Something personal.

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[This will probably be deleted unless I forget about it :)]
So this isn't a chapter of the book and this will be deleted soon. I just want to tell you why I don't write as much as I used to do.

I understand if you don't care then you can just skip this.

So to start off with everything..
If you don't really know me that good I may seem like a really positive as a writer and person. I am but I've been depressed and I still am for some reason. Sometimes it's all good and then some small thing happens and I feel sad again. The reason I got depressed is because I got bullied. That all started on elementary school. Literally the first year I went there I got bullied because of my red hair and I was so ugly and weird. (That's what they said.)

I got bullied.
One of the persons who bullied me is now trying to hit on me.
Almost every boy who 'likes' me are just using me because of my 'oh so perfect body' and just end up fucking with my mind.
I got pushed away by a lot of friends of mine.
I can't be perfect.
I never have any success.
My dad doesn't see me as his child.
And there are many other things.

So like my whole life has been fucked up. I came to the point where I started to hurt myself and wanted to kill myself.
Then I got in the 9th grade.
I promised myself that if it didn't get better I would still kill myself.
Now I'm in 10th grade so it's going better.
But sometimes I just fall back in the 'depressed' times because of one thing that goes wrong.
I have the best friends I could ever wish for and they help me a lot but I recently lost one.
(I won't go further on the details because I don't know if she will read this.)

I have a lot of fights with my parents and that's a reason why I don't write a lot anymore.
And no I don't get beaten up by them. They've never hurt me except mentally.
There was this one time my dad grabbed me by my hair but he's never done that before.
When he did that I got really scared and walked away for the rest of that day.
My father is the worst of them all. Literally he calls me names that you don't want to be called and my dad says all those things to me. Calling me a whore. If he could choose he wouldn't choose me. He would take another child. He loves my sister more than me and it hurts me.
Well, sad for him that he has to keep up with me.

Also there is this reason because of a boy that I don't write as much anymore. I had this big crush on him but, of course, he used me. I got all fucked up because of that. There are these parties where I use to go every year and it went wrong this year. I was drunk so I wasn't thinking properly.
He took me to the parking spots but a friend of mine walked after us because he didn't trust him at all. I'm glad he walked after us because who knows what could've happened? Y'all probably know the answer to that.

Enough about that little fuck because I'm getting angry again.

But that was just a short explaining about what's going on in my life.

Buttttttt to spread a little positivity here
I'm going to England soon so I will be gone from my dad for a few days. (Finallyyy)
Okay that sounds so bad XD but seriously I don't like it at home because of him.
And also I learned how to be a bitch to people so hands up to me.
Sometimes it's just that I don't have enough time or I feel depressed and all that stuff.

But because I'm going to England soon I won't have time again to write again so I'm sorry ;-;
I will maybe finish a chapter today for this weekend because I'm not going to school since I'm not feeling well.

If you have any questions or advice or anything feel free to tell me. I'll answer as soon as possible!
I think that's it.
Thank you if you read this and I hope you can understand it a little and I'll try to write as much as possible when I have the time.


Also y'all can call me attention seeker if you want to and if you think I'm just telling this for attention. I don't care what you think of me. I know that I'm telling this just to explain the things that are in the way.

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