Chapter One

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A/N - Thank you everyone for getting me motivated to do a second story to Dissipate. And thanks to everyone who has been reading my stories. It's great seeing the votes and comments that you guys make. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the second book, Exposure.

"Just like that. No, no, you first. Me first?" I sit beside a sleep talking Stiles, eyeing him weirdly. I have a feeling I know what he's dreaming about, especially with the smiles and kissing noises he's been making, and I bet the dream is R18. We're in the waiting room at the hospital, waiting to hear news about Lydia. I was personally surprised when I had to drag Stiles out of the house to come here with me. I guess a part of me still expected him to be obsessed with Lydia.

A thought pops into my head as I look at the peacefully sleeping Stiles and I sigh in boredom. I quickly get up, going to the small shop just opposite the hospital to purchase a helium balloon. A very girly, overly happy helium balloon and head back to Stiles. When I arrive back to Stiles, I see him now laying across all the seats of the waiting area, his head hanging back off the arm rest. His neck is going to be so sore when he wakes up.

I approach him and kneel down by his hand, which was hanging off the seats and I tie the balloon to the wrist, not wanting to lose it. I could tie it to the hospital chair, but his wrist I know will cause some hilarity. If I keep hold of the balloon, I'm afraid I might fall asleep and let go of the balloon. I don't think the caretakers or the cleaners of this place would be happy about trying to get a balloon down from the roof.

"You're dirty." I hear Stiles say and I start chuckling. He wakes up, startled and he tries to sit up, swatting the balloon away as it hits him in the face.

"So, Mr Talks-a-lot. Who were you just dreaming about?" I ask, wigging my eyebrows. His cheeks immediately go red as he looks at me in shock.

"I was sleep talking again, wasn't I?" He asks, scratching the back of his head.

"Oh, yeah." I laugh.

"Okay, um. How did I get the balloon on my wrist?" He points at the balloon that keeps hitting him in the face.

"Nice topic change there. I tied it to your wrist just in case I fell asleep and let go of it."

"Well, if you did let it go, it'll give the cleaners something to do instead of cleaning up peoples' puke on the floor." Stiles smirks. "You still haven't slept since you got here, haven't you?"

"Nope. I haven't been able to."

"Come here." Stiles says and he puts his arm around me, bringing me closer to him. Well, as close as the hospital seats will allow me to get to him and I lay my head on his shoulder. We sit there in silence, enjoying each other's company, until I hear his stomach growl. Very loudly.



"I think I saw a vending machine around the corner." I say, standing up.

"Perfect." Stiles stands up and looks quizzically down at his wrist. "But I'm not taking this with me." He says sassily and awkwardly untied the string from his wrist and tied it instead to the arm of the seat.

"What if someone steals it?" I ask.

"It's a get well soon balloon. Who would want to steal it?"

You'd be surprised what people choose to steal."

"C'mon. I'm hungry and I want Reece's." He says and grabs my hand to drag me off. As we talk, Stiles speaks up; "Why are we here for Lydia? Even Allison isn't here as much as you are and no offense or anything, she seems closer to her than what you are. Not that I'm complaining or anything about being here." He says quickly.

Exposure - Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now