~Chapter Five~

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Vedenemo's POV

"What? Daddy, I can't do this!"

Nanshe's POV

"Fuck. No. Not with this little piss priss!" I pointed at Anuket. "The only buissness I want from you is to promote me from being a fucking gatherer!"

Anuket's POV

"You see the way she treats me? And my mother can't go by alone! And what about my job? It's my life!" I burst out crying.

Nanshe's POV

"You little kiss ass!" Ikatere's cries filled my mind again. "You have no idea what my brother and I have to go through everyday! And you're sitting here crying about your fucking job? What the actual fuck?"

Vedenemo's POV

"ENOUGH!" Daddy's shouts shook the room. I curled into the fetal position as the girls looked at their tails. "You girls must prove yourselves to your kingdom, and since I'm unable to leave, the next in line must watch over you two, especially with all that bickering. I'll allow you to go home to your families, but you must come back here tomorrow for the transformation spell. I thank you both for your time, ladies. Goodday."

Nanshe's POV

I got out of that room, that corridor, that castle as fast as my fins could carry me. That bitch... How can I spend so long with that bitch? I swam to the only place I felt safe: the dumpyard.

Anuket's POV

I swam home sniffling softly. I turned my head from side to side to see if I was truley by myself, and I pulled out a pearl from my shirt. One I swiped. From the palace walls. I broke down and sat on my sea floor. How could you?

Vedenemo's POV

I went up and around the marble spiral stairs leading up to my chambers. I opened up my golden doors and flopped onto my bed made of jellyfish heads. I got up only to lock the entryway.

Nanshe's POV

I flipped around my secret dumpyard, the place where human litter and abandoned clothes are found. One lucky day, I came upon my iPod, earbuds, and bag. Another day, I stumbled into the wonderful world known as comic books after an Avengers page was dropped here. Clothes that came from the heaven I later learned was Hot Topic were scattered all around, and I collected as many as I could.

I waded all around the deflated tubes, rusty bicycles, and rotten wood, but my senses could not detect anything. Shit. I had to go home. Mother was not going to be happy.

Anuket's POV

"Hey, Mom." I tried to smile and act upbeat, but I was never the actress.

"Oh, Honey. The King has already contacted me."


"And...I think it's okay."


"Well, think about it, Honey." I rolled my eyes. "You get to go on your mission, make history, and make some new friends on the way." She expressed her happiness.

"Fine. Just wake me up early enough. I can't go to the human world with my hair damaged. I need to give myself the proper treatment! Not to mention my nails!" I held up my glittery ice-blue nails. "These things need their oil!"

Nanshe's POV

I snuck in my secret passagway as quietly as I could. The moon was almost half at the sky, and Mother hated her sleep to be disturbed. Thankfully, the hinges refused to squeak, so I made it in okay...until I turned the light on.

I released my tiny bioluminescent jellyfish all around my room in our hut of sturdy sand, but the light stirred Mother in the next room. I turned around to reverse my bag, but the water was suddenly cut off. Someone, or something, had a hold of my neck.

"Why so late?" A voice hissed into my ear. "King Ahti wants you to be human, huh? Well, it looks like he has his wish!" She ripped off my belt, flashed it up in the air, and began beating, and beating, and beating. My blue-purple blood filled the room with its taste of kelp and seawater. She finally threw the studded waistband at me along with my X-Men bag.

"Get away from me." I rose up and stood my ground.

"You get your wish." She looked at me with the same disgust as Anuket, but with just a bit more... dissapointment. "You're no longer welcome in this house, bait."

I felt my room collapse in on me. I couldn't breathe. With one last demonic look, my former mother forced me out.

Vedenemo's POV

I woke to knocking on my door. "Princess? It's Veles. You have a visitor."

I sighed and opened the doors. My sleepy mood was soon woken up by the person at my door.


"Hi." She replied and began swirlng her tail around in circles. Veles left as I ushered her inside my room. "My mom kicked me out, and since I hate Anuket, I thought I could just stay here. I hope that's okay."

"No, no, of course it is! I'm so sorry! Why did she kick you out?"

"She said I was too human. I collect my accessories from the dumpyard because I love everything. The shirt, the necklace, the bag, the-"

"Oh my Royals!" I rushed to get my first aid supply and clean up. "Did she beat you with your belt?"

"Yes." Her voice was barely a whisper.

"Oh my Royals." I muttered to myself over and over again. "I need to tell somebody. Anybody. Your mom needs to be locked up! This-"

"No!" She almost shouted. "My baby brother! He'd have nowhere to go! Ikatere..." She fell into my arms and imitated the sounds of a crying infant.

"Shh... It's alright." I comforted her. I patted her back in circles, but she only pulled away and bawled more. "Here." I layed her down on my bed and covered her in weaved algae. "Just try to rest up for tomorrow. We've got a big day ahead of us." She nodded with her head turned away. I knew there was something else wrong. I just didn't know what.


Hooray for long chapters! So, what do you think is up with Nanshe? Will Anuket have to face the consequences of stealing from the palace? And will Vedenemo be able to harness her responsibility and leadership skills? Find out next in... DUHN DUHN DUUUUUUUUUHN.............. Chapter Six, dumbass.

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