behind him.

"Hey babe." he said walking over to me and kissing me on the lips gently. I didn't want to know were else those lips have been so I just kept my thoughts to myself.

"Hi Alex, so your probably wondering why I called you over here.?!" I said and Alex nodded his head. "Well, I'm thinking that, well, maybe we can um, you know." I said acting nervous and innocent while Alex nodded his head eagerly. "well would you like to?" I said. and Alex nodded his head and swiped his goings across his lips.

"Yes" he said. Wow I guess that the other girl wasn't enough for him.

He climbed into the bed were I was and sat down, I lied myself across the warm sheets of my bed and made a mental reminder for myself to wash the sheets after he goes. Alex sat down next to me and sat his elbows up on one side of the bed then leaned in.

He kissed me slowly and tangled his fingers around my hair, I leaned into him and climbed on top of his torso. not braking the kiss, I ran my fingers over his chest and then down to the waistline of his boxers then back up to his chest and his neck and tangled my fingers through his hair. I jently pulled on the routes of his hair and he made a low grumble at the bottem of his mouth.

I trailed my fingers down to the hem of his shirt then slowly lifted it up over his head braking the kiss for a couple of seconds, I reattatched our lips again and slowly grinding my lower half against his, he made a sound of pleasure and started to take my shirt off aswell.

"I'm gonna make you feel good baby." Alex said his voice low and husky, his eyes trailed up and down my body.

"acually Alex I'm kind of feeling sick so I don't want to be sick on you so um yeah you should, uh, go!" I said calmly.

He made a slow grunting voice and jumped off the bed and bent down to pick up his shirt off the floor. I stared at him in awe for a couple of seconds while he pulled his shirt over his head, he leaned over and pecked my forehead.

"don't worry ill make sure you feel good oneday." he said. Yeah but not by you! I added in my head.

"bye Alex I will text you!" I shouted while he made his way out the door.

I smirked at myself and got up to put on some nice clothes. I got a pair of tight black skinny jeans and a grey jumper not really wanting to put on much clothing.

I walked down stairs and into the living room when my mum appeared in the door way, she had a smirk plastered on her face.

"Sweety, is there a reason that Alex Miles just walked out of our house with a boner?" she asked, I tipped my head back in laughter and Laughed untill the pain had arrived.

"payback" I said with a little laugh, mum just smiled at me then walked away.

I waited for at least half an hour for Alison and Emily.


I know that the payback didn't seem like much but trust me, it will get better!

Thankyou for reading x

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