Chapter Seven

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"So, we go from living the high life of helping Derek and Isaac, who we have no idea if he's a hundred percent innocent, to P.E. class." I look up at Scott and Allison on the rock-climbing wall. Not actually climbing, but obviously flirting with one another. "If that isn't a down grade, I don't know what is."

"Come on, Claire." Stiles says, putting his arm around me to bring me closer to him. Somehow that's all he had to do to make me relax. "P.E. is not that bad."

"Stiles, you're talking to the most unathletic girl ever. And this is rock climbing, I have very little to no upper body strength for this."

"Even with that, it can still be fun. Let me show you. How about if you and I are paired up, we make it a competition." Peaking my interest, I look at Stiles, pleading for him to continue. "The loser has to pay for our first date." Oh-my-god, finally an actual date! I try and hold down the excitement that's ready to burst, but a wide smile breaks through, a smile which Stiles returns.

"What kind of date though?"

"Only the best date ever that is perfect for us. Tonight? I was thinking a double date with Scott and Allison, ice-skating. Then for another date later I was thinking Laser tag with pizza afterwards?" That is such a Stiles date, I almost laugh at how perfect it is.

"Think we can get ice-cream too?" Stiles nods. "Perfect. You're on." Just as we turn around to face the epic climbing battle of Scott and Allison, there was a loud crash, causing me to jump a little in fright. Allison is looking down at Scott lying on the ground from the top of the wall with a smirk on her face. I guess he was the loud crash.

"McCall." Coach chuckles, crouching down beside Scott as Allison descends to ground level. "I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy." Well, that's sadistic. Standing up, Coach looks around the room. "Alright, next two. Stilinski! Erica! Let's go!" I feel the disappointment hang heavy on my heart but quickly try and turn it away when I talk to Stiles.

"We're still going on that date." I say with a straight face.

"Of course, we will." He says before kissing my forehead and racing away to join Erica to climb the wall. Through everything that has happened recently, we deserve to have a night off, especially to go on a date. For crying out loud, I've had a crush on him for what feels like forever and now that we're actually dating, we need to do more coupley things. And yes, I know coupley isn't a word. For now, it is though.

Before I knew it, Stiles was already on the ground, celebrating his completion like the dork he is by pumping his fists in the air. As I laugh at my adorkable boyfriend, a feeling washes over me, making me feel panicked and short of breath, but for some reason it doesn't feel like it's coming from me.

"Erica?" The coaches voice cuts through my thoughts and I look up to see Erica stuck on the rock wall, hyperventilating and crying. "Are you dizzy? Is it vertigo?" No, it's not that.

"Vertigo is the dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear." Lydia speaks up. "She's just freaking out."

"I'm fine." Erica calls out through her tears. Just by that, you can tell that she's not fine at all. She needs to get down from up there. Now.

"Coach, maybe it's not safe. You know she's epileptic." Allison says.

"Why does nobody tell me these things?" Immediately Coach steps forward to help, but stutters as he speaks, showing how nervous he is about the situation. "Erica, y-your fine. Just-just kick off from the wall. There's a mat down here to catch you." Shaking as she does so, she kicks off from the wall, slowly making her way down before safely landing on the mat. Just as slowly I exhale the breath I didn't know I was holding, panic fading. She's okay. "You're alright. You're on the ground, shake it off."

Exposure - Stiles StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now