Chapter Eight

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I swear I saw him. I swear I saw Peter." I say to myself, trying to make sense of it all as a pace back and forth in my room. The image of the charred, burnt face of Peter constantly flashing in my mind. "But it doesn't make sense. He's dead. There's no reasonable explanation to why he was there."

"Claire!" I hear my Mum yell from down stairs. "Stop pacing, please. You'll wear a hole in the floor." I roll my eyes slightly and stop pacing, looking around my messy room. I really need to distract myself. But how? I really cannot be bothered cleaning right now. "You're doing it again, Claire. Why don't you come down here and talk to me, that way I won't have to pay for a new floor." I guess that works. I head down stairs, nearly running, and make my way to the dinner table where Mum has her paper work spread out around her in an organised mess, taking a seat beside her.

We sit there in silence, her working on her paper work and I bouncing my leg anxiously, getting lost in my thoughts once again. "Okay, now you're starting to make me anxious. What's got you so worried sweetheart? Is it Scott or Stiles? Don't think I haven't noticed how much time you've been spending with them lately."

"I know I've been spending a lot of time with them lately, and I'm sorry, but there has just been a lot going on at the moment."

"Honey, I'm not mad at you for spending time with your friends." She laughed, shaking her head. "Your grades are still at a high level, even your math grades are improving which I would have to thank Stiles for. I'm just glad you have more of a social life and being a teenager." I sigh in relief as my Mum studies me. "But I hope they are there for you as you learn to control your powers."

I sit up straight, eyes wide as I stutter; "h-how did you know?'

"Your social life wasn't the only thing I noticed. I walked into your room one night after work, just to check on you and your eyes were open, but they were glossed over with milky white. The only other people that has happened to, is your grandma, and me. Another Day-walker in the family. Although your powers developed much sooner than hers did, which means you must have been bitten by a werewolf. I'm sorry that happened to you, sweetheart."

"You're a Day-walker too?"

"Yes, and a powerful one they say. It's usually passed down to the women of the family."

"So, I was basically always destined to be a Day-Walker?" Mum nods and I take a deep breath. "You knew about all of this and you didn't tell me about it? Why? I've been trying to figure everything out, what I am, what I can do, and yet you knew this whole time."

"I'm sorry Claire, but it's not my job to tell you. That voice that is speaking to you with your out of body experiences? Listen to it, trust it. We all have one. It's her job to teach you in a way that it most beneficial for you. But that doesn't mean that you can't talk to me about what is happening. It's good to have someone there to talk to, who understands."

"Of course, I will, thank you."

"I know I haven't been there enough for you lately, but as you said before, there has been a lot going on. The hospital has been packed, from supernatural and non-supernatural causes."

"No, I understand. More now than ever. Thank you." My phone buzzed loudly on the wooden table, making Mum and I both jump in our seats. Seeing the caller ID, I answer immediately. "Scott? What's up?" I can hear Scott's heavy breathing through the phone.

"Stiles is coming over now to pick you up." He says in a rush.

"What, why?"

"Derek is going after Boyd. I think he is going to be the next werewolf."

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