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So, yesterday I was watching The Greatest Showman for the millionth time and I heard this song, and I thought that it went with Obitine perfectly. I mean, both Obi Wan and Satine know that they love each other, but they can't be in a relationship cause it's forbidden. Especially for Obi Wan since Jedi aren't supposed to form attachments. And although Satine knows she loves him,and the other way around, she doesn't want him to leave the Jedi order for her. But they both want to be together although it's technically impossible for them. I don't know, what do you guys think? Does this song go with Obitine? I think it does, but here you go, hope you see what I'm seeing and that you enjoy!
May the force be with you!

"Rewrite the Stars" from "The Greatest Showman" 😁

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