Chapter 11

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Noah POV

"Why didn't you get me when she called. You knew i needed to talk to her."

"Noah I was literally about to head out and tell but your too stuck up your own butt to get over the fact that she doesn't want to talk you. You know since you embarassed her in front of everyone."

"I actually can't stand anyone here I'm leaving."

"Fine then you'll never know what she said."

"What the hell Courtney"

"What the hell Noah if you want information you can't go and try to have some over the top exit. If you want something you can't let your pride get in the way of getting it."

"I could always just take the phone from you. With force"

"Isn't forcefulness the reason why we're in this mess. You not controlling yourself."

"Courtney. Is she coming back?"

"Maybe but I don't think it will be for long. We thought we had lost you to Tiff Noah. Now that all of this assault stuff happened things have changed. We didn't call the police but the bond and trust we had is long gone."

"We'll we ever go back to the way we were"


Anna POV

I got back from set and immediately fall on my bed. I think I'll FaceTime Shayne.

"Yo yo yo Shayne"

"You know I almost didn't believe you called your name hasn't popped up on my phone in a long time."

"I know I'm sorry about that. I never meant to disconnect from you all. It just happened to turn out that way."

"We miss you Anna but take all the time you need. Do you think you'll ever come back."

"I don't know. I was talking to Ian and I let it slip that I might not come back to Smosh. Of course I'll come back to LA but Smosh is a whole different story."

"Understandable. Well I hope you do Smosh won't be the same."

"That's what I've heard about a million times" I laugh but continue. " I can't really imagine my life without you guys. I never expected to you guys to become family."

"That's what I said when I joined to"

"Shayne is it bad that I don't really want to come back. Like would it be wrong of me to admit it."

"No. It's just a part of growing and maturing. Lots of things have happened to you in the last year Anna. Yes people will be mad and probably hate you but they won't continue to feel that way. Plus if you leave it's not like we'll ever see each other."

"Wise words from a wise man. You're such a dad Shayne."

"Don't you mean...daddy."

"I regret FaceTiming you now. Seriously though thank you."

"No problem Anna. So when are you coming to visit. I'll be there tomorrow."

"Wait what??"

"Yeah ummm just don't tell anyone. It's gonna be a surprise."

"And how long are you staying."

"That's a surprise. Even I don't know when."


So this is a very short chapter and I apologize for the lack of updates as well things have been crazy lately so I am really sorry for that. Also this was a major filler chapter.

Anyway next chapter will have a shout-out so..... spammmmmm meeeeeeee either Book 1 or Book 2 and maybe even both

Thanks so much for reading. Don't be a ghost reader!!

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