~Chapter Three~

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Nanshe's POV

We took off in a flurry of bubbles. My throat tightened at the reminder, and the other girl obviously noticed.

"Hey, are you okay?" She took my hand and rubbed my back. My face became a furnace, and I slided away from her.

Anuket's POV

The dolphins began swimming fast, faster, and then the fastest I had ever gone. Was this what it was like to be on a rollercoaster? I noticed the girl got really tense and looked as red as a lobster.

"Hey, are you okay?" I comforted her like I did when Mom cried after Dad left. It only made her more afraid of me, and she pushed herself to the other side of the seat. "I'm Anuket." I held my hand out for her to shake. She shyly took it and said "Nanshe" in a deep, quiet voice.

Nanshe's POV

I'm not good at making friends. And out of all the people to meet, why did it have to be this Anuket, and the King?

"Are you nervous?" Her sound was bouncy and bubbly, just like another preppy.

"A little." I opened up. "What's your job?"

"Oh, I'm a polisher." She beamed and straightened her back.

"You seem proud of that. I'm a fucking gatherer. It's absolute bullshit. I mean, these bitchbags actually expect us to enjoy picking at that shit all day?" I grinned right back at her, and her face was absolutely brilliant. Her mouth hung open like a cavern, and her eyes were as wide as the enitre kingdom.

"W-what are your hobbies?" She recovered from her position of disgust long enough to make conversation. Damn."Oh, you know, designing outfits only using the colors black and red, scaring off preppies with language. I mean, I have a pretty dirty goddamn mouth!"

Anuket's POV

I was about boiling at this point. "Didn't your parents ever teach you any better?"

"What the hell do you mean?" She looked into her bag with little men with claws and unusual suits on it.

"I mean, your language is deplorable-"

"I think we've established that."

"-you make outfits that mock society-"

"Society deserves to be mocked!"

"Your parents didn't teach you any better?"

"Nope. My mother couldn't gives two craps about me unless I'm somehow alerting the human world of our existence."

"Oh." I looked at my hands and stayed silent for the rest of the ride.

Nanshe's POV

My chest swelled with pride when I finally got that bitch to shut up. Who was she to tell me about my manners?

Vedenemo's POV

I followed Veles out the doors and resisted the urge to give Delphin the finger after today's lecture. Then again, if I did that, I'd have to survive another lecture about potty-mouthedness.

I arrived into Daddy's meeting room. I breathed in the farmiliar scent of the spicy cologne Daddy always uses, and childhood memories began floating back to me. Diving into the red couch, admiring the new portrait of Daddy, and reading anything on the shelves that I could get my tiny fingers on. I ran my present-day hands all around the enormous library. I finally hit the smooth glass of the Forbidden Book. Nobody but Daddy knew what it was. It could be a treasure map, a family tree, or a guide to ruling the kingdom. No one had a clue.

"Vedenemo." I heard Daddy enter the room. I turned to see him, and as I was about to greet him with a hug, I noticed two other girls at his side. What was going on?


So far, I'm loving Nanshe. Who do you guys like? Rate, comment, vote, etc. etc. etc. Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah...



Okay, why are you still here? I said "BYE!" Shouldn't that be indication for you to leave? Sighhhh... I worry about you sometimes.

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