Chapter 15

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One month later

"Come on, Satine, just a few steps more and stop!" Obi Wan said. "What is it, Obi Wan?" Satine asked " You'll see" Obi Wan responded. He opened the door to their twins' nursery and took Satine's blindfold off. "Surprise!" Obi Wan exclaimed. Satine gasped and put her hands up to her mouth . "Oh my force, Obi!" She said as she turned around and hugged him.

"This...this looks amazing!" She said as she walked around the nursery. Half of the room was blue and the other pink. Both sides had cribs and the necessities. A wardrobe on each side gave them more than enough room to put all the baby clothes in. Each crib had a different stuffed animal, and each wall had a picture of the ultrasound results.

"How did you do this without me noticing?" Satine asked. Obi San smiled "Well, Anakin, Rex, Cody, and my father helped me with the room" Obi Wan said "And Padmé, Ahsoka, and my mother helped with you not even coming close to the room" He said. "So all these weeks when the four of us went on trips, it was to surprise me?" Obi Wan nodded. "Oh, Obi. Thank you!" She said as she put her arms around his neck, his belly between them.

Suddenly, they both felt both babies kick at the same time and they smiled. "See, they want to be with their papa" Satine said. "Obi Wan kneeled down and said "Soon, my little ones, soon" And he smiled. Suddenly, they heard a knock on the door and Obi Wan stood up. "That's probably my sister and parents" he said. "You go sit down, I'll open the door" Obi Wan said. "Alright, Obi" Satine answered.

Obi Wan walked to the door. He no longer needed the cane, but he still had a slight limp. He opened the door and smiled wide. "Mom! Dad! Madelyn!" He said as he embraced his parents and sister. "Obi! How are you son?" His father asked as they walked into the house.

"I'm fine" Obi Wan said. "And what about my daughter in law and my unborn grandchildren?" Asked his mother. "We're fine, thank you" Satine said as she embraced her mother in law. Obed walked up and embraced her as well, giving her a gentle kiss on the cheek. "You know, I don't know how my son ended up with such a nice, sweet, and beautiful woman like you, but I'm glad he did" he said.

Obi Wan rolled his eyes "My father, the comedian" Madelyn smiled "Ah yes, our father was born for comedy. I wonder why he didn't go to work in the Cantina as entertainment" Obed shook his head "I tried, but they already had a band, and there was no need for more entertainment" He then turned to Wanda "But I decided to settle down in Stewjon with this beautiful woman here, and I guess the life of a mechanic and a farmer were better" Wanda smiled "And of course, we then welcomed this little one into our lives and it was perfect" Obed said motioning to Obi Wan.

"Aww, dad" Madelyn said "That's so cute! But I have a question, how was my big brother born?" Obi Wan face palmed himself and Satine said "I would love to hear that story! Plus, it might help me get an idea of how it'll be when these little ones arrive" she said, rubbing her belly.

Obed smiled "Alright, gather around. It began a long time ago..." Wanda nudged him "Not that long ago Obed. I'm not that old" Obed laughed. "Alright, alright. Back when we were younger, I was a happy young man..."

"...and then we went back home with little Obi, and I really did not expect to be happier" Obed said as he concluded his story to which Obi Wan, Madelyn, and Satine had been listening to intently.

They all smiled. "That was a great story dad" Madelyn said and Obi Wan and Satine nodded in agreement. "The best part is, it's all true. The force, the Jedi, and this little one's mischievous ways" he said with a smile as he ruffled Obi Wan's hair as if he was a little boy again. Obi Wan laughed, but said nothing.

Obed stood up and said "Well, I really hate to break this up, but it's getting late, and I can see there's a few tired faces here, so we're gonna get going"

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