Chapter 9

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"How did I just do that? That white light that came out of my hands, please tell me that was normal for people like me?" I ask into the blackness of unconsciousness, knowing the spirit of the woman is there, giving me the gentle hand of guidance.

"It didn't last long because you used your powers all at once. You over exerted yourself and that's why you lost consciousness. New powers will always take time to get used to. As for what the white light is. For the day walker it is a purity force. It is used against those with ill intentions, and gives them the feeling that they are burning from the inside out. But that is not the case, instead the impure motivations are getting burned away. Isaac will change eventually." Her smooth voice floats within my head, calming me instantly as she speaks.

"That's awesome. So, how can I stop the light from cutting short? I need to know how to control these powers so that I can help protect my friends. I don't want to be useless."

"And you won't be. It's all about patience, my dear. I shall teach you control over time, just like the others before you, like your mother before you. But for now, you must tend to that boyfriend of yours. He's growing more panicked the longer you remain unconscious. He's good for you, this boy. Don't let him go."

"I know. I don't plan on it. Thank you."


"Claire, Claire! Come on, open your eyes." Stiles' voice breaks through to me in a panicked rush.

"Ow." I groan, bringing my hand to my forehead and wince at the pain as I open my eyes. Stiles looks down at me and sighs with relief before leaning over me and placing an urgent kiss to my lips.

"Thank God. I thought something bad must have happened to you. I woke up and you were still unconscious. I checked your eyes and they were white like they usually are when you go away, but when they weren't, you were unconscious for a while. I was just about to call the ambulance. But you seem okay now. Maybe I should still call the ambulance. Are you okay?"

"Stiles, don't worry, I'm fine. I was just with Scott. I'm sorry, I'm still learning how to control it all, but I'm slowly learning." I try and sit up, Stiles quickly helping me as I struggle.

"Don't be sorry about that. Is everything okay with Scott? What happened?"

"We just had to run in with Derek's pack is all. A pack which Boyd is now a part of."

"Please tell me you and Scott kicked their asses. Especially Erica's. Bitch ruined my Jeep." I laugh and shake my head.

"After we both get hit in the head and become unconsciousness, you're still more worried about the Jeep?"

"Always." I smack him on the arm, making us both laugh at the joke.

"You better ring the mechanic, so he can pick up your baby and fix her."

"Will you come with me?"

"Yeah sure, I have nothing better to do." I say, a smirk growing on my face.

"Nice to know I'm your last resort for company."



I pace around in the waiting area at the mechanics, absolutely bored, waiting for Stiles to come back. I've already finished my homework, I've organised what I need to do for tomorrow which is something I've never done before. I've even emptied out the rubbish from my bag. What the hell was taking them so long?

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