Fool's Gold

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Little mouse. Little mouse. Who was he? What was he doing there that late in the evening? Did mother get the letter? Will I have classes with Ambi?Ugh, so many questions are flowing through my head right now. It's too early for this. Merlin knows I hate mornings with a passion. Trying to calm her mind, June glances down at my empty plate, food can't even fix this.

"Miss Athens, you're up bright and early, a great way to start the school year!" Turning her head June finds Professor Slughorn standing opposite of the Slytherin table, " How are you this fine morning? Tis a very beautiful morning, isn't it?" he states with a hand in his coat pocket and a smile too bright for this ungodly hour. " Goodmorning Professor. Yes, very much agree, beautiful day today." June responds trying to sound at least a tad bit energized.

"Yes, Yes, Ah Tom my boy!" Slughorn turns towards the entrance of the Great Hall, " I see your following in Miss Athens footsteps, someone, at last, has gotten here before you." June doesn't even bother looking back up when this so called Tom boy starts speaking. " Morning to you too Professor Slughorn, I do hope your summer was enjoyable." Oh god, a teacher's pet. June can't help but chuckle under her breath. "And you are?.." He asks sounding too sweet to be real, you could practically hear the venom beneath it all. "This is June Athens, my dear boy, I'm surprised you've never heard of her." Slughorn answers. " Well, it is only the first-day Professor," Tom says, swiftly. " Pleasure Miss, Athens."

Finally, June looks up from the table and that's when green and blue collide,

Finally, June looks up from the table and that's when green and blue collide,

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" Miss, Athen?... Miss, Athens?!" June hears Professor Slughorn calling out for her. Shaking her head a little she looks up at him " Yes sir?" " Are you all right Miss. Athens?" Am I? I was lost there for a minute, Tom looks just as confused as me, June thinks to herself " Oh yes, of course, sir," looking back at Tom "Pleasure to meet you Mr.Riddle" Nodding back he turns and walks away sitting at the very back of the table.

" Ahh young love." wide eyed Junes looks to Slughorn " No. No.. I don't even know him, sir." June states " Please, Miss Athens, you don't need to explain anything to me, but this old man knows many things, I've seen that look before many times, it's rather exciting really my two-star students." " Oh no, no professor--" June tries to stop him, but Slughorn cuts her off, " Be sure to invite me to the wedding, now that I have you here, I might as well give you, your times table for this year," he says handing her a piece of parchment and walking towards Tom, smiling like, Cupid, himself after finding a match made a heaven. Oh god.

                                              Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry 6th Years TimeTable - June Athens

                               Morning Afternoon Night

Monday: Potions/Arithmancy Herbology/Transfiguration Free Period/Study Time    

Tuesday: History Of Magic/COMC Ancient Runes Astronomy           

Wednesday: DADA/Divination Charms/Potions Herbology/Art

Thursday: Free Period/Study Time Divination/Duel Club Astronomy

Friday: COMC/Potions Potions/DADA Staff Meeting /Art

              COMC= Care Of Magical Creatures DADA= Defense Against The Dark Arts

" That sucks, double potions." " Merlin! Ambi, don't do that!!" Chuckling she sits down next to June, " Where were you? I woke up today and you weren't there." Ambi asked. " I woke up early to drop off the letter for my mom, biggest mistake of my life. Remind me to NEVER woke up that early again please." " Duly noted. " Ambi says laughing.

Piling in one by one the students begin to sit at their house tables, then enter the professors. "I'd like to begin by saying, welcome everyone to another amazing year at Hogwarts, Headmaster Dippet is away for the time being on business at the ministry of magic, so, for the time being, I, Professor Dumbledore, will act as your headmaster. Reminders from our very own caretaker, Martin Filch, please call him, Mr.Filch, the forbidden forest is off limits to everyone, anyone who goes there will be punished by any head of staff as see fit. Quidditch tryouts start in 2 weeks time, please see your head of house if you wish to join. I hope you all have an amazing year here, from the first years starting a new adventure to the seventh years, Remember light can be found even in the darkest of places, who knows what life as in store." Professor Dumbledore says with a twinkle in his eyes. When he finishes his speech all kinds of breakfast foods appear on the table in front of them.

" That never gets old. " Ambi says picking what seems to be every item bestowed upon them and placing it on her plate. June has to agree, that surely will never get old. Looking at everything June decides on waffles with blueberries, bananas, and coffee, mmhm coffee.

 Looking at everything June decides on waffles with blueberries, bananas, and coffee, mmhm coffee

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" Coffee. Coffee June? I'm so disappointed in you, what are you American?" Ambi says jokingly "oh hush, coffee is one of the simple pleasures in life." June jokes back. In the middle of the very serious conversation with Ambi.

June feels a tug in her mind, Legilimens. Blocking her mind, she focuses on nothing but emptiness, finally, it stops. She looks around and sees Tom staring back at her, glancing draggers at each other, neither willing to back down, June finally looks away when Ambi calls for attention. " Why were you having a staring contest with Tom Riddle, he's no good news June," Ambi says with a frown on her face. " Oh trust me, I can tell. Anyway, do we have any classes together?" " Oh Right!! Let's see-- we have Herbology and Transfiguration on Monday and Divination/Duel Club on Thursday. Wish we had more." Ambi says. " Yeah, me too. It's gonna be weird not knowing anyone today."

Standing up we start heading to class, we say goodbye, splitting up and head opposite directions. Having made her to the dungeons, she enters the potions classroom and sits in the second row, most of the students were here already so I have this table to myself. I call that a success, June: 1Point, Life: 0Points, take that.

" Oh Tom, my boy, you truly are an intelligent one, how ever did you know that crystallized pineapple are my favorite sweets?" " Well professor, I recall you speaking about it once very dearly at a Slughorn club meeting, what better way to start this year than with sweets," Tom says with a smirk. " My boy, you surprise me every day more and more, a lass take your seat, we won't want the students thinking I have a favorite, look right next to Miss, Athens." Slughorn says with a wink. Tom's smirk dies down "Of course professor."

Sitting down next to me, I don't dare meet his gaze, he's fool's gold, and I'm not about to mess with that.

"Hello Little Mouse."

June: 0 , Life: 1

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