Chapter 3

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Anna POV

"So was Noah actually mad the entire shoot or was he just faking it to prove a point."

"I wish I knew hes been like that since you left like he seriously needs to figure out his problem" Courtney says as she was a victim to Noahs rudeness during the shoot

"Maybe you should talk to him Anna" Olivia says.

"Would that actually help."

"He listens to you. Before we left he was only glaring at me not you." Courtney says.

"Well someone text him for me and have him meet at my apartment. You girls want to spend the night I still have some of your clothes tucked away somewhere."


"Okay he's said he's coming, oh god."

"What?" I say

"With Tiffany." Olivia says obviously irritated."

"Tell him it's important and hat she can't be there."

"Ok I'll try."

A few minutes later Olivia's phone dings.

"He said if she doesn't come I don't come."

"Well great. Fine she can come but when I talk to Noah everyone has to go into my filming room."

"Why not your bedroom."

"I don't want her in there besides I have pictures of Noah and I still in there that I haven't had to take down."

"Ok, well this should be fun."

We make it to my house and see Noah and Tiffany already there standing in the lobby.

"Hey guys how'd you get into the lobby."

"The receptionist remembered me." Noah says

"Ah okay well lets all go up."

I shoot Olivia and Courtney a glance before sighing and heading up to my apartment. I unlock the door and we all head into my living room.

"Nice apartment you got here Anna. How can you afford this?" Tiffany says

"Thanks and YouTube Adsense." I laugh

"You don't have that many followers to have this nice of a place." She snorts.

"I've gained about 2 milion subscribers since joining Smosh putting me at about 6 million subscribers.My gaming channel is at 2 million subscribers. I'm at 4 million followers on Twitter and 3 million on Instagram. I think my numbers are just fine."

I hear Courtney and Olivia laugh a little behind me.

"Maybe you can promote Tiffanys new channel." Noah says.

"Um, you'd have to ask my manager."


"No, my other manager. Anyway, anyone wants drinks. I haven;t stocked the fridge much but I do have water, lemonade, almond milk, and cranberry juice."

"Lemonade" Everyone says.

I walk to the kitchen and pour everyones drinks and put them on a tray before walking out with them. As I'm walking out Tiffany steps backwards and accidentally hits me making me spill all over myself.

"Oh my god, Anna I'm so sorry."

"It's fine, you didn't mean to."

"I'm so sorry."

"It's okay Tiffany. It's totally fine. I'm gonna go change my shirt and I'll be back."

I walk back to my room and start searching for a shirt to wear when I hear my door open. I don't turn around automatically but when I do I see Tiffany and she's not looking at me but at the picture frame on my nightstand. I don't even need to look at it to now what it is. Its of me and Noah at our anniversary dinner last year...kissing. We were so in love in that picture.

"Don't worry abou-"

"Save it. You know I was coming in here to show you I was sorry. Now, I don't care. You're still trying to take Noah from me. I'll make you regret this because you'll never be better than me."


"NO, I was going to start trying to get along with you all because that's what Noah wants but seeing you in these pictures shows that what you guys had can't be forgotten in the 9 months . I said you weren't competition before but now I think you just may be. I went and watched you guys in vlogs and you guys were perfect. So I won't let you get int he way of what Noah and I could have. Stay away from him. Or else"

"Tiffany these pictures are old and I don't know if you realized I haven't even been back in LA for a week yet and I haven't taken the pictures down because I left right after Noah and I broke up plus I'm in another relationship. I never said I was better than you but if you want to test that theory go ahead and try but just know you may be bringing things to the table but I'm the one who brought the table."

"You're such a bitch."

"You know what get the hell out of my house."


"Get. Out. Of. My. Apartment."

"Fine, if I leave you can kiss your friendship with Noah goodbye."

"I'll take my chances now leave."

"Anna what's going on." Noah says standing in the hallway."

Suddenly Tiffany breaks out in tears.

"She called me a bitch and then was about to kick me out."

"What? No I did not."

"Anna I can't believe you." Noah says hugging Tiffany.

I laugh a little. "Noah you seriously can't believe her. I didn't do anything."

"You all have always been hateful towards Tiffany and Anna I didn't want to believe that you were to."

"You know what Noah you can believe what you want to believe but I didn't do anything and if you want to take her side then fine but if you take this farther than this actually is just know most will take my side."

"Whatever. Some friend you are."

"Who said you ever were." Olivia speaks ups. "You broke her heart because of you immaturity and selfishness."


"Hey don't yell at her." Courtney jumps in.


"THAT'S IT. Both of you need to get out before I call the police."

Noah huffs before walking away leaving a smirking Tiffany before she follows.

Us three girls just stand there in shock before we all just collapse onto the bed.

"I can't believe it?" Olivia says.

"What?" Courtney and I say simultaneously

"We lost Noah. We just lost Noah."


So that just happened...Again Tiffany is probably a sweet person but I got to make her a bitch for the sake of the story. To be honest, is she really a bad guy like she just doesn't want anyone to take Noah from her. Just think about it a little bit.

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