Can You Fix What You Broke?

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"Say it again!" He yelled and punched the wall beside my head. I gazed at the hole his fist created and couldn't hide the fact that it made me unbearably wet. His eyes were nearly black as he struggled to take a deep breath in front of me.
"Not until you calm down!" I pushed him off of me and walked to our apartment door, swiping my card and closing the door behind me, locking it. I took a deep and calming breath before I moved to wash the few dishes there was in the sink. Turning the water on and getting it to the right temperature, I plugged the sink and added a few drops of soap. A knock sounded at the door.
"Bella, open this door or so help me I will bust it down." He threatened.
"You'll pay for it!" I snapped back. I know he would never hurt me and our sexual encounters were dissipating. We hadn't had sex since he made love to me by the fireplace two weeks ago. My thoughts trailed back to that night, his hands gently touching my skin and my body responding to his.

"I'm going to count to three and if this door isn't open, I'm going to go fucking nuts!" He spit. I marched over to the door, turned the lock, and opened it before I walked away.
"Happy?" I snarked, and ran my hands through my hair. I tossed the rag towards the sink and flopped down on the couch. This whole play fighting was weird. We loved each other too much, but I was eager to see where this went.
"Don't walk away from me!" He snapped and grabbed my arm. I struggled against him. He captured my lips with his and backed me up against the counters.
"Let me go!" I pulled my hand away, but he kept his grip on me.  He stopped all of my movements by cupping my sex.
"Okay, I'll let go." He spoke and pulled his hand away.  I smacked his chest and pushed him away. He eyed me carefully.
"Edward, I can't do this play fighting. It's too weird. I feel off." I ran my hands through my hair.
"That's ok. We don't have to do anything you aren't comfortable with." He crouched down in front of me and ran his hands over my thighs.
"I want to, but I can't be mad at you." I looked at him. He pulled me into his lap and kissed me gently.
"How about we try something else? What's a fantasy that you've always wanted to try?" He moved his lips to my neck. I lost my train of thought briefly.
His touch was too intoxicating.
"I..I...mmm." I couldn't speak. My head fell back onto the couch as his lips tickled my flesh.
"What do you want me to do?" He asked sexily.
"I want you to....ahhh." I moaned as he rubbed me through my shorts.
"Tell me." He pleaded.
"I want you to do anything you want to." I blurted before I could stop it.

Before I even knew what was happening, he picked me up and carried me to the bathroom. He opened the shower door and turned the water on. He began quickly discarding our clothes and he picked me up, pushed me against the wall and slammed inside of me. A straggled cry left my lungs.
"Shhhh." He pressed his lips to my collarbone. He pushed in to me further and I felt pain as he was all the way inside me and still grind his way in further.
"Ahhhh!" I tried to push him away and have him back up even an inch, but he wasn't budging.
"I want to be very rough with you." He looked me in the eye.
"Then what are you waiting for?" I panted, looking at him with water dripping down my face. He pulled out and slammed back into me.
"Say it." He demanded again.
"I'm only yours." I admitted.
"That's right." He smiled and thrust into me, harder each time.

Later, we headed to the beach to catch some sun and a man I didn't know grabbed my ass.
"Don't!" I yelled and swatted the man's hand away. He pushed his lips to mine and I instantly punched him.
"Damn babygirl, just trying to have some fun and you're feisty. I like that!" He said kissing my lips again. I struggled against him, pushing him away to create space between us. Kaiya and Brian rushed to my side and Brian nearly killed the guy. Edward was getting drinks for us and when he came back over he threw my drink at me.
"If you wanted someone else so bad, then you should have never let me take your stupid virginity. I thought this was too good to last." He stormed away. Alcohol burnt my eyes.
"He kissed me! He touched me!" I yelled towards him.
"Tell someone that fucking cares, you slut!" He was pissed and I knew that he would regret that later. I don't know where he went, but Brian said he didn't head to the hotel room. I hid my face from everyone. I was upset and hurt that he actually thought that I'd want someone else.
"Are you sure you want to leave, Bella?" I asked her.
"Yeah, I don't want to see him right now. I just can't believe he thought that I'd want someone else. It hurts." She wiped a tear from her eye. They were super red and irritated from the alcohol he just threw at her. What an ass.
"Well, if you're looking for space, go to the cottage that we spent a few weeks in. Do you remember the one? In Washington?" I asked. I was referring to Forks, Washington. When she nodded I handed her the keys to the cottage and then gave her a hug. Brian gave her a smile and then she handed me the ring back that Edward had given her. I was shocked when she said that he wanted to get married, but I still showed my support for her. She was my best friend and I wasn't gonna leave her with out someone to talk to.
"Thanks, Kaiya and can you guys do me a favor and not tell him I left? I just really want to be left alone." She spoke softly.
"We won't tell him, but call us when you get there. I know it's a bit of a flight. Just be careful." Brian spoke. She nodded again and then smiled before she walked back to the hotel to grab her things.  I had no doubt that they'd work it out, but he'd have to do a lot of apologizing on his end to get her back.
He fucked up and he would soon get passed his anger and realize that.
Only when I was on the road, did I let my true hurt show. Tears blurred my eyes, but I was still careful as I drove to the airport. Once I got there I purchased my ticket and then went through security. When my bags were checked and I was searched, I heard the voice on the overhead say that my flight was boarding.

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