Chapter 14

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read authors note at end please <3


"This house is amazing Joanne. How did you even find a big enough house in my price range."

"Because just like my card reads, I'm a miracle worker."


I'm standing at a huge house knowing that this is the place where I'm starting fresh. The old apartment has to many bad memories and heartbreaks.

This house is for me to star fresh with the people I should've been focusing on the entire time.


I had went into work today to start a new show with Noah. Its a show where I make random food and he try's it. We'll even have special guests to help cook or just to try it out. Good idea right. The bad part is we're filming a trial run. Since I'll be leaving for my movie I won't be able to film for awhile. In other news others have there own show ideas as well.

"Today's trial day everyone!!" Sarah comes in  and yells.

Everyone starts clapping. This much excitement hasn't been in the air for awhile. Things are going back to normal finally. As I'm walking to my desk memories of when I first started working here flood my mind.

I really had it made. I really have it made. I'm so lucky to be here with people who care so much.
Ian: even though he's extremely childish at times he really knows what he's doing and he didn't let Anthony leaving get in the way of doing business.

Shayne: he's probably one of the most caring guys I know. He's a total nut job at times but he's still one of my best friends.

Courtney: that girl I tell you! She's a girl I'd turn for. But seriously she's my best friend. When we first met and she invited me over with the other girls I instantly felt connected with them.

Olivia: Anytime I'm feeling down I know who to call. Olivia always seems to be able to put a huge smile on my face. Not too mention she always makes filming 10x funnier.

Mari: She's my mom. Plain and simple she's the Mom friend of the group. Except I can talk about more in depth things with her than I can my mom.

Joven: I swear Joven May seem really useless but I swear he's the smartest guy I know like the way his brain comes up with things absolutely blows my mind.

Wes: big ol cuddly Wes. I truly wish I set down and talked to him more. Anytime we've been around each other it's always been a blast.

Damien: He pretty much my brother. Like he treats me like a brother in a tv show treats each other. It's crazy but that may be his Disney side coming out.

Boze: ahh the lovely Boze, the girls whose names autocorrects to booze anytime I type it. This girl is my sister and I think it might be because of how relatable she is.

Kieth: Kieth is the guy I go to drink with and be sad about kissing our families with. We sit in front of the TV and watch Good Times while drinking beer it's honestly the most calming time I've ever had

Noah: My first true love. When I moved I didn't think I love anymore like I love my parents but Noah showed me something totally different but totally refreshing. He's my best friend, and I'm glad now that nothing will change that.

I've learned to let go and love here. Which is what I think everyone wants.


One more chapter left and I've already written it so expect it tomorrow or Monday. Also, last authors note I said Weirdest will be starting in January but I think I'm going to push it back further because I have a couple of books that I'm currently writing right now that haven't gotten any part published except the prologue. They are BTS books so you should go check them out even if you've never heard or listened to them before. One of them is a lil R rated so........ read with caution.

Also I just to say thank you to the ones who left such lovely comments in my last chapter. It made me so happy reading them. Thank you!

Don't be a ghost reader!

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