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You know that feeling you get when your sleeping and you hear things really far away. Well, that's exactly what's happening to me right now, all I could hear were footsteps and footsteps, some louder than others, some like the sound of faint raindrops. In a way it was soothing, that is until I heard. 

"Arriving at Hogwarts School Of Witch And Wizardry" That's when the chaos started.

Opening my eyes I jumped out to the seat that I somehow ended up laying flat on while Benny was spread out across my stomach. 

"MEOWWW" Benny hissed. 

"SORRY BENS, but we're in the middle of a crisis," I said while feeling the train come to a stop. tripping over my feet, I hurry to get my belongings all the while falling flat on my face.

 "Okay... Owwwwww.

Grabbing my robes I closed the window shutters and lock the door. 

"You've got this June, this is just a little setback, you're okay, you're okay." I tried to calm myself but it was not easy with the fact that the student's voices were fading meaning almost everyone was off the train already

Slipping on my heels, I remember to put on my necklace, the one that my grandmother gave to me after she passed, telling stories of the night sky was always our tradition when I went to visit over the summer, the day she died she told me 

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Slipping on my heels, I remember to put on my necklace, the one that my grandmother gave to me after she passed, telling stories of the night sky was always our tradition when I went to visit over the summer, the day she died she told me 

"Look to the sky, June, my falling star, the sky will guide you home

I miss her. 

Shaking those sad thoughts away I headed out of the compartment, the halls were empty, it was like no one was even on this train the only clue were the wrappers of candy all over the floors. 

Finally reaching the exit I step out, 

"Miss Athens?" a voice said beside me. 

Turning my head I see a pump man probably in his 40s, with brown short hair.


 "Oh goody! I'm Professor Slughorn, a pleasure to meet you, child! I was beginning to worry you've lost your way! All is well I see! Well, you will be taking the last carriage back to the castle. There you will find Professor Dumbledore, an amazing skilled professor here at Hogwarts, maybe not as skilled as me but still very skilled waiting for you!

what a weird man. 

"On your way, you go child!" he said waving me off to the carriage. 

Turning around I begin my walk to the horseless carriage waiting for me, not before hearing Professor Slughorn call me once more 

"Miss. Athens, I do expect great things from you, your grandmother spoke very highly of you."

Dumbfounded, I just stared at him.

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