Chapter 2

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Anna POV

Luke starts work today and I'm so excited for him and the rest of hem. I'm glad Noah took it well and that he's moved on. I can't wait to meet his girlfriends.

Today we are filming Show w/ No Name. It's Shayne, Olivia, and I. Then afterwards we're filming a video introducing Luke to the squad. Plus today is the day when everyone meet him. He's honestly is the reason why I'm not hung up on Noah. During tour he would always bring me food and invite me out with the cast or would make me laugh. I wouldn't say I'm in love but I could be. Plus, we're not rushing into anything which may have been the downfall of Nonna.

I stop at Jamba Juice and get everyone a drink. Including Luke. There are many reasons to celebrate today.

I call Olivia and have her come and help me carry drinks in.

"You told Noah about Luke, right?" Olivia asks walking into the building.

"Yeah, I told him at the dinner. He also mentioned that he has a girlfriend."

"Oh yeah. She's nice but can be a ya know female dog sometimes, but we all try to be nice to her since she's with Noah."

"Oh wow, well I told him that we should all go on a double date. Maybe I shouldn't."

"Don't meet her unless you have to."

We make it up to he office and start handing drinks out. We ended up making to trips cause the got drinks for EVERYONE. The cast and staff for Smosh Pit and Smosh Games.

As Olivia and I are walking up to the office we see a girl with Noah.

"Is that-"


"Wow she's so pretty and her makeup is on point."


"You don't seem so enthusiastic."

"She doesn't like me very much apparently I'm a threat."

"Wouldn't I be more of a threat than you since I dated him"

"Yep so just kill her...with kindness."

I laugh and set the rest of he drinks in the table. Thank goodness I got a couple extra ones. I walk over to her and tap her shoulder.

"Hi I'm Anna you must be Noah's girlfriend."

"Oh hey I'm Tiffany. I was wondering when I'd get to meet you."

"I was wondering the same thing. Oh here, I bought everyone drinks." I hand her the drink and she takes it graciously.

"Thank you. Your Noah's ex right?"

"Oh... yeah but that's in the past we've both moved on."

"Good. I don't need competition. Not that you'd be much of it." She smiles

"Ah...right well it was certainly nice meeting you. If you ever need anything ask Noah for my number."

She smiles and walks away.

Not much competition? Now I know what Olivia was talking about. She must really like Noah if she's scared that Olivia and I might take him away.

I walk over Courtney and see she's talking to Luke. Ah, what a handsome boy.

"So I see you've met Courtney one of my bestest friends." I say latching onto her.

"Anna I know i saw you yesterday but I seriously never want you to leave again."

"I'll try not to. I do have an audition coming up."

"Yeah she's gonna try to be in a big Hollywood movie." Luke says smiling

I smile before hugging him.

"Oh really. That's so cool! I wish I could sit and chit chat but we all have to be on set in 40 minutes and it take 30 to get there. Do you guys wanna ride with Olivia and I.

"Id love to what about you Luke."

"I already told Shayne I'd ride with him Damien, Noah, and Kieth."

"Wow talk about a squad. But okay I'll see ya there. Have fun!" I give him a quick peck before walking off with Courtney.

"He's cute ya know." She says

"Yeah he is. He's like perfect."

"Aww is little Anna in love."

"Hmmm I don't know yet."

"He's a keeper I hope to have a boyfriend like that one day."

"Of course you will. Your hot and your super funny and super nice. Any guy would be lucky to have you."

"Aww thanks. Let's get going we have a long day in set ahead of us."

As we're walking out Noah stops us.

"Can I ask you a huge favor?"


"Can Tiffany ride with you guys?"

"We have a full car already."

"It's only you, Anna, and Olivia."

"Actually Sarah and Boze are coming with us." Courtney responds

"No they're not they have to film other things today."

"We're actually taking my car and I haven't taken everything out of the back seat yet and the trunks full. So there isn't room. Sorry" I say not looking him in the face.

"Why do you guys always do this when she's here and now you even have have Anna doing it. Always leaving her out of everything."

"No we don't Noah you're over exaggerating ." Courtney says laughing a bit trying to make things lighten up.

"Let's not argue here in the end there's no room, we all love your girlfriend, and we have stuff to film so let's get going."

"Whatever " Noah says walking away.

"Has he been doing that a lot."

"Yeah. It's like he wants us to be close to her but it's hard since she's kind of rude."

"Yeah Olivia told me."

"He wants things to be like when you were both dating. He wants us to be close to her like we were close to you."

"But I worked here for awhile before we dated."


"Well whatever Olivia's waiting for us at my car so we should hurry."

"Okay let's go"

I'm sure Tiffany is a good person in real life but imma need her to be a bad person in this story....sorry to all the Tiffany lovers but this won't be a good book for you...yet.

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