Little Mouse

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"Welcome to the legendary Slytherin common room!" Ambi shouted while prancing inside

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"Welcome to the legendary Slytherin common room!" Ambi shouted while prancing inside.

This girl, I love her already, 

" Impressed? Yeah, you should be! Salazar Slytherin definitely out did himself ." she continued sitting on the couch near the fire.

Sitting down next to her I responded " He sure did. A little creepy if I'm being honest" 

 " Oh you don't know half of it, at night you can't even see where you're walking, to make it worse sometimes the giant squid likes to pop in to say hello in the middle of the night." She explains 

"Giant squid?" I asked 

" Oh yeah, since the common room has a lovely underwater view of the black lake we get to see the creatures up close and personal. So exciting." with sarcasm lacing her voice. 

" I take it Care of magical creatures isn't your best subject?." I joking say. 

"Oh shut it." she said glancing at me but I could totally see the amusement in her eyes.

" I'm glad-- I'm glad you're here June. Slytherin needed someone like you." 

the atmosphere changing drastically. 

"Someone like me?"

 " Yeah. Someone that doesn't know a damn thing about this stupid house and its stupid stereotypes, someone with a heart, that's different, unique." 

"Ambi.. but you're just as different and unique, I can tell!"

 sighing she says

 " Maybe, but unlike you, I've never done anything about it. I'm serious about what I said back there, with what you did for that house elf, you made her day June, hell you made her year. No one's ever done that, especially not a Slytherin. You're gonna make a difference here, I'm sure it."

"Thanks. But I disagree.." 

Confused she stared back at me. 

" WE'LL make a difference. You and me Ambi for now on till the end of our lives." Smiling at her I say. " You and me June. You and me." 

She agreed. And that's all it took, a train, the saving of an awkward soul, and a promise. Since then Ambi and I were inseparable.

After tossing and turning for what seemed like hours, I finally sit up on my bed

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After tossing and turning for what seemed like hours, I finally sit up on my bed. 

' I still can't seem to get over this beautiful yet dark place' i thought to myself. 

Looking to my right I gaze upon Ambi's bed where she sleeps soundly. 

'Lucky' I sigh removing the covers from my body 'Maybe I'll take the chance and write to mother.' 

Having grabbed my wand I tiptoe out of the bedroom, making my way over to the common room

"Oh my Merlin, I should have taken my jacket with me" wrapping my arms around myself in an attempt to warm up. 

Reaching my destination, I make my way over to the fireplace

 " Incendio" I whisper watching the fire come alive before my eyes.

 Sitting down on the couch I grab a hold of some parchment and a quill from the coffee table in front of me.


Hogwarts is just as incredible as I imagined it to be maybe even more. It's so beautiful here and I've already made a friend, her name Ambi Zora, I'll tell you all about her when I come home from Christmas seeing as I've just met her, but I know she'll be a great friend to have around. On another note I made it into Slytherin, to be honest, I was kinda shocked I always saw myself as a Hufflepuff like Father. It's so late here, but I can't seem to find where my sleep as gone. I hope all is well back home. How's did Jewels do on her first day at St. Mungo? Miss you guys

Love, June Everly Athens

Having finished my letter I begin to fold it and place it in the envelope, my movements sudden stop at the sound of hearing something move from the corner of the room where more couches sat.

 Grabbing my wand I slowly make my way over raising the wand higher with every step I take. 

"Who's there?" I ask trying to brave when in reality my heart's beating out of my chest.

 " Little mouse trying to be brave, pathetic." 

So it's a boy, what's he doing here? 

 " You're not supposed to be here. Were you spying on me?" I asked trying to see his features but all I could make out was his brown hair and suit.

It's the middle of the night why in Godric's name is he wearing a suit? 

"Why would I spend my precious time spying on you? And I have every right to be here. I am in Slytherin after all, I can come and go as I please. So-" He coldly replied. 

" I suggest you learn how to talk to your superiors, we wouldn't want the little mouse getting hurt now would we." 

Glancing daggers at him I decided to just turn around and head back to bed. 

"June." I turn to face him and see his hand extended with a piece of white paper resting there, my letter. 

" Wouldnt want you to forget this." 

Snatching it from his hand I turn back the way I was headed 

" Make sure it gets to mommy little mouse."

 I can practically hear the satisfaction in his voice, with flushed cheeks I quicken my steps and as far away as possible from him. Reaching the door to the room I gently make my way back to bed, once my head hits the pillow I already feel the need for sleep take over me. Closing my eyes, at last, I fall asleep.

What a day.

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