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*Don't own pic*
Naruto opens the door.
"HINATA!" He hugs her
"N..naruto" she breaths out while she faints
"Naruto chill she unconscious" you place hinata on your couch. "Is she okay why did she faint?"
"Because of you..you idiot" you laugh "me??" He scratches the back of his head "yes, wait you don't get why" you looked at him confused
"Nope" he grins
"Wow he can be soo oblivious" you thought
Hinata opens her eyes to Naruto face inches away from hers
"Nnnaruto" she squeaks you push Naruto aside
"Hinata why did you come over?"
"tsunade-sama summoned you" she sits up blushing due to narutos intense staring.
"Okay Naruto look after hinata while I go to tsunade-sama office" you say while walking towards the door. "I'll come with you I'll drop hinata back home and meet you there" he swiftly picks up hinata bridle style while hinata is again knocked out by the closeness of them. "Fine be quick" you both dash off into different directions.

Entering tsunade's office you notice that Sakura is already there she looks worried.
"tsunade-sama you summoned me"
"Yes I have something to tell you and I'm guessing you've already met with Naruto he told me he was going to see you"
"Yes" you looked at Sakura in the corner of you eye
"Naruto is back?" She asked
"Yh he hasn't seen you yet?" You tell her
" he's coming here anyway " you looked back at tsunade
" Naruto is coming..good" tsunade stood up walking back and forth
5mins passed
"What is he doing (YN) he shouldn't be taking this long!" She shouted
"Aaaa he had to take hinata back home and he said he would be here as quick as he could" you backed up in fear
"If he's not here in 5 seconds" she punched the desk
"Baa-chan tsunade" he grins tsunade let's out a sigh
"Now that you all are here I've gotten information of Sasuke in a near by village of Konoha"
"Sasuke" Naruto mumbles clinching his fist
You place a hand on his shoulder "tsunade-sama you want us to go and bring him back"
"Yes leave first thing tomorrow morning"
"Hai(yes)" the three of you say in unison and leave.
"Yosh, time to bring him back" he looks at both you and Sakura
Both of you stay silent naruto realises and shoves his hands in his pockets. You wrap your arm around his neck and rest your head on his "Naruto I'm counting on you" you smile Naruto eyes widen then relaxes he smiles. Sakura does the same
"By the way Naruto what took you so long?" Sakura asks
"Well..hinata's dad caught me in her room and he tried to kill me!"
"Why were you in her room Naruto!" Sakura punches him
"Oww Sakura-chan i entered her room through her window, I was laying her on her bed she was still knocked out" he rubs his head
"Wait till I tell hinata Naruto was in her room" you smirked "anyway meet you guys at the gate" you waved leaving them behind.

You reach home take a shower and then lay in your bed
"Sasuke it's finally time" you smile and touch your forehead.
Next day

"(YN) are you ready yet?" You hear Sakuras voice
"Yh just putting on my shoes"(outfit looks like the image above pic ur fav) you step outside
"Ahh (YN) could Sasuke really be at the village" you could tell she was nervous but excited at the same time.
"He could be but he may not be the Sasuke we remember" you looked to the ground
"You know I'm surprised the last person he saw was you (YN)" she walked a bit further
" I thought it would be me at least" she looked back
You were confused "Last time I checked he didn't show any romantic feeling towards to you" You say loud enough for only you to hear.
You two finally got to the gate and met with an overexcited Naruto and kakashi-sensei reading Icha Icha.
You had a feeling that maybe, Sakura was jealous of your relationship with Sasuke, you guys weren't going out and you never thought of Sasuke in that way, but do you?

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