Chapter 5

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Anna's Dinner Outfit is up top

The dinner tonight starts soon and boy am I excited. Olivia and I went shopping a couple hours ago to buy dresses a trust me we will be the winners of best dressed. Everyone's invited including Noah and Tiffany but if they show then I know they're only there to cause trouble and I will not tolerate it. They can try to cause trouble all they want but I won't let them. I really wanted to at least try to be civil with Tiffany. If she had just let me explain why the pictures were still up this whole this wouldn't have happened.

I sometimes wish I had never dated Noah. Everything would've been perfect. We would all be friends and there would be no bad blood. I know Kieth and I's relationship will ebon she because he's Noah's best friend and same with Shayne. They'll side with him. I know I said they wouldn't but I haven't stopped thinking about it. If this situation escalates, whose side will they choose. I don't want to be the reason the Smosh Squad breaks up.

"Anna are you ready to go" Luke says

I sigh "yeah...let's go"

"Let's make a toast." Ian stands up at the end of the table.

"To Smosh. He ups and down that we've had this past year. From Anthony leaving to Anna joining. You guys are my family I love you all and I'm gonna sit down now and let Anna say something since the dinner was her idea."

Everyone laughs a little bit and I stand up.

"So as Ian said you guys are my family and we've been through a lot. Especially last year which I won't get into but thank you guys so much for supporting me. I want to give a big shoutout to Shayne, Kieth, Olivia, Courtney, and Noah, who couldn't be here, for welcoming me into this family and I don't think I would've stayed if it wasn't for your kindness. Ian thank you for giving me this job opportunity and always giving me surprisingly good advise." Everyone laughs " I love you al-"

"Do you really love us all"

I turn to the voice behind us to reveal Noah and Tiffany.

"Because the way you left 9 months ago shows otherwise."

"Noah don't start anything here please"

"I'm not starting anything I'm finishing it."

"Noah please I understand that your mad about what happened at my house but it wasn't like that it would just let me explain."

"There's no need to explain anything I already know what happened. You're jealous of Tiffany. You wish that we were still together. You're still in love with me. Which is sad since you have a boyfriend who is obviously with you for his own personal gain. You need to get the fact that I never loved you through your head and get over it.


"Anna, if you had just been honest with me..." Tiffany starts

"If you had just told me you still had feeling for him I wouldn't have cared because I would know your honest. But instead you talk behind my back and call me mean words. It really hurt me."

"What are you even talking about that never happened" Boze stands up defending me.

"Pipe down you ape."

"Don't talk to her that way and how dare you use a racial slur." Courtney says

"All if you shut up." Noah yells.

"No Noah you shut up. I invited you and Tiffany with hope for us to all be friends I had no other motive. Noah what is all this about. Is it because I left everyone Is it because I'm with Luke? What did I do so wrong?"



"You left me here all alone. As if you never cared."

"I had no choice"

"Yes you did. You could've taken the promise ring and we could've had a long distance relationship. I would've visited you and everything. But instead you just left."

"Noah what are you saying" Tiffany looks at him angrily

"That's why I hate you Anna. That's why I hate you so much."

"Noah don't do this please."

"Tiffany starts at Smosh tomorrow and I expect everyone to welcome her."

Everyone turns and looks at Ian.

"What I didn't know there was beef"

"It doesn't matter. Some of us are mature enough to work with people we don't like. The question is are you. Noah and Tiffany."

"Where's the fun in that. Let's go Noah." Tiffany smirks before pulling Noah out of the restaurant.

I return to my seat not saying anything. Everyone goes back to the conversations hoping to forget what happened but I stay silent.

"Anna, are you-" Luke starts

"I'm fine. I'm just fine."

"Anna I know that face don't do anything you'll regret." Joven says.

I stay quiet for a second before speaking again.

"I think work is about to get a little more interesting. If it's a fight she wants then it's a fight she's gonna get."

"Well then you're not fighting alone I'm with you." Olivia says.

"So am I" Courtney Mari and Boze say.

"You know this could start a full on war Anna" Shayne says

"I'm not asking you to join."

"I know that but for us who stay neutral what are we supposed to do stand back and watch our family fall apart."

"That's exactly what you're gonna do. If you don't want to be apart of it you get no opinion."

"Anna I don't th-"

"No Shayne. I'm going to do what I want. What Noah said hurt and I'm gonna make him pay. With or without your help."

I get up and walk away from the table before turning around and saying

"Whose coming with?"

Leaving the restaurant with Luke, Courtney, Mari, Olivia, Wes, Joven, and Damien. Leaving behind apart of a family who may not be a family anymore.

I'm back but with slow updates and as I said before this book is about friendship and this is just the beginning of the separation of friends. Divide and conquer right. Or so Anna thought 😏

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