Chapter 9

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Satine and Padmé looked up as they heard a ship fly over them. It was Anakin's ship. They looked nervously on as the ship landed and the door opened. Completely covered by smoke.

Anakin knew that he wouldn't be able to deal with the grief he was about to see. But he had a job to do and he had promised Obi Wan that he would complete the mission and would give Satine his lightsaber. He picked his master up with one arm under his legs and another supporting his back. The limpness of the body confirmed that this wasn't a bad dream. It was the horrible truth. With a heavy heart he walked towards the open door. Making sure Ashoka had already left, he walked out to face the reality of the horrible nightmare.

Satine heard someone walking down the platform. The smoke parted and they were able to see Anakin walking. She heard Padmé sigh in relief and Satine started to feel less nervous. Anakin seemed to be limping, so she thought that Obi Wan was alright. If Anakin is limping, then he must be the one who is injured she thought. Sadly, she didn't know how wrong she really was.

Anakin saw the look of relief on Padmé and Satine's faces. He noticed that he was limping and a thought came to his head Oh no. Satine thinks I'm injured and Obi Wan is alright. She thinks that they will continue with their plan of getting married today. As he thought that, he felt tears roll down his cheeks as he walked through the curtain of smoke that kept the truth hidden.

Satine couldn't wait to see Obi Wan again. Until Anakin walked out of the thick curtain of smoke. She first saw Anakin looking down, crying. And then she saw Obi Wan. Anakin was carrying him, and he looked... No! Her mind screamed. This couldn't be happening, not on their wedding day! The medics brought out a stretcher where Anakin laid Obi Wan gently down. Satine felt herself running towards them, feeling a lump in her throat. Anakin stood in front of her and handed her Obi Wan's lightsaber, which she took. " I'm so sorry Satine" Anakin said, his voice cracking. " No!" Satine yelled out as she reached Obi Wan. He was shirtless, his torso covered in bandages. His head was covered too, and his leg and arm were as well. But he wasn't moving. She fell to her knees next to him, and sobbed. She grabbed his hand, and felt the coldness of his skin and knew. She knew her fiancee was no more. " Please tell me it's not true" Satine told Anakin. He looked away and said " I'm  so sorry". Satine felt her world crumbling down to pieces, and she placed her head on Obi Wan's chest and sobbed. What am I going to do now?  She thought, as she sobbed, wishing to be out of this nightmare.

Anakin turned away from Satine, all his composure gone. He couldn't bear to hear Satine's heart breaking sobs, but that was all he could hear. He put his head in his hands as he slowly fell to a sitting position and he cried as well. He heard footsteps and looked up to see Mace Windu, Master Yoda, and Senator Bail Organa walking towards him. Their eyes confirmed that they too felt grief and he could see that Senator Organa had tears on his cheeks.                                                                

" Young Skywalker" Mace Windu said. Anakin quickly stood up and bowed.   " Masters, Senator" he said. " How did this happen?" asked Bail Organa. " I... We were dueling Darth Maul and his brother and..." Anakin couldn't keep talking. He started crying and looked away. "Wait... What did you say R2?" R2 repeated his beeps and Anakin looked at R2 in disbelief. " What do you mean that you have it all on video?" R2 beeped his confirmation. Anakin looked back at the men, and said " Apparently R2 has the whole...incident on a hologram video" said Anakin his voice cracking again, not believing that it was possible. "Can he play it?" asked Mace Windu. "Yes" said Anakin. "R2, please play the hologram" R2 beeped "Yes". Anakin braced himself to watch the duel again, not wanting to break down in front of Padmé, or the senator, or the chancellor who had just appeared, or his masters. But he knew he wouldn't be strong enough, but he just hoped for the best, if there still was the best.

Hey guys! Thanks for all your support and for all your help. Ill keep updating and chapter 10 is coming soon!(〜^∇^)〜

 Ill keep updating and chapter 10 is coming soon!(〜^∇^)〜

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