Chapter 6

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On their trip to Mandalore, Obi Wan couldn't stop thinking about his dream and Satine's. Could they be connected? He thought. He also thought about what Master Yoda had said. " Great danger I sense for you and those you love". What could it all mean? Soon, he would find out.

Pretty soon, they landed in Mandalore. They were near the palace, but far enough to not cause any commotion. " Are you ready master?" " For what, the fight?" " No, so you can return to Satine as her Knight in shining armor" " Oh, shut up Anakin" Obi Wan said as they got off and sneaked through the woods to the back entrance of the palace. Curiously, it wasn't guarded, making both Jedi uneasy.

Once inside, they stuck to the shadows as they approached the throne room, disposing of what few guards spotted them. They found the throne room to be open, and inside stood Darth Maul, his brother Savage, and a few guards, presumably officers. As they snuck inside, the doors closed behind them, locking them all inside. Both Jedi ignited their lightsabers, and quickly disposed of the officers with Darth Maul looking on.

" We meet again, Kenobi" he said. " And I see you brought along your useless padawan". At this Anakin flinched, but said nothing. " We have come to take Mandalore back" Obi Wan said. " And defeat you" said Anakin, earning him an exasperated look from Obi Wan. " We'll see about that" said Darth Maul, as he and his brother ignited their sabers and all four clashed into battle.

Satine hadn't been able to sleep right in the past few days, her usual composure gone. " Don't worry, Satine. They'll be back in a few days and they won't have to leave for a while" Padmé tried to reassure her friend. " I know, but I can't shake the feeling that something is wrong" Satine said. " You worry too much" Padmé said. " I do, don't I?" although she couldn't shake the pit of fear in her stomach, fearing for her fiance's and her friend's husband's safety.

Obi Wan and Anakin fought well, but they were getting tired. These two could fight well, and it took all their concentration just to block an attack. Obi Wan forced pushed Savage, and he ran up to him, his lightsaber raised, when Savage brought out a blaster and shot him in the leg. Obi Wan fell to one knee, fighting the pain, when Savage shot him again in the side. Dropping his lightsaber, Obi Wan clutched his side, overwhelmed by the pain he was feeling. Anakin saw his injured master and quickly tried to get to him, but was unable too because Darth Maul pressured him to keep fighting. Savage walked up and kicked the Jedi master in the face, breaking his nose, and splattering blood everywhere. As Obi Wan fell, he hit his head on something sharp, grazing his forehead. Savage came up, and he ignited his red lightsaber, obviously preparing to finish Obi Wan off. As he brought his lightsaber down, Obi Wan used the force and called to his lightsaber, barely blocking the blow. Savage pushed down, causing Obi Wan's lightsaber to slowly come closer to his neck. As Savage pushed down, Obi Wan saw a slight movement on the roof, and in an instant Savage was off of him, sprawled on the floor, a hole in his head, dead. As he fell, Savage's lightsaber cut Obi Wan's arm, almost cutting it off. " Aughhhh!!" Obi Wan yelled out.

Anakin heard the blaster shot and saw Savage fall dead, and heard his master yell out in pain just as Darth Maul did too. He flew into a rage of grief, as he swung at Anakin again and again. Only once did Anakin let his guard down, and Darth Maul force pushed him into the wall behind him. He walked to him, and kicked Anakin's lightsaber away from reach. He said " Who was that?!" " I don't know!" Anakin said. " Tell me or I will kill you and then your master!!" " I don't know, I swear, it was only us two on the ship" Anakin said, the fear in his voice unmistakable. " You leave me no choice" said Darth Maul. He ignited his darksaber and backed away. He was ready to charge.

At that moment, Obi Wan saw the danger Anakin was in. He looked at his wounds, and saw that he was bleeding too much. He knew he had two choices. He could let Darth Maul kill Anakin and then kill him or....
Obi Wan knew instantly what he had to do. I'm sorry I won't be there for the birth of our children, Satine he thought. He got up and ran towards Anakin and Darth Maul. As he ran, he felt the force running through his veins and it seemed like everything else was in slow motion.

He saw Anakin raise his hands defensively, saw Darth Maul run at full speed, and he knew someone was going to die right at that instant.

Darth Maul ran towards Anakin. He heard Obi Wan yell out " NO!!", but he didn't stop. He impaled the Jedi right through the stomach. Saw the fear, shock, and pain in his eyes. But he didn't care. He just laughed evilly, knowing of the damage he had caused.

Anakin could feel the heat of the darksaber, how close it was to his skin. But something was wrong. It wasn't through him, but it felt so close. He brought down his hands in time to see Darth Maul pull out his darksaber out of Obi Wan's torso. " Noooo!!!" yelled out Anakin as he saw his master fall to his knees and then collapse. " No, No, NO!" Anakin said. He reached his wounded master and saw all the pain he had endured. All the injuries he had. " Master, don't leave me" whispered Anakin. " Anakin...listen" Obi Wan said. " Don't worry about me. Go and fight. And tell Satine I love her and our children". Anakin could see the tears in his master's eyes. He could see the pain he was trying to hide. And he knew he was losing him. I won't lose you like I lost my mother Anakin thought. He stood and faced Darth Maul. He picked up his master's lightsaber and charged at the sith.

Satine and Padmé were talking about baby names when Satine felt a strange sensation. And although she wasn't force sensitive, she immediately knew what it meant. " Obi Wan is in trouble!" she blurted out. " What?" " He is!" " How could you possibly..." she was cut short when Mace Windu entered and confirmed Satine's fears. " I'm sorry to disrupt, but we just felt a disturbance in the force...and we fear General Kenobi and General Skywalker are in trouble". Both women looked at each other, fearing for the lives of their husbands.

Obi Wan could feel his strength leaving him. He was getting weaker by the second and he knew he couldn't hold on much longer. He thought about Satine and their unborn children. He began to cry. The last time he did was when Qui Gon had died in his arms. And I'll do the same with Anakin he thought. Suddenly, his life began to flash before his eyes. He remembered training, meeting Qui Gon, becoming his padawan. He saw when he met Anakin for the first time, battling Darth Maul, Qui Gon dying in his arms. The first time he met Satine and he knew he loved her. Battling Count Dooku and him and Anakin getting hurt. Meeting Ashoka. The first kiss he gave Satine. Finding out the no attachment rule wasn't in effect anymore. Proposing to Satine. Finding out that he would soon be a father to twins. All these memories jumbled up in his mind as the world darkened around him.

Anakin felt the force running through his veins, giving him the extra boost he needed to gain the upper hand. As both of their sabers clashed, Anakin spun his and cut off both of Darth Maul's hands in one swift motion, his darksaber landing a few feet away. Darth Maul looked scared, but then smiled maniacally, and started to laugh like a madman. Anakin had no mercy. He impaled him through the chest and cut him in half once again, silencing his laughter once and for all. He then ran to Obi Wan's side, not able to contain the tears that spilled onto his cheeks.

" Master, we have won, don't leave me now" Anakin pleaded. " Anakin...always remember that you are the chosen one...and my brother" Obi Wan choked out. " No... Master hold on. You have to, for Satine, your children!" for once Anakin thought about Satine in a serious manner, and didn't tease his master about her. " Give...her my lightsaber...and tell her I love her..." Obi Wan said as his voice trailed off. Anakin couldn't say anything, he just cried as he held his dying master in his arms. " Please...hold on Master" Anakin said. He could feel Obi Wan growing weaker, and he knew there was nothing he could do.

Obi Wan knew he didn't have much time left, so he used the last of his strength to lift his left arm and wipe away some of Anakin's tears as the world turned pitch black.I love you Satine....

Anakin held his master's hand as he wiped away his tears, and suddenly he heard Obi Wan take in a sharp breath, and his arm went slack. " Master?" Anakin whispered. " Master? No...No, No, Noooooo!" Anakin yelled out into the empty throne room, as he rocked his master back and forth, knowing he was no more.

Soooo...yeah. Ummm....this chapter was really hard to write and I literally cried when I wrote the last part.😥😥😥😥 But don't worry! There's still more to the story, so stay tuned! Thanks again!!!😊
BTW: I know the video is about what happened in Clone Wars, but I wanted to use it to portray what Satine might feel when she finds out. Hope you get what I was thinking!😊

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