Chapter Two

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"Stiles, Claire, you two need to get out of here. Your dad, Stiles, is on his way." Melissa McCall says before heading back out into the room. I'm still shaking on the floor in Stiles' arms so he guides me to my feet and back into the waiting area to sit me down. He sits down in the seat beside me, still holding my hands, worry evident on his face.

"Claire, what happened back there?" He asks in a soft voice which calms me, and I squeeze his hands slightly. "Did you see something?"

I take a breath before answering, knowing my voice will shake and crack with my answer, even though I don't want that happening right now but I know he won't judge me.

"I think I saw what Lydia saw and I felt this pull to get something from the drain, so I did. I think I was doing what she was doing right before she screamed and ran away."

I saw Stiles' eyes light up a bit when I said this and I instantly knew what was coming next. "What did you see?"

So, I told him everything that I saw, hands slightly shaking in his. "When everyone leaves the bathroom, we need to grab Lydia's hospital gown for Scott." I say afterwards.

"Already got it." Stiles says as he pulls it slightly out from inside his hoodie before tucking it back in. I laugh a little and was about to say something when Mr Martin, Melissa McCall and Mr Stilinski exit Lydia's hospital room.

"Naked, as in nude?" Mr Stilinski asks, obviously confused and Stiles and I instantly stand up to follow behind them.

"I'm pretty sure they mean the same thing, but yes." Melissa says. "As far as we know, she left here clothing optional."

"You checked the whole hospital, right?"

"Every last corner." The three come to a halt, causing Stiles and I to stop following but still listen intently.

"Nothing suspicious?"

"Nothing. She just took off."

"Alright." Mr Stilinski pulls the radio from his shoulder and speaks clearly into it. "Let's get an APB out on a 16-year-old girl, red head. Any other descriptors?" Mr Stilinski asks Mr Martin and before I knew what was happening, Stiles races forward.

"She's 5'3", green eyes, fair skinned, and she's actually strawberry blonde." Stiles rushes out and I step forward beside him, not being able to stop the slight hurt that entered my chest. How did he know all that about her and why was he so quick to answer? Did he know all this from when he had a crush on her, or was everything he told me before we got together a lie? Stop it Claire, you're over-thinking again.

I was snapped out of my toxic thoughts when Mr Stilinski is suddenly pulling Stiles away from the back of his neck and I hurriedly chase after them.

"What the hell are you still doing here?"

"Providing moral support?"

"Uh-huh," Mr Stilinski glances quickly back at me before looking back at his son. "How about you provide your ass back home, where you should be. But before you do that, I think you need to explain to your girlfriend how it is you knew all that as you drop her off back home. You think you can do that?" He says in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Okay, yeah, I can do that."

"Good." With that, he lets Stiles go and heads back to the others, giving me a nod as he passes and Stiles and I start to head out. As we walk we see a couple of maintenance men trying to pick up the broken vending machine off the ground and I couldn't help the wave of guilt that passes through me, but Stiles just puts his arm around my shoulders and quickly guides me away from them.

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