The Summer That Changed My Life

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I got out my favorite bikini and the cutiest pair of shorts I owned. I had just gotten out of the shower and made sure I was well groomed in ALL places. I couldn't handle waxing. Madelyn took me once and I swore to never go back. I laughed at the memory as it seemed to replay in my head.

"Come on, Bella! Hurry or all the good spots at the beach are gonna be taken!" Kaiya spoke with urgency. She pulled me from my thoughts.
"Do we really have to go today?" I whined.
"Yeah. We have to meet Edward and Brian." She scoffed. She was trying to set me up with her boyfriends friend. I was not enthused. I knew nothing about this guy. What happens if I don't find this man attractive or we don't click? Oh well, Kaiya was my best friend and I didn't want to see her sad on the first day of summer. I put on a smile and had her tie my bikini top.
"Alright, but I'm not holding my breath about this Edward guy." I smiled.
"Yeah, cuz you'll be holding his hand. You're gonna like him." She smiled and hugged me tight. I grabbed my beach bag and a water bottle, leaving with my best friend in the world.

The summer breeze blew through my damp hair and tingled my shaved skin. I smiled at the warmth the sun was giving off and the smell of salt water in the air. Today was still going to be great.
"Ah!! Brian!" Kaiya screamed. She ran into his open arms and clung to his muscular form. I saw the man standing next to him and figured that was Edward. He was not my type at all.
"Hey, you're Kaiya's friend right?" A tall, tan, muscular man asked.
"Yeah and you are?" I looked at him and stared into his caramel eyes. They were a unique color and I loved them.
"I'm Edward." He smiled. Thank you Kaiya!
"Well Edward, care for a swim?" I asked and headed to the sand and sat my stuff down. I unbuttoned my shorts and slid them down my legs.
She was amazing! She stood there while Kaiya hugged Brian. She was either staring off into space or looking at the geeky guy in the blue swim shorts. It was now or never.
"Hey, you're Kaiya's friend right?" The minute she looked at me she had me hooked.
"Yeah, and you are?" Our eyes were locked and I would have done anything she asked me in that moment.
"I'm Edward." I smiled at her. She was stunningly beautiful. Thank you, Kaiya!

"Well Edward, care for a swim?" She asked innocently. She walked to the sand and set her things down. Before I knew what was going on she was sliding her shorts down her tan legs and dropped them onto her bag. She took a drink from her water bottle and some spilled onto her chest. That was on purpose. I smiled. She turned and signaled me to come to her with a finger. This was going to be the best summer ever! I walked to her as I thought about those lips. So plump and kissable. Should I go for it or should I play it safe?
Spilling water on my chest was definitely on purpose. I thought I played it very smooth. I signaled for him to come to me with a finger and shockingly he did. I smiled. This was going to be the best summer ever. I wanted to live loose and have no regrets this summer. I was going to be brave and ballsy. Right when he got to me I jumped into his arms and to my surprise, he caught me mid jump. He smiled and our faces were centimeters from each other. I let my lips barely touch his before I pulled away. He let me down and I splashed water on him and ran for my life. Right behind me I could hear the thuds of his feet hitting wet sand. I dove into the water and swam some ways out. Arms wrapped around my midsection and a voice was right by my ear.
"You have no idea how good you look in that bikini. The things I'd like to do to you." I turned and looked at Edward's face.
"Oh yeah? I'm living this summer with no regrets." I spoke before I kissed him. I didn't even realize that I did it until one of his hands was behind my head and the other was on the small of my back. He kissed me back before picking me up and tossing me into the water.
Well played, Edward. Well played. I smiled.
She totally just kissed him. I knew they'd hit it off. She was the type to make everyone else happy before she was. She was giving and sometimes she forgot to love herself while helping others. Edward was the same way. He grew up with everyone asking way to much of him. He was very romantic and I knew he'd treat her right. There was a little thing off about him. I couldn't place it, but Bella would figure it out. She was intelligent and beautiful. She never thought so, but behind her negative thoughts laid the fact that she knew she was beautiful.

I watched them splash in the water and he pulled her to him again, whispering in her ear. She nodded and they headed to the café just off the beach. I smiled and Brian kissed my cheek.
"I guess you're a matchmaker." He smiled, watching them like I was.
"They'll be in bed together by the end of the night." I smiled at that thought. She was 23 and hadn't been touched in 4 years. It was now or never.

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