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It's been over a month, you routinely get up dates from Tsunade and Naruto progress.
You carry on life as normal going on missions training..
As far as Neji goes You successfully managed to avoid him or at least keep conversation to a minimal when he happens to see you. He might have caught on, but he didn't show any signs that he did.

Unfortunately for you, today you could not avoid him.
Hiashi was travelling with Hanabi for some special training as she was going to be the next head of the clan. While they were gone Hinata would take care of the Hyūga compound.
Hinata suggest that you stay over for the 3 days they were gone. This was not allowed as you were not a Hyūga but with her father gone she felt a little more free to do what she wanted.
As for you, you didn't mind staying it would be fun, but Neji being there you weren't to excited about.

Putting the last pieces of clothing in your bag, you headed for the Hyūga compound.
You walked past the training area towards one of the main rooms.
"(YN)" a soft voice called to you
"Oh hey Hinata I was looking for" you waved
"Welcome let me show you were you will be staying" she linked arms with you, you could tell she was excited.
She lead you to one of the rooms near hers. You put your stuff down on the bed
"Thank you (YN) it's nice to have someone other than Neji here"
"No problem Hinata"
You knew the branch family was here, but you guessed it's different when you live around people, who have ill feeling towards you... if your presence here made her feel less uncomfortable than you would stay as long as she wanted.
After Hinata tended to her duty's, you were able to do the things you normal did.
You guys talked, laughed, trained just enjoying this time together.
After training you decide to shower and get ready for bed.
A few moments into your sleep you really needed to use the bathroom. But all the lights were out and it's not like you had byakugan to navigate in the darkness.
You were able to see the sliding door from the moon light. You exited the room sliding the door shut.
walking though the halls as quietly as you could, guided by the moonlight. Till you found the bathroom.
Once you finished you realised that all the sliding doors for the rooms look the same. "Which one is my room again" you whispered "it must be this one it's near Hinatas room...at least I think that's Hinatas room" you tiptoed to the door sliding it open slightly.

Looking in side you couldn't really see anything but the bed looked empty, and the sheets were not neat, so maybe this is the bed you got out from.

You creeped inside sliding the door slowly shut. Getting into the bed, it seemed that it was warmer on the other side of the bed so you slid closer.
You froze at the sound of breathing.
"Ohh no I'm in someone's bed!!!" You screamed in your head. You tired to stealthy slide back without moving the bed to much.
The person rolled over facing you eyes open and byakugan activated
"I'm sooo dead right now" you whispered imagining being gentle fisted out of the compound.
"(YN) what are you doing?" Neji sat up leaning on one arm with a confused expression.

"It had to be him of all people!!" While thinking this the sheets slid down exposing the top half of Neji
"He's not even wearing a shirt, is he even wearing any clothes at all!!" You couldn't help but think this, you held the sheets up in attempt to cover your blush, hopefully he wouldn't think you were having these dirty thoughts.

"Nnnothing" not removing your eyes from his body.
Neji slid closer, close enough you were almost touching. He raised his hand with your eyes following it, he grabbed the sheets lowered them slowly exposing more of his torso. "Do you want to see more" He whispered seductively against your cheek. You couldn't say anything he had you under his control.
Your face was 100x more red you couldn't think straight.
"I should have left already what I'm I still doing here!! But I can't move, my body is not listening" you thought. Lifting your gaze up to meet with Nejis eyes his byakugan deactivated, showing a mixture of emotions. You couldn't tell what he was thinking.

His hair was down framing his face you couldn't help but think how attractive he's become.
You would never have thought of Neji acting this way..you kinda liked it.

Your body wanted to experience more, you lifted the sheet over the both of you. You knew you didn't want to go any further especially as you had feelings for Sasuke but at the same time you don't want to leave.
You rested you head against his chest listing to his heartbeat. He wrapped his arm around you with the other stroking your hair.
"(YN) why have you been avoiding me" he continued stroking your hair
You stayed silent not because you wanted to but because you don't know what to say.
"I meant what I said that night at the village" he spoke softly. You remembered every detail about that day.
"Nej-" he stopped stroking your hair
"I really do deeply care for you (YN)" he held you tighter. You closed your eyes
"But I know how you feel about Sasuke...I saw the way you looked at him..the way he looked at you" he's voice cracked.

Tears were forming in your eyes, you knew you were hurting him. A wave of guilt hit you, you wanted to stop hurting him. All you could do was hold him tighter.
"I've liked you for a very long time (YN) but I was too late...you had your heart stolen by someone else" you could hear the sadness in his voice, what could you do to fix this...his heart was aching.
"Neji" tears rolling down your eyes "sorry" you planted a kiss on his forehead. his eyes widened, a soft smile appeared..

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