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You woke up later than usual.
You decided to visit Sasuke, and hang out for the day. On your way to the Uchiha compound, you notice Naruto and Hinata at Ichiraku ramen shop. "Maybe they're on a date, soo cute" your eyes sparkled as you ran over. "Hinata, Naruto" you called out waving. They both look at you. "Ohh (YN) hey!" Naruto greeting you and Hinata blushed"H-hi (YN)" "Soo Naruto..are you on a date with Hinata" you teased. "Date!..Ahh yeah" Naruto reaches for Hinata's hand which Hinata replies with a squeak.
"Ahhh soo cute" your face went from cute to serious "finally you realise Hinata's feelings Naruto! And if you ever break her heart I swear I'll end you!" You gripped his shoulder given him a death glare. "Ahh (YN)-Chan! Your scary " he hides behind Hinata. "It's okay (YN)" she laughs, you calm down looking at them they were perfect for each other. "Alright, I'm off see ya" you walk away waving your hand.

At Uchiha compound

Walking towards Sasuke's room, you could hear Sasuke talking with someone. "A female voice," you thought leaning closer to the door trying to hear what was being said
"I'm fine, you can leave now" Sasuke seemed irritated.
"I'm just checking, I was worried Sasuke"
"That was Sakura voice! What does she want now?" You sighed knowing that this was going to be awkward.
You opened the sliding door, they both looked at you. "Umm Sasuke is everything alright?" He stepped towards you "everything is fine Sakura is just leaving" He looked back at her. She gave you an annoyed look, you giving one back.
"Look who's here now, you can be really annoying you know! Your trying to steal him from me is that it!" Sakura crossed her arms giving you a dirty look.
"Steal him from you?" You laughed "wow! You must be delusional because the last time I checked he wasn't yours" you walked closer to Sakura "you can leave now" you smirked, she balled up her fists ready to attack you, but you were ready.
"Sakura!!" Both of you jumped from his voice, his sharingan activated. Knowing that he was pissed off she left. "Sorry Sasuke" She frowned at you while closing the door.
Sasuke held your hand deactivating his sharingan.
"Why was she here?" You were still angry
"Doesn't matter she's gone now" he kissed you
You kissed back all that anger was gone now, "Sasuke..we should..go out .. and eat?" You said between kisses
"Sure" he leads you out of the compound
You both walked around till you reached Ichiraku shop "Naruto you're still here!" Then you realised it was his 20th bowl of ramen. You apologised to Hinata "Naruto you can't eat ramen your whole date think of Hinata" You clenched your fist, he looked at Hinata apologetically " sorry Hinata I got carried away what do you-" He looked at Sasuke and back at you. "Ehhh Sasuke!" He pointed to both of you with a cheeky grin " Sasuke you told her how you feel huh" he chucked Sasuke just looked away and wrapped his arm around your waist, making you blush.
"Ahh (YN) I'm happy for you!" Hinata smiled
You and Sasuke sat next to them. Naruto continued to eat more ramen but it seemed that Hinata didn't mind in fact she was eating more! You and Sasuke ordered.

He was looking at you in the corner of his eye.
"(YN)" you looked at him innocently. He captured your lips in a kiss, you weren't expecting that but you didn't mind.

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