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Your still cuddled up with Neji, you slept good last night.
"Morning (YN)" he brushes your hair away from your face.
You don't want to get up, judging by the number of voices you herd outside the room you figured everyone must be awake by now...including Hinata!

If Hinata saw the two of you like this? What would she think of you,since she knew how you felt about Sasuke. Theres only one reason why you would be cuddled up with a half naked Neji and you in a t-shirt. You had to get back to your room as quick as possible.
"Neji" both your heads looked towards the door
"Neji do you know where (YN) is, she not in her room" she started sliding the door open
You looked at Neji he looked back at you with equal shock.
The door slid open..Hinata's face dropped she slid door shut and you heard footsteps running away.
You jumped out the bed.
"I'm going to go after her" you ran out the room.
"Hinata!!" She turned right and you followed
"Wait it's not what you think" you grabbed her shoulder
"Hinata listen to me please it's not what you think" your breathing going back to normal.
"(YN) what about Sasuke! How could you do that to him" she looked away
"No we didn't do anything I promise" she looked at you searching your eyes trying to see if you were lying. She sighed "then what did happen?"
You told her the whole situation expect the part about Neji's seductiveness. You told her Neji's confession.
"Neji likes you" her face surprised
You smiled thank goddess this went smoothly.

You went back to your room. Sitting on your bed you felt guilty for staying in Neji's bed what would Sasuke think of you.. you wished it was Sasuke lying there instead.
"(YN)!!!" Hinata burst through the doors you jumped back.
"Tsunade-sama has summoned us"
You dressed as quickly as you could.
You entered Tsunades office. Everyone was there, this was odd?? "Naruto!" You thought what if something happened to him what if..if he's..there's no way he would die!
"Ahh (YN), Hinata, Neji you guys are here, listen everyone" she stood by the window with her back facing everyone.
"Naruto is on his way back" she got silent, you were relieved that he was safe.
She looked back "and he has a certain someone with him" she smirked
While the whole room erupted with joy and tears
You didn't know if you should cry or jump with joy.
A smile formed on your lips "finally"raising your hand onto your chest.
Neji looked at you, he knew your feelings were with the Uchiha but he was glad to see you happy.

You headed back to your house to pick up a few things.
Standing in front of the door you notice a raven perched near your flowers. There was also something attached to its leg.
You took the paper from it's leg, "who's bird is this??" You asked yourself while it flew away.
The note read: "Hope you didn't forget about me,
I'll see you soon" it could only be Sasuke who sent this. You smiled at the thought of him thinking of you, but that disappeared with images of you and Neji last night.
"I can't tell him what happened and Neji better not tell him that would be even worse" you calmed your breathing
When he gets back I'll definitely tell him how I feel.

Tsunade said they should be here in two days..you couldn't wait.
Time skip 2 days later
You made sure you woke up early this morning.
You headed to Naruto place, you brought food and cake to welcome him back.
You knocked on the door and heard him walking to the door. He opened it "welcome back Naruto" you beamed. He chuckled and invited you inside.
You both sat down by the table."your awake early (YN)?"he raised and eyebrow "I just couldn't wait to see you" you were still smiling, Naruto was stuffing his face with the food you made. "Ehh," noddles hanging out his mouth, "I know why your soo excited" He swallowed, he had a mischievous grin.
" I was there ya know, when Sasuke sent that note" putting the empty bowl in the sink he turned to you
"I know how he feels about you" he smiled
Those butterflies came back as you heard those words. So he did feel the same way as you, what are you going to say when you see him?
" the only thing is..you can't see him till he's released and escorted to the Uchiha compound" his hair covered his eyes. You were naive to think they would allow him to roam free, he was a rouge ninjas after all. "When will he be released?" "Midnight"
"How is he?" You looked at Naruto with sad eyes
"He's...he wanted to destroy the village" you were wide eyed. "What why!!" you stood up. "(YN)..its a long story but it's fine I talked him out of it" he gave a big smile. Judging by the amount of bandaging and bruises he had they did more than talk. "Naruto..Thank you" embracing him, at first he was taken back but hugged back
As the day went by more and more people visited, soon the whole gang was there. The room was filled with laughter the only thing missing was Sasuke.

It was getting late and you decided to leave early, you said your good byes to everyone, as you leave Naruto calls out to you "don't stay up too late" he winked. Naruto knew you too well, you winked back. You understood why he said this, as you had decided to stay up till midnight to visit the Uchiha, you wouldn't be able to sleep without seeing him.

Pacing back and forth in your room, you were so nervous. It was finally time. As soon as the clock stuck 12 you were out the door...

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