I ended up back at the beach where everything started. The fight, me leaving, the kiss, this relationship. I stared at the blue water and then I heard her voice.
"Bella? What the hell? Are you okay? Why didn't you text me that you were coming back?" I heard Kaiya's voice behind me. I turned around to look at her with a tear stained face.
"I'm sorry." I wiped a tear from my face and looked her in the eyes.
"Oh my gosh, Bella, what's wrong?" She hugged me to her small frame and then led me to a table in the same cafe where I told Edward I knew what he was.
"He came to Washington and we were getting ready to have sex and talk things through when he told me that he couldn't do it and then he got dressed and left. So, I came back to find a house here and settle in. I'm tried of running. I'm tired of hurting and if that means he and I are going to be separated, then so be it." More tears slid down my face and before I could stop them, they fell from me like a broken levy.
"It'll be okay, Bella. I'm so sorry that you're going through this. I'm sorry he hurt you." She grabbed my hand and then gave it a light squeeze. I gave her a smile that she could tell was fake.
"I'm gonna get a room and then feed. I haven't eaten in probably 11 days." I spoke, stood, and grabbed my bags. She followed me and helped me get settled. I was checking into room 114 and of course, it was the Penthouse suite. I cried a little bit harder. I was hurt and most definitely didn't want to see him right now.
"Let's go to the Heated Temple tonight. For old times sake?" She asked me.
"Sure." I smiled, looking forward to some fun tonight.
The club was full and the music was pounding so loud that you could feel your insides vibrate with the bass. I smiled and followed Kaiya to the bar.
"Two watermelon puckers please." She ordered. I downed mine in seconds, which should have landed me on my ass due to being drunk, but I was a vampire and we could handle booze. I danced my way to the middle of the dance floor with my best friend before she began to grind on my body again like old times. I let myself loose, dancing and grinding on Kaiya, when I felt the need turn around. There was Edward, but instead of coming to patch things up, he was sucking face with some red headed tramp. Kaiya saw why I froze and only saw me bolt from the club. My heart had been torn out of my chest and stomped on. The worst part was that I was immortal, never to die. Which meant I have to deal with this shit literally forever. I messaged Edward in all of my rage.
'So you can't fix things with me, but you can suck face with some bitch?!' I pressed send. Seconds later I had my reply.
'I'm at home.' He lied.
'Bullshit. I was just at the Heated Temple and saw you. So did Kaiya. So not only did you just cheat on me, you lied to me as well.' I was so pissed off that I was crying.
'I guess we're done then.' Wow, he didn't even seem to care.
'Yup, we are...goodbye and leave me alone for good. I hate you. You can give the tramp your ring. Fooled me, fool her too.'I typed and turned my phone off. I was so done with him, but yet all I wanted to do was cry and ask him why. I ran into something hard and very tall. I looked up and just about fell backwards to the cold concrete when his hands caught me.
"Careful there, wouldn't want to ruin your dress." He smiled. Damn, he was cute.
"Thank you, Sir. I'm so sorry for running into you." I fixed the collar of his now, wrinkled suit.

The Moment
RomanceSEXUAL CONTENT OFTEN!! If that bothers you, don't continue reading. This is a story about Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. This is my take on twilight. It won't have any details that the books or movies do. I don't own any of the characters, but I do...