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The next morning I woke up with a empty feeling.

I stared up at the roof thinking about Taehyung. I started to cry and I groan in frustration. I turned myself onto my stomach to fall asleep again with my face was into the pillow. It was Saturday anyways.

I started to cry more and more. I couldn't stop it.

"Y/n?" I hear a soft voice say from outside my room. It wasn't my mom's voice. "What?" I said really pissed off. "Can I come in?" The voice was louder. It's Jimin. "I look like shit." I mumble. "I don't care." The voice was next to me now. "Y/n.. Look up at me please.." Jimin says. "No." My voice was really cold but you could hear that I've been crying. "Come on. I don't want you to cry." Jimin placed his knees onto the bed so he was sitting next to me now. "I haven't been crying.."

"Come on. I know you have." Jimin pulled on my shoulder so he turned me around. I sigh loudly. "Why?" I ask him. "You don't need to cry over him. What he did wasn't fair for you." Jimin came closer to my face and wiped off my tears. "I loved him." I blurred out. More tears came into my eyes. I sit up and hugged Jimin tightly. He hugged me back and let me cry out onto his shoulder. "I- I had a t- thing with him and i- it wasn't even o- official." I stuttered. "I- I was the girl who l-lost her ring in the h-hallway."

"I'm really sorry for you." Jimin says calmly. "You're lucky that it's holiday though." He says and carressed my hair. "Y-yeah.." I sobbed. "Let's do something to make you feel better." Jimin smiles. "I won't be wearing any disguise if you want that." Jimin says and let's go off the hug. I nod slowly. "I will go put on some clothes and make-up." I got up out of bed and walked to my closet. "Can I pick out your clothes?!" A happy Jungkook storms into the room. "How many of you are here?" I looked with wide eyes at the jumping Jungkook. "Just the two of us. And Namjoon's still in the car." Jimin says. I nod. Luckily Taehyung isn't coming with them. "Jungkook calm down." I say and placed my hand onto his shoulder. Jungkook smiled from ear to ear. "You remembered my name!"

"Of course I remembered." I patted his hair. "Pick out some clothes for me. I'll go do my make-up" I smiled a bit and I go do my make-up.

After half an hour of doing my make-up and putting on my clothes we were ready to go.
Jungkook chose a tight dark red skirt with a black sweater with black tights under it.
"Where are we going?" I ask them while we were walking to the car.

"It's a surpise!! You will like it!" Jungkook said happily. He opened the door for me and I got in. Namjoon was sitting in the drivers seat. "Hey" I smiled at him. "Hey" He smiled back. Jimin sat down next to Namjoon and Jungkook next to me.

"Our manager isn't going to like this" Namjoon says while he was driving. "He shouldn't give us days off then." Jimin says. "Aish that's true." Namjoon says and parks the car. I didn't even see where we are. I was looking at Jungkook's phone since he was playing a game on it. We got out of the car. A scent of the zoo immediately meets me. "I hope you will like it" Jimin looked at me. "We are paying for your ticket!" Jungkook jumped. He's never tired, isn't he?
"I can pay myself." I crossed my arms. "No you can't." Namjoon smiled and holds up my wallet. "Hey! How did you get that!" I wanted to reach out for it but I couldn't get it.

"You're not going to pay for yourself." He says and started to walk. "Namjoooon.." I whined. Jimin and Jungkook pulled me with them. "I don't want you guys to pay for me." I said when we were standing in the short row. "Oh come on we have enough money." Jungkook says and smiles happily. When we got to buy tickets the woman behind the desk looked weird at me. I just flashed a smile at her. 'Maybe she knows bts or something... Why won't she freak out then..?' I shrug it off and walked further with the guys.

We kept walking till we came to the first animals, penguins. "He's gliding!" Jungkook says happily and pointed at the gliding penguin. "That one is just sleeping" Jimin laughs cutely. "Let's give them names!" I smiled widely. "I will call... That one!" I pointed at a penguin that looked straight at us. "Uh... Larry!" I laughed a bit. "I like Larry."

"And what will you call that sleeping one?" Jungkook asks. "Yoongi-hyung" Namjoon laughed. We all started to laugh with him "Noo that's so mean!" I laughed. After giving a lot of penguins names we walked further.

When we got to the restaurant after a few hours we ordered some food and sat down. We actually saw a few people freaking out and some people wanted to take pictures. They just let them. Everyone asked who I was. I said that I just was a staff member and that they shouldn't stalk us for the rest of the day. They respected it and they did as I told them. There weren't a lot of fans. "It's really nice to go somewhere without any staff members." Namjoon says. "Yea it is." Jimin smiles a bit. "Sadly enough everyone thinks I'm a staff member" I giggled. Jungkook gasped "Why are you so cute?!" He whined a bit. "It's too much to handle!" He pouted.


"Cute?" I laughed a bit. "Yeah! Super duper cute!!" He smiled. "Thank you, I guess" I smiled at him.

"Are we going to the 'ocean' soon?" Jimin and Jungkook jumped around like two kids. "Yeah we're going there soon!" Namjoon says. "Just stop jumping around.." He hides a bit in his hoodie. I laughed at his action "Why are you hiding? Aren't you supposed to jump with them?"

"I'm in the hyung line. I don't do these things." He smiled a bit awkward at me. Then something popped up in my head

 Then something popped up in my head

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I started to laugh hard.
"Y/n-sshi! Why are you laughing?!" Jimin turned around to look at me. "Nothing" I still had to laugh a bit. "Not so jumpy, huh?" I looked up at Namjoon again. "What were you thinking about?" He looked weird at me. "You, jumping." I laughed again. "You really want to see me jumping, don't you?" He smiles a bit. "Yeah!" I smiled widely. He took my hand and jumps and runs around with me. Jungkook and Jimin came to do the same thing with us.

Some people were looking strange at us some were filming it and some were laughing at how weird it looks.

Maybe this would be even more fun than I thought.


Idk why but I always laugh when Namjoon is jumping but it's soooo cute

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