Chapter Six

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So, believe it or not, this is the first time I've ever been to the principal's office. I may have been Scott and Stiles' friend for many years, but I guess I've remained a good enough student to not get sent to the principal's office. I always thought that if I were ever to be sent there, it would be for something good. So far it has not been a good experience at all, especially if Gerard is our principal. I can feel the anxiety running through me, causing me to bounce my leg quickly up and down.

"Scott McCall." Gerard starts looking at our files in front of him. "Academically not the most accomplished, but I see you have become quite the star athlete." He says, obviously impressed by the large smile he gives Scott and Scott awkwardly smiles back before Gerard moves onto the next folder. I automatically tense up as I know it's my folder, not that I wasn't already tense before. "Claire Thompson. Your grades are almost perfect, but you seem to be struggling a bit in math." That's because I hate math. "And you're involved in a number extracurriculars, Drama club, Glee club, Writers club, however your attendance to those seem to be dropping. Now, why is that?"

I try and fight the huge lump lodged in my throat as I reply, but instead it makes my voice sound croaky. "Just a lot of things happening at the moment."

"Well, maybe think about starting them up again, or maybe start up a sport, it is good for you, you know." I nod. Why are sports held in such high regard? I wouldn't know. He moves onto the last file. "Mr Stilinski. Perfect grades, but little to no extra curriculars. Maybe you should try lacrosse."

"Actually, I'm already..." Stiles tries to say but is interrupted by Gerard.

"Hold on. McCall. You're the Scott who's been dating my granddaughter."

"We were dating, but not anymore. Not dating, not seeing any of each other or doing anything with each other - at all." I kick his foot, willing him to shut up. The first sentence was fine, and then he carried on, as if it couldn't be more obvious that they were still secretly dating. But somehow, Gerard doesn't seem to pick any of it up, even with Scott fidgeting in his seat.

"Relax, Scott. You look like you're about to crack a cyanide pill with your teeth."

"Just a hard break up." You can hear the emotion thick in Scott's voice which almost makes even me believe that they've broken up.

"That's too bad. You seem like a nice kid to me." Really? We're sitting in the principal's office for throwing a piece of paper at the teacher. That's nice? "Now, listen guys. Yes, I am the principal, but I really don't want you to think of me as the enemy." Oh really?

"Is that so?" Stiles sarcastically says, and this time I must kick him on the foot to shut him up, even though I'm trying my hardest not to smirk as Gerard carries on.

"However, this being my first day, I do need to support my teachers. So unfortunately, someone is going to have to take the fall and stay behind for detention." Not wanting to ever get stuck in detention, I look down at my lap, but it seems Scott and Gerard are looking at Stiles to take the fall anyway.


I make it home after I waited for Stiles to finish detention and I flop on my bed in exhaustion. Today has been a long day. My phone starts ringing loudly in my pocket and I groan as I fish it out, seeing that it's Scott calling me. Looks like tonight's going to be even longer. I sigh, I might as well answer it.

"Claire!" Scott screams into my ear, making me wince and quickly pull the phone away from my ear for a second. "I need you're help. Isaac is in jail."

"What? Isn't tonight a full moon? Wouldn't he turn?"

"Yes, that's why I need you're help to get him out. There's also a man who is working for Gerard who is also on his way to kill him with wolfsbane. Allison has already slowed him down by shooting him with an arrow as well as his car tires, but you need to get to him before he does."

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