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After you and Sasuke finished eating ramen you decide to stroll through the park, you had parted ways with Naruto and Hinata.
As you walked you noticed that the village people were giving Sasuke weird looks, you looked at him but he seemed unbothered by it. You intertwined your fingers with his "let's go to the bakery" you suggested, he raised an eyebrow "your still hungry?" He chucked a bit " it's for later" you poked his chest.

Entering the cake shop,  the sweet smell of cakes, cookies, pastries filled the air, you could stay here forever. "Which ones do you want (YN)" your hands still in his. "Ahh..mmm there all soo good, I think I'll have the chocolate carmel cake and strawberry and cream cake" the lady at the counter smiled and put them in the box "(YN) you always pick these" she laughed. "They're are my favourite!" You laughed back, you reached for your purse but Sasuke stopped you and payed for the cakes.
"Sasuke you don't have too" you took the box of cakes from the lady.
"I do you are my girlfriend after all" he whispered in your ear making your face red.
"Thank you Sasuke" you kiss his cheek
Walking back to the Uchiha compound. You noticed that Sasuke was looking around a lot and had an irritated look.
"What's wrong Sasuke?"
"She's following us" you started looking around aswell.
"Who is following us?" You both stopped in front of the Uchiha compound.
"Sakura! Show your self!" He demanded, you were irritated now, was she watching the both of you the whole time?
She emerged from the bushes and walked over to Sasuke completely ignoring you
"Sasuke-kun sorry for following you I actually wanted to talk to (YN) to ask if she wanted to come to Ino's for girls night" she had a sweet innocent look on her face. "If you wanted to talk to (YN) why are you speaking to me?" She looked over to you her sweet expression gone "(YN) do you want to go" her voice flat, you didn't actually want to go but it would be nice to see the other girls. "Sure" you replied "be there at 8" she turned to Sasuke "bye Sasuke-kun" she winked and walked away.

When will she get over him? You watched as she left slightly annoyed you couldn't trust her around Sasuke you had to be careful.

Sasuke room

You put the box down on the desk Sasuke pulls you next to him on the bed, you rest your head on his chest listening to his heart beat. "Sasuke your hearts beating really fast" you look at him
"You make me..nervous" his hair covering his eyes, was he embarrassed? "Aww I'm actually making Sasuke Uchiha nervous" he gets on top of you
Just quick as you spoke. He face centimetres from yours, his eyes not leaving yours. He smirked and kissed you lightly and then on your neck, casuing your breathing sharpen, with your cheeks dusted pink.

He stoped kissing on your neck to your disappointment. "I can make you feel many things" your cheeks now a deep crimson. You kissed him wrapping your hands around his neck, he explored your mouth while smoothing his hand down your thigh. He pulled away and you pouted, he smiled kissing your lips "we can't get carried away you have somewhere to go remember" now you were regretting agreeing to the girls night.

You opened the box of cakes, you couldn't wait to devour it. You ate the chocolate slice first savouring every moment. You licked your lips which got attention from Sasuke. You looked over at him and he looked the other way, trying not to get caught. You picked up the strawberry cake and dipped your finger in the cream, you can see Sasuke looking from the corner of his eye. You sucked the cream from your finger slowly. Facing him you smirked "you like that" your voice a little seductive

He moved closer licking some of the cream from your lips "you sure you wanna tease me like that" his deep voice sending shivers down your spine.
"What are you going to do about it?" You playfully say leaning in to capture a kiss.
"Oi! Sasuke open up!" You Both look to the door Naruto was clearly ruining the mood.

Sasuke opens the door, Naruto peeks past Sasuke and sees you. "Ahh sorry Sasuke" he scratched the back of his head " Hinata told me that she's going to a girls night at Ino's so I figured why not have a guys night at mine" Sasuke sighed "Fine Naruto" Sasuke looks back at you,  it was almost 8 so you might as well leave now.
You stand up "Sasuke go and have some fun I'm sure the guys want to catch up with you" he walks over putting both hand on your waist "be careful (YN)" kissing you passionately. "I will"
You walk past Naruto telling him bye.

It was dark out but you could protect your self.
It wasn't long before you could see Ino's house in the distance.
You continued walking along the path till you reached the door.
Before you could knock Tenten opens the door greeting you with a hug.
"(YN) your here!" You walk in side, drinks on table and snacks.
Ino, Hinata and Temari hugged you , you sat down.
Sakura glanced at you taking a sip of her drink.
You looked towards Ino " how are you and sai doing ?" Her face lit up " Sai is just the sweetest I swear I will marry him someday" you smiled. "What about you and Sasuke?" She asked
"We are-" Sakura cuts you off "can we talk about something else" you looked at her and she avoided eye contact. "Ok..Ahh lets play a game" Temari suggest.
The girls night was fun but Sakura made it very awkward for you. When everyone was ready to leave you made your way over to Sakura "can we talk?" You thought that by at least talking you could make things less awkward between the two of you.
"About what" she replied bluntly
"Look, I know you still have feelings towards Sasuke and I'm sorry that he didn't have the same feelings towards to you but can we at least still be friends"
She narrowed her eyes at you "(YN) do you know how it feels to have your heart broken..to see someone you loved with someone else?" It was true you couldn't understand her feelings "no but-"
"No you don't so don't act like everything is cool between us, because the way I see it, you took Sasuke away from me" she walked away
"I guess there is no point in trying" You sigh, you told all the girls bye and headed towards your house.
Before you could put the keys in the lock you felt someone tap your shoulder.
Turing your head you see Neji standing behind you.
"Neji? Is everything okay"
"Yeah, I was just coming back from Naruto's House and saw you.." he looked to towards the ground "you and Sasuke are together now, Naruto mentioned seeing you at his house" "Yes we are.." you didn't know what else to say, Neji looked like he wanted to say something but was holding back.
"I'm happy for you (YN)" you could hear the hurt in his voice, you arms moved by them selves and wrapped around his neck, giving him a tight hug.
He's arms stretching across your waist holding you.
"Goodnight (YN)" he whispered, you let go of him "night" you close the door behind you.

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