Chapter 6

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Day after dinner...

Divide and conquer. That's what i'm going for here. I'm sitting outside the Smosh office collecting my thoughts. What's about to happen, what will come from splitting everyone up. Most of the things I said to Shayne was just a show and I regretted most of it and I plan on apologizing to him. Maybe I shouldn't think about what I'm gonna do i'm just going to walk in and go with the flow. Yep that's what I'm gonna do. I'm walk in like a boss, and that's exactly what I did. Well, it was until I walked in and saw all the desks rearranged and everybody was standing off to the side including Tiffany who is attached to the hip of Noah.

"What happened?" I ask walking over to the group of people.

"No one knows. We're waiting for Ian to come and tell us." Kieth says

We stand around making conversation. i take this chance to make my way over to Shayne.

"Hey Shayne. I just wanted to apologize about what I said to you yesterday it was completely a bitch thing to say and I would never purposely do anything to hurt you in any way. I totally see what you were saying yesterday but I honestly don't know what else to do. I want to end all of this and I wish I could go back in time and fix everything but I can't so the the least I can do is apologize to one of my closest friends."

"It's okay Anna. I know you didn't mean to be rude but Anna there's always another way. just take the high road and be the bigger person."

"I tried that Shayne. I invited both of them to the dinner in hopes to put the past behind us and all they did was cause problems. Now I'm just taking care of it."

"Okay Anna. Just think everything through before you do it. I love you and Noah and I don't want anything to bad happen to either one of you."

"Okay. I won't do anything to crazy" I say. We continue our conversation but immediately shut up when Ian walks in.

"Okay so I know everyone is wondering why the office has been rearranged. Well I'm here to tell you. It's come to my attention that some of you don't get along very well. So I have arranged a seating chart to hopefully make everyone get along again."

"Ian we aren't in elementary school." Tiffany snorts.

"Well you sure are acting like it" Ian says causing most of us to laugh.

"So assigned seats. Each group of desks has a name. Under every desk name there's a list of people who will all be sitting together. If there's a problem then you'll just have to deal with it until problems are resolved also a new instant messaging app has been downloaded on all computers and you just use that to contact me but just a reminder everyone will be able to see the messages. The group list is posted over there next to the Smosh Games studio."

Every one walks over to the list to find there group.

Red Team:

Hell no. This isn't happening to me right now. Close your eyes a blink a couple times and you'll wake up. Just wake up and it'll all be over. Shit. It didn't work.

"Fantastic. I get to sit with wanna be 1 and wanna be 2" I hear Tiffany say behind us.

"At least I get to be with you Noah." She says before walking off. I make my way to Ian

"Do you think this is a good a idea. I trust you but I don't think this will end well."

"I'm glad that you trust me, Anna. His is for the best."

I nod and make my way to Olivia. "Guess we get to sit with each other."

"Yeah it'll be great but too bad it has to be near them to. I'm honestly so disappointed in Noah right now. He completely turned against and for what a girl that isn't using him for clout."

"Calm down Olivia. Ian says that it's for the best so we're just gonna have to keep an open mind."

"Awww look at Anna being all optimistic. I can tell you this right now. Whatever you plan on doing, don't even think about it. I've got Noah wrapped around my finger and he currently hates your guts. So whatever you do to it's hurting Noah even more."

I laugh a little bit before speaking up. "Since he hates my guts I don't really care what happens to him. I'm coming for you Tiffany and I'll do everything in my power to take you down. No matter who gets in the way. So let's have some fun."


I fall to the ground. "Ow, why would you do that."

"What?" Tiffany looks dumbfounded

"I just wanted to see if you and Noah were okay with sitting with us and you kick me. Why?"

"She what?" Luke says storming towards us. Reaching us and helping me up.

"I don't think I can walk. I think there's crutches in the prop room can you go get them."

He nods and walks away and I 'limp' to the desk before proving my self against and smirk at Tiffany.

"You bitch. I never hit you"

"And I didn't hit you either but that's what you told Noah."

Her face turns a deep red before she she raises her hand to hit me. I see a golden opportunity right here. I duck down covering my face.

"HEY" Ian yells next to Luke causing everyone in the office and turn to see Tiffany about to hit me. Like walks over to me and hands me a

"It's not what it looks like." Tiffany says stumbling over her words.

"Whatever Tiffany. Go home and think about what would have happened to you if you had actually hit Anna. I expect an apology to." Ian says.

Tiffany turns to her desks and picks her things up and everyone walks away from the scene.

"Anna I know you don't like this situation but this is my job. It's my income."

"Should've thought about that first."

"Oh well, karma's a bitch." I smirk.

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