|Shot 30| • Jealousy II • |Jyatt|

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castlebowers My Jyatt muse. Always inspiring chapters even when I wasn't going to write one ♥♥ ~Jae👑

And is it just me, or does Wyatt ALWAYS look so protective of Jaeden he's like "No, Jaeden is mine, hands off THOT or I'll stab you, Jaeden's love belongs to me, go away"

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"So guys, um...Jack invited me over, so I'm gonna go talk to him"

"Okay bye" I said quickly.

"Wyatt, look...I don't like Jaeden, okay? I'm sorry. You don't hate me, do you?" Finn asked sadly.

"A little" I mumbled.


"No. But if you touch him again, I'll kill you"

"Well, if you look at the time I think I should be leaving, bye guys" Finn glanced at his watch as he turned his heels away from Jaeden and I.

"Smartass" I scoffed, and watched Finn wave as he left.

"Wyatt, come on, I'm all yours. Besides, that idiot is in love with Jack" Jaeden giggled, trying to calm me.

"Hmmn" I grumbled. "All mine, huh?"

I pulled him close and raised my eyebrows.

"Yes, idiot" he smiled.

"Show me" I whispered in his ear, and nibbled it.

I could feel him tremble underneath my hands that found their way to his waist. He grinned at me, and I mirrored it. I moved my lips to his and he kissed back. His lips moved against mine sweetly and in sync, and I deepened the kiss by pulling him close enough that our chests were touching and his hands roamed my curls.

I picked him up and he wrapped his legs around my waist and his arms around my neck. I carried him to his bed where I laid between his legs and started grinding, earning moans of pleasure from him as he tugged my hair.

That, and his nibbles on my lip, drove me crazy with arousal, the whole moment getting heated instantly.

Jaeden moved his neck so that I could taste his tender skin. I trailed my lips all up and down his neck, searching for his sweet spot and once I found it, he moaned underneath me.

"Ah, ahh, right there, Wy, ahh"

I smirked triumphantly against his tender skin as I sucked on his sweet spot. Jaeden began moaning loud, and I left little purple bruises on his neck, claiming him as mine.

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