Chapter One

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What is this? A sequel ?! What?! This soon?

Yep, I got too excited and I wanted to start posting already. Updates are going to drag a little since I'm going to be juggling two stories back to back. I hope you enjoyed the first book of Leon Kennedy, and I hope you enjoy this one too. Anyways, lets get to the character build up.

You probably already know how this goes...

(Y/n) = Your Name.

(L/n) = Last Name.



I need to run, runnings the only thing I can do! Shit! Which way do I go? Left-- right? Forward?! I hear the voices catching up behind me-- think think think! Which is the smart way to go?! I look to my left and right-- These are probably gonna lead me to easy traps. I continue to run ahead, they're not gonna get me...I'll hide or find somewhere safe. I feel sweat dripping down on my forehead, I quickly wiped it away, I start to feel panic in my system-- This direction seems to be leading me to nowhere! Ahh shit! Its a dead end?! I smash my fits against the brick wall-- maybe it's a false wall that I can get through?! I hear the low growl of it. I tried to run back but its too late, the swarm of villagers with lit torches and sharp pointy objects in their hands. in front of the line was him, the short little know it all...He waves his hand up. No! Rushing through the swarm of villagers is his guards. Villagers go flying being shoved and pushed by his guard making its way to the front. My back pressed against a wall...theyre coming for me...It mades its way to the front..sprinting its way towardsme. My heart is racing-- I can't handle this feeling...I'm gonna die!

I gasp raising up in my bed. Shit. Try and slow your breathing down (Y/n). It was just a dream again...I rest my head back on my sweaty pillow...I lay my forearms against my forhead..This shit has to stop already. Its been nine years, When is it gonna leave my brain? I look to my bedside to look at my alarm clock, it's 12:30, hmm, not bad with the timing. I should start getting ready for work. I look to the other side of my bed, to see my cat snuggled up in the blankets. I shake my head at the thought of how cute that is. I remove the covers off of me and head towards to my desk. I sat down and opened up my laptop screen. I received a few emails during the night and early morning, a few from work and co-workers. Theres one I always reply to...every now and then. Ashley Graham. I quickly skimmed her long email, she's doing well...her family is doing okay and she's engaged to a handsome man......I don't have time to read the rest,I'll just reply later. I got up and head towards the bathroom to start my day.

(Time Skip)

I checked myself out in the full body mirror, I look the same as I did years ago...the only difference is my job occupation. I adjusted my hair and my badge. Okay, my belt is strapped on to my my gun and other things. Time for work. I look back to see my cat giving me his big yellow eyes.

(Y/n)- "I'll see you later buddy...okay?" he meows quietly. I leave my home and the sun greets me by blinding my eyes. I shield them till I make it over to my cop car. I get inside and start the engine.

As I drive, heading to the police station. My radio gets called. I picked it up once I had a chance to pull over.

(Y/n)- " Yes,Chase? " I grinned.

(Chase)- " How you doing, sweetheart? Did you get some rest like I told you?" he answered in his southern-ish accent he still has. I managed to get some sleep...but it's those damn nightmares that still get me. Knowing him, he's gonna force me to take a nap in the break room or something.

(Y/n)- " Yeah.. I'm on my way to the station"

(Chase)- " Ready to start the day?"

(Y/n)- " Chase....I have to see your face first before my day can begin." I playfully flirted. I hear him laughing over the radio.

(Chase)- "Your too sweet."

(Y/n)- " Haha--"

(Chase)- "Get your ass to work (L/n)" he chuckles. I clip the radio back to its place. I roll the window down and rest my arm out the window...enjoying the cool breeze of the morning. I hope something different changes's always the same in Tall oaks.

Strange Comfort (RE6: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#2] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now