Everything about this man was perfect. His eyes were so light that, in the dark, it looked as if he had no color to them at all. He balanced himself above me, shirtless, staring at my topless form.
"We will not continue with anything if you are not comfortable with it." His breath tickled my ear and my body seemed to have a mind of its own as it curled up towards him.
"No, continue." One of my hands grasped his forearm and my lips attached themselves to his shoulder.
"Bella.." Christian's voice lingered as my lips explored his exposed skin.
"Make me forget, Christian." I begged to him, my voice barely over a whisper.
He looked into my eyes and brushed some more hair out of my face.
"I will do anything for you." He spoke before tender kisses warmed my lips. I trailed my fingers over his torso, up his chest, over his shoulders, and down his back before running my fingers over his hips and grasping the tops of his suit pants, working the clasp loose. He moved his hips and allowed them to slide down his legs, kicking them off when they hit his ankles. He pressed himself between my spread legs, silently telling me that he was ready. I stretched my body out underneath him while he drug his fingers down my hips and took my panties with him. For being so excited to feel wanted, I also felt extremely shy. The only other male that had seen me naked was Edward, but he was out of the picture now. I attempted to cover my body from his sight, but his hands caught my wrists and he kissed the palms of my hands. He smiled at me before he slowly kissed his way down my neck and paid attention to each breast before continuing his exploration of me. My breath caught when kisses were placed on each of my hip bones and his breath washed over my lower extremities.
"Christi....Christian." I moaned into the slightly illuminated room. He didn't care about turning the lights on as much as he did about taking care of my needs in that moment.
"Your skin is so soft, Bella." He whispered before he licked between my folds.
"Mmmm!" My body arched away from the bed and my hips bucked. His arms snaked between my thighs and gently grasped my breasts in a way to keep me still. It worked for a moment before he sucked my sensitive bud into his mouth and tortured it sweetly. I spread my legs further for him and all too soon the pleasure he was giving me ceased. He gently bit my inner thigh as he crawled back up my body and kissed my lips softly, so softly that every sweet emotion filled me. I felt his lips brush against my scars before he placed himself at my entrance and filled me quickly. Even though I wasn't a virgin, I was still tight around him. I didn't want to compare him to Edward, but in this case Christian won. He was thicker and longer than you'd think most men could be and in this moment he was mine. My body sang out as he pumped into me slowly, at first, and then more intensely.
"Be mine. Let me give you everything you deserve." He grunted next to my ear.
"Guess we'll see what will happen based on if you're still here in the morning." I smiled at my comeback. His pace quickened and my insides tightened.
"I guess so." You could hear the smile in his voice. Overwhelmed with pleasure, I began to shake slightly and he noticed. His fingers brushed over my clit and rubbed it slowly, nearing me to my release quicker than I thought. I pulled his lips back to mine and they only left mine when my head tilted back while I came hard. I clenched my teeth with the sudden burst of pleasure and then relaxed tremendously. I felt the thin sheet of sweat on his back from our efforts and as he rolled to lay on his back, I moved to bring him into my mouth. He was already softening, but as soon as he felt my mouth on him he began to stand at attention again. I wasn't going to be able to take his full length, but I sure as hell was gonna try. I reminded myself to breathe through my nose and relax my throat and I worked my mouth around him. I pulled away for air and as I did he sat up and captured my lips with his. I turned my attention back to his member and stopped only when I tasted his saltiness. I wiped my mouth, smiled at him, and laid down on the messy mattress. The sheet was off of one corner and the blankets were currently on the floor in a giant heap, but my attention was on the man next to me. My eyes grew heavy and my body completely relaxed, drawing me into an amazing slumber.
She was amazing. Her smile, her body, her personality. Everything about her called out to me. I moved her sleeping form and covered her up with the thin grey sheet and sat on the couch. I just wanted to look at her and all of her beauty. She was more than a pretty face and I sure as shit wanted to show her. She said her friend would shit herself if she knew I was here so why not play with that for a minute. I'd have Bella message her and ask her to meet her here for breakfast. That should be good.
The sun began to peek over the buildings and I watched as she began to wake up, feeling the other side of the bed for me. I stood, slid on a pair of jeans I brought with me, and decided to wake her up. I brushed my thumb over her cheek and ran my fingers through her hair. She nestled her face into my palm and opened her eyes. The smile that followed would have stopped my heart, if it were still beating. She sat up and stretched, not caring when the sheet fell. Her eyes were brighter and she seemed happier.
"You should text your friend to meet you here for breakfast, but don't tell her I'm here. I wanna see if she will shit herself." I smiled at her.
"That's a great idea." She smiled back and grabbed her phone. She quickly typed her message out making sure it was addressed to the right person. After that, she tossed her phone on the bed and got up, heading for the shower. I was going to fix the bed when she came back and grabbed my hand.
After the shower I dried off and applied some cocoa butter lotion and got dressed. He slid his jeans back on and went to fix breakfast. His happy trial made me bite my lip, but I kept this to myself because soon Kaiya would be here. I watched him mix up the pancake batter and retrieve a few more items from the fridge. He saw the small bottles of blood and held it up.
"Do you mind?" He asked.
"Only if you share." I smirked. He smiled and opened the bottle, taking a long sip before handing it to me.
"Thank you." He winked and continued his mixing.
"Anytime, Mr. Grey." I winked back.A knock sounded on the door and we both looked in it's direction.
"Coming!" I spoke and headed to the door. Christian smiled and poured some batter into the skillet before winking at me again. I opened it and hugged my friend.
"Kaiya!" I smiled and hugged her tight.
"Hey, what is that amazing smell? Are you making pancakes?" She asked and walked in.
"I'm not, no." I smiled as she spotted a half naked Christian standing in the kitchen. He set the spatula down and reached his hand out to her.
"Kaiya, I'm Christian Grey. Bella told me you'd love to meet me?" He took her hand and kissed it.
"Ohmigod!" Kaiya squealed and began to fan herself.
"It's a pleasure meeting you." He smiled again before releasing her hand and turning the pancakes.
"I want details now!" She turned to me and whispered.
"Sorry, but all gonna tell you is that I'm happy." I smiled and grabbed the bottle from Christian's hands and got Kaiya one from the fridge.
"Not even one tiny detail?" She begged me.
"She's good at sucking dick." Christian spoke with his back turned to us. If I could blush I would have in multiple different shades of red.
"Y'all did the dirty!" She pointed at us both.
"That we did." He turned and smiled at me.
"Okay, yes. We did." I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Damn, Brian needs to get home now." She placed her hands on her hips.
"Another business trip?" I asked with my eyebrow raised.
"No, he's visiting his aunt in Michigan." She answered, looking irritated.
"He'll be back soon." I reassured her.
"Breakfast is done." He spoke and set pancakes, bacon and eggs in front of us on the island.
"I can't believe that I'm going to eat breakfast that the Christian Grey made." Kaiya blushed again.
"Believe it." I smile at her and winked at him.
"Girl, you're lucky." She smiled and helped herself to breakfast.

The Moment
Roman d'amourSEXUAL CONTENT OFTEN!! If that bothers you, don't continue reading. This is a story about Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. This is my take on twilight. It won't have any details that the books or movies do. I don't own any of the characters, but I do...