Chapter 12

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please read authors note at the end for 2 announcements. Also I apologize for how long it took me to update and I also apologize for how short the chapter  is....


Flying back to LA today meant that I was going to actually face my problems. Face my friends, my career, and Noah. Gosh I can't wait to see Noah. I know he's the first person I'm gonna need to talk to first. Which I'm dreading to do. So now that I'm in front of the Smosh studio door I'm getting more and more nervous. My palms are sweating. Actually more than my alms are sweating. EVERYTHING IS SWEATING!

I'm contemplating whether or not I want to just leave and say I never came back but I know I can't and I know I won't. I walk in and I see no one around so I'm guessing they're recording whose posting that. I walk to the set and come and sit down in the back to watch. It doesn't take long for Shayne to spot me. He gives me a nod before returning to what he was doing. As the show ends I make my way up front .


A big group hug forms in the middle of the set. We all let go and then i go an individually hug everyone before making my way over to Noah. "You know what we need to do."

"Yeah. Let's go to the Smosh Games area they're out on a Smosh Games field trip."

We walk over in a comfortable silence but when we reach the room all the thoughts that I had been forming in my head all of sudden disappeared. We sat in silence for about 5 minutes before Noah spoke up.

"I'm sorry."

"That's it. After all of this sorry is all you can say. Noah i came back for this conversation. There has to be more to it than that."

"Anna I don't know what else to say.  I'm the one who started dating Tiffany to get back at you. I said I never loved you when I obviously did. I lied continuously and then made it worse by publicly embarrassing you and most importantly I showed up late to your performance last year. I know that that's where it ended."

"Noah, the past is the past. I was completely over all of that and I was ready to come back and everything be okay like it was before Nonna happened. I missed you while I was gone and I will admit Luke was a distraction. But the way you treated me when I got back ruined every shred of friendship we had left."

"I know and I apologize for that. Anna I know we won't ever get back together but couldn't you just give me another shot at a friendship and stay in LA a little longer. I'll make everything up to you."

"I accept your apology. I hoping to get my best friend back, right."

"You betcha."

We both got up smiling and we hug. For the first time in awhile things feel like they're coming together. But there's a few more loose ends I need to tie up. Then I'll be set.


"Hey Ian, can we talk?"

"Of course Anna, what do you want to talk about?"

"I'm sure you can guess and I won't beat around the bush either. So I told you I might quit and at the time I had lost Noah, been embarrassed badly in front of the people, being my manager since Joe left, and house hunting. Ian I needed a break but  can totally understand why you were mad at me especially since I haven't been the best team member. Plus I haven't filmed my show in like 4 months. So, I did hear you might fire me so I understand why you would want to but please don't. I want to stay here for as long as my career lets me. You guys are my family and I don't know what I'd do without you all. I'm so sorry for everything"

"Anna, that's very sweet. I do know you went through a lot and you're almost 21 now and that is a very young age to go through it all. Thank you for apologizing but Anna you were never going to get fired like I legally can't fire you. You have 2 more years on your contract."

"Oh my gosh Ian . Thank god for the contract. But if I hadn't had the contract what would have happened."

"Oh yeah you would've been fired when you left to Atlanta with no warning."

"I figured. I have to go now though I have more apologies to disperse."

"That's not surprising. Have fun!"

"RUDE! and I will! Love you Ian."

"Love you too Anna"


So I have an announcement....

This book has three chapter left. This book doesn't really need many more chapters because there's only so many things I can have Noah screw up so....There friendship has been reestablished .

For announcement number 2....

There is one more book after this one called Weirdest. It's going to be a lot of Nonna. ;) Sadly, I won't start writing this book till....January 2019..... I know it's a long time but  I wanna focus on my new book and not just jump back into this series.

Don't be a ghost reader... 


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