Chapter 4

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After that night, Obi Wan had not been able to sleep properly. He hadn't told anyone but Satine about it, but he knew he should consult a Jedi master elder, like Mace Windu or Master Yoda.

It was a week after he had the nightmare when he decided he would ask Master Yoda what it could mean. He was nervous as he approached Master Yoda's quarters. Before opening the door he said a silent prayer Please, let it just be a silly dream. Let it mean nothing. Please..

He opened the door and entered. Master Yoda was meditating, but he said " Master Kenobi, Welcome". " Thank you master" Master Yoda asked Obi Wan " Talk about what, did you want?" " Well... I had this dream..." Obi Wan spent the next few minutes retelling the dream to Master Yoda. And once again, he left no details out. After, he concluded, Master Yoda seemed to be deep in thought. " Happened none of this has yet?" He asked. " No. Except when Darth Maul impaled Satine. That did happen. But instead of being killed, I saved her, and got wounded in the process." To prove his point, Obi Wan showed Master Yoda a long, angry scar on his left arm. It went from his shoulder all the way to right above his wrist. " It wasn't deep and it just stung, but it will always remind me of the day I almost lost the the love of my life" Obi Wan admitted, blushing slightly. " I see" Master Yoda said. " But the rest of the dream, could it come true?" Obi Wan asked. " To me it seems that things to come they were" Master Yoda said. "They were?" " Yes. Things that could come, in the past" Obi Wan thought about it and said " Thank you master, I'll meditate on it" Obi Wan then stood up to leave, but was stopped when Master Yoda said " Careful you must be, General Kenobi. Great danger, I sense for you and those you love" " Danger?" " Yes. Careful you must be" he said once again. " Don't worry Master, I'll be careful. Thank you again" and Obi Wan left, thinking about what Master Yoda had said.

Satine was preparing dinner when Obi Wan walked in. He looked worried and tired. He had looked that way since he had the nightmare, but two days ago he spoke to Master Yoda about it and it seemed to have helped. But right now, he looked even more worried than before. " Hi Obi" she said as he leaned in for a kiss. " Hi Satine" "What's wrong Obi?" she asked. Obi Wan sighed. " I just got reassigned" he said. " Apparently Darth Maul has climbed to power back in Mandalore and they want Anakin and I to go stop him" he said. " When are you leaving?" " In two days" he said. " Oh, Obi" she said. " I don't want you to get hurt" she said, as she came towards Obi Wan and Obi embraced her. " I won't. Don't worry. Besides, I'll be too busy getting Anakin out of trouble, so I'll be prepared for anything" Satine laughed a bit. Then said " Obi, look!" she exclaimed as she grabbed Obi Wan's hand and placed it on her stomach. Obi Wan smiled as he felt the baby inside her stir. " See, even the baby knows I'm right" Obi Wan said laughing. " Remember tomorrow is the ultrasound that will determine if the baby is a boy or a girl" Satine said. " I know. I hadn't forgotten." then placing his hand back on Satine's stomach he said " Then we'll be able to start painting your room" he whispered to her stomach as he kneeled down and kissed it. " Now let's eat. I'm starving" he said, momentarily forgetting he would have to go away in two days.

Satine was laying on the ultrasound table with Obi Wan sitting next to her, holding her hand. The med droid prepared the machine and then put some cream on her stomach. " This will feel a bit cold, but it will help get a clearer view of the baby". Satine just nodded, excitement building up inside her. Obi Wan could feel their excitement radiating in the room. He couldn't wait to find out if he was going to have a daughter or a son. The med droid placed the ultrasound machine over her stomach and the image started to get clearer on the screen. Then the med droid turned it around and stopped it. It said " Congratulations!!" " What is it?" Obi Wan asked. " You're having twins!" " TWINS?!" the couple exclaimed. " Yes, twins. A boy and a girl" " Oh, Obi" Satine said, a radiant smile on her face. " I love you so much" Obi Wan said as he leaned over and kissed Satine. She deepened the kiss, and only let go when they heard the med droid say " I hope you are happy. Congratulations again!". The couple then returned home, anxious to tell Anakin and Padmé.

" TWINS?!" Anakin exclaimed. " Yes" Obi Wan said, gripping Satine's hand as they shared the happy news with their friends." And we also want you to be the babies' godparents" both Anakin and Padmé beamed. " We'd be honored" Padmé said. Then, Anakin and Padmé shared a look and Padmé nodded. " We have news to share too" Anakin said. " What are they?" Obi Wan asked. " We're going to have a baby!" both Padmé and Anakin exclaimed. " You are?" said Obi Wan. " That's wonderful news!" said Satine. And both happy couples talked the night away, not knowing of the darkness that was to come.

Thanks for being patient! Sorry for the slow updates! I've been busy with school and stuff. Sorry again. I'll update soon! Thanks for your support!😁😁😁😁😁

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