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Sasuke held your hand as the doctor checks the baby with the ultrasound. "The little heartbeat is adorable" you looked towards Sasuke his eyes fixed on the monitor, he had a smile you had never seen before.
"Looks like everything is fine, the baby looks healthy" doctors looks at both of you...
It had been 5 month since you found out, and practically everyone knew about it, Sakura wasn't being hostile towards you anymore in fact she was lovely. She had recently been making you a special pregnancy drink which was supposed to help with baby.
You weren't sure what was in it but it tasted good.

After the check up you headed home to rest. As you got inside the compound you felt a bit sick and decided to drink some of Sakura's juice.
It instantly made you feel better you didn't waste much time and layied down on the bed.
Your hands unconsciously move towards your growing stomach. "Hi..baby" you whisper rolling onto your side "mummy and daddy love you"
"Yes we do" you turn your head to see Sasuke at the door.
"You feeling okay"he sits next you "I'm fine just tired" he kisses you. "good, also Sakura is here she's finalised the wedding plans" for the past 4 months you allowed Sakura to plan your wedding, as she insisted and you were okay with it as you two were in better terms.
"Really okay" you slowly got up with Sasuke's help
And walked out of the room to meet Sakura.
"(YN) Hey!" She pulled out a folder
"Here are some dresses all you have to do is pick one and we're finished" she handed the folder to you, there were so many options but because of your stomach you picked one that would be most flattering for you.
You showed her the dress"great! We're all set for the wedding next month" she walked towards the door " I see you again when your walking down the aisle" she smiled closing the door behind her.

Wedding day
All the bridesmaids huddled around you in there dresses
"I look so fat in this dress" you looked at your self in the mirror.
"No you don't, you are glowing (YN)!" Hinata hugged you.
"I guess" you rubbed your stomach the girls left to stand at the alter.
You didn't have a father to walk you down the aisle sadly but fortunately you had Kakashi sensei to walk you. "Ready (YN)" you locked arms nervously with him. "Yes" the lace detail from your dress trailed behind you from your dress. You walked with Kakashi, seeing Sasuke fidgeting with his tie made you less nervous "Sasuke..Sasuke Uchiha is nervous!!" You laughed internally this made you feel a bit at ease.
Everyone's eyes were on you. Kakashi let go of you with smile as you walked to alter and stood in front Sasuke.
He's eyes widen which turned into a smile beaming with happiness.
He looked soo handsome in his suit, you couldn't believe that he was the man you were marrying.
You both said your vows, Sasuke slipped  his hand into yours and with the other he slid your weeding ring on your finger... before letting go he kisses your hand.
You place both hands on his cheeks planting a kiss on his lips. There were cheers coming from your friends which made both of you chuckle.

"I love you (YN)"
"I love you too Sasuke"

3months later..

"How are you feeling?" Sasuke brushed the hair away from your face.
"Exhausted but how is our baby?" You breathed out Sasuke looked down at the bundle of joy.
"He's fine, healthy adorable baby" he sat next to you on the delivery bed. You looked at your baby boy, he had the same raven coloured hair as his father but the same eye colour as you.
"We should call him Rin" (A/n:he will grow up to look like Rin from blue exorcist without demon features lol you can change name to suit you xx)

Sasuke handed Rin to you, you kissed his little cheek and he smiled in response.
"Rin.." your eyes closed your conscious fading

When you awoke you shifted frantically "Rin!!" You shouted and Sasuke came rushing in.
"It's okay he's safe..Your at home" he held you tightly.
You finally calmed down "where is he?" Sasuke helped you up and lead you out of the room.
"(YN)!" Naruto shouted, everyone was in the Uchiha compound admiring Rin. You walked over to your son taking him form Naruto, he was full of giggles.

After everyone had left you laid down with Rin in between you and Sasuke.
This couldn't be anymore perfect...

A/n: the next chapter will be the last one 😢

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