Respect Is Earned.Not Forced.

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He's enjoying this. Enjoying the thought of me being absolutely mortified, I mean it's nothing to be in embarrassed about,I was simply just writing a letter. Yet somehow I am and he's enjoying it which makes this ten times worse.

"You know when someone greets you the polite thing is to greet them back" He says smugly and just as I was about to reply he continues "The rumors were right... being locked up in that little cave of yours did mess with your head"
What. A. Douchbag. I can't believe the thought of him being good looking even crossed my mind. Whatever I could care less. "Yeah maybe it did, but I could still spot a douchbag and Oh look at that I'm sitting next to one right now" I say without even looking at him. "Watch yourself little mouse, you don't know who you're talking too" Tom replies with venom in his voice, just like a true snake.

I'm not wasting my breath with his kind. Those who think they deserve the world and break any who don't give them it. I know just what his kind is.

" IS IT TRUE!! PLEASE TELL ME ITS TRUE!!" Ambi runs from across the courtyard while yelling
"First of all stop jumping up and down, second- what are you talking about" I asked
"Oh sorry- hehe, I'm just so excited, half the school already knows. I found out from Havana who found out from James who found out of Crystal who found out from Charles!!" " And don't pretended you don't know!! You totally called Tom Riddle a douchbag"

"How the hell? We literally just finished class" I say in shocked.
Class definitely just ended, I know because I could still feel the pain in my shoulder from when Riddle pushed past me.... Jerk.
" Word travels fast here in hogwarts. I can't believe you did that, I mean I can cause you did that amazing display of badassness two days ago, but I can't. You get me??" Word travels fast. That's something I should remember.
"Yeah I can't believe I said that either, he just said a really rude comment and it really ticked me off" I say rolling my eyes.

"You mean the one about you being crazy right?... Charles told me about that one personally. Don't believe him, no ones saying that, Everyone actually really admires you and your family. Because of you guys they were able to catch many of Grindelwald's

"Charles? How does Charles know about that?" I ask
" June. Really? You have the same class together, he was sitting behind you that whole time."
"Oh... well then I guess I'll have to thank him later." Sitting up from the fountain we sat on while we were talking, I look around.

" Sitting up from the fountain we sat on while we were talking, I look around

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There's no students here, they all left to their next class. It was just us two, but I have a weird feeling someone's watching us.
" well I'll see you later in the common room okay June? We should probably be heading to class now." Ambi says standing up too, my thoughts leave and I turn to her " yeah I'll see you later." waving as she walked away.

I should start getting to class.

Ugh I'm so tired. That was quite a first day. I can't believe that Tom Riddle, who does he think he is. Ughhh. I can't wait for dinner, I'm so hungry, I wonder what the elves have today?... Lost in my train thought I continue to walk towards the common room, but of course the world is against me and that's when I run into...

 Lost in my train thought I continue to walk towards the common room, but of course the world is against me and that's when I run into

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"Watch where you're going, can't you see that I'm walking here you idiot!!"
"I'm sorry! I wasn't pay attention!" I say . " Obviously. Apologize."

Ummm I literally just did.

"I already did." I say with confusion clearly on my face.
"Go on your knees and beg for my forgiveness. Didn't mommy and that dead little father of yours teach you any manners, when you disrespect a Black you beg for forgiveness..... well I'm waiting."

Who does is chick think she is? The Queen of England. I think not. Rolling my eyes I push past her making sure to hit her shoulder. 'OW it still hurts from when Riddle pushed me.... jerk.' I think to myself.

I don't even get two feet away from her when she forcefully grabs my arm.

" I- said- APOLOGIZE" she said grabbing my arm even tighter with every word.

"That's enough Black." I hear from across the hall. Ughhh I'd her kept holding my arm. "Tommy!! Baby! I was just coming to meet you!" Letting go of my arm and running towards him " but as you can see the nut case, was being rude to me" she say with a disgusting pout of her face.

"Yes I'm well aware, but as Prefect, I can't have you holding your classmates like that. Run along now, I'll meet to in the great hall" he says pushing her away from him. Pouting once again she turns and walks away not before giving me a dead glance. And so I do what any grown adult does..... I stuck my tongue out at her.

" I didn't need you to save me" I say noticing he still hasn't left.
" Oh i know. I did it mostly for Druella. That's her name by the way. Druella Black." Turning around I begin my walk back towards the common to meet Ambi. "I could careless."

"Look Athens, we got off on the wrong foot. Id like to make amends." He says matching my steps. Yeahhhh right. Like I believe that. "I wonder if Slughorn knows that his favorite student and Prefect is saying such mean and evil things to the sweet, innocent new girl" I say batting my lashes at him.

Suddenly I'm pushed towards the cold, hard wall. " I mean it Athens. DONT. Get on my bad side. I'm not someone you want to be enemies with. Trust me." Putting my hands on his chest I push him back.

Pointing my finger at his face "And sure as hell trust me when I say don't EVER put your hands on me again" I say with angry in my voice and hatred in my eyes. Grabbing my arm he says "Or what?"
Two can play at that game Tom Riddle.
"Or this! Jackass!" He lets go of my arm and grabs his.... you know.... "ATHENS!!!! You're so screwed!"

Now to finally go see Ambi and then dinner.

June:1, Life:1

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