Something About Him

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His eyes were a peculiar color and once they caught your attention, they held it. I knew what he was the moment I saw him. I took a small drink of my lemon spritzer and gave him a smile. He reciprocated and smiled back, holding my attention a few minutes longer.
"You're much more beautiful than I had pictured." He spoke as the waiter brought us our food. I ordered a salad with a lemon dressing and he ordered the lobster roll.
"Well, thank you. You're handsome yourself, but tell me how long have you been a vampire?" I asked, demanding that his eyes to lock with mine. He choked on his drink and quickly wiped his mouth with the white and gold napkins. He froze and stared at me before proceeding.
"We'll talk about that later on, but I assure you that I won't hurt you." He smiled and continued his lunch. I felt uneasy as if I had just created some unneeded tension but I wasn't going to keep the fact that I knew about him hidden.
"That's not all that will happen if you play your cards right." I replied before pushing my plate in front of me a little bit and then walked back to the beach. I wasn't mad, but merely nervous about being alone with him. I sat by the water and basked in the sun as it warmed my nearly naked body. The sound of the waves crashing down calmed me and helped me think a little bit.
"What else do you hope to achieve tonight, Miss No Regrets?" He sat beside me and kissed my hand as he took it.
"You'll have to see, Sir Vampire." I smiled at the word. Vampires weren't real were they? Surely not. It was a tale to get kids to behave, right?
"Touché." He kissed my hand again this time he let his teeth brush against my skin. Chills shot down my body and I knew he saw the reaction.

I pushed him down to the sand and smiled above him before getting up and running to the water. It probably wasn't smart to tease a vampire but I was living with no regrets, but would I regret this?
"Well, thank you. You're handsome yourself, but tell me how long have you been a vampire?" Her eyes captured mine.
I nearly choked on my water as she asked this. How did she know? Better yet, how would she react to this later? It was this moment that I swore not to harm her unless she offered. It seemed better that way. After our conversation she walked back to the beach. Her body was magnificent. Her curves were amazingly perfect. What I would do to get her alone tonight, not to bite her, but to show her what she's worth. The thought of her being with some man that didn't care for her and just wanted sex infuriated me. I looked at my hand and set down the bent fork, heading after the woman that stole my heart. Laying there in the sun, her skin seemed to glow. She wasn't sexy, or hot, or smoking. She was much more than that. She was beautiful.
The way he looked at her made me smile. As she walked away from the café I could tell she knew what he was. His demeanor as he came after her didn't look unhappy or angry but merely amused. They would totally be in his room by nightfall.

As the sun went down the partying intensified. Tiki lamps were lit and fairy lights came to life creating a perfect night life scene. Brian and I were making out in a darkened spot and occasionally I would look over at Bella and Edward as they danced. She was my best friend and it would have been rude not to keep an eye on her, right?
A small moan left my throat as Brian touched my sex and bit my neck lightly. Chills crept down my spine and goosebumps covered my body. He swept me up and we were gone, and so was the worry about Bella and her new man.
A solid thud sounded as he pushed me up against the hotel wall. The paint was cool against my bare skin and it made me jump.
"Are you alright?" He pulled away and asked.
"Yeah, the paint was just cold." I panted. His hands wrapped around my body and picked me up and walked down the hall to a large wooden door. Was he in the penthouse? Oh, lord have mercy. He walked into the room and shut the door, locking it as well. He set me down and looked at me before his lips crushed onto mine again.
"Still wanna live with no regrets?" He asked me.
"Yes." I responded. "No regrets." I looked at him and moved away from his body and towards the bed. I looked at him over my shoulder.
"What are you doing?" He watched me carefully. I used a safety pin and created a thin cut above my left breast. I let my blood trickle a bit before I turned to him again.
"I can see it in your eyes. You haven't fed for a few days." I spoke as his eyes dilated, seeing the blood. I moved towards him slowly. "Drink."
"You continue to amaze me." He smiled and bent his head down to lick the red from my tan skin. This contact felt good. "But I won't drink from you yet. Not like this." With a little pressure the small wound stopped bleeding. He pushed me up against the wall and kissed my neck. My breathing picked up and my heart rate skyrocketed. I wanted this so bad. His hands roamed my body, touching every place on me except where I needed him to. His lips tickled my neck and then he suddenly cupped my sex. A sharp intake of air burned my throat as it went down. I felt him smile as he picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist. My sex was dangerously close to the erection hiding in his swim trunks. If he could tease me then I could tease him. I ground myself against his throbbing member, feeling it twitch against my thigh. He was not going to fit. This man wasn't huge, he was purely gifted.
"Are you going to keep teasing me or are you going to show me if you're as good of a man as you say you are?" I provoked him. A low growl rippled up his throat and we were headed to the bed. He tossed me on to the neatly covered mattress and looked over my body. He crawled between my legs and placed a kiss on my wet sex. A moan echoed off of the walls and it took me a quick moment to realize that it came from me. He continued to crawl up my body and once we were face to face he let his fingers sneak into my bikini bottoms and went right for my sensitive bud. My fingers wrapped around his forearm that he used to steady himself. His muscles were like a concrete wall, hard and refusing to move. His fingers knew exactly what to do to get me more aroused. More moans bounced off the walls and he used his lips to try to silence me. I squirmed against his talented hand, but he just kept attacking the spot I have been wanting him to. It felt so good to be touched and lord knows I didn't want him to stop. I watched him as he pulled his fingers away and licked each one of them clean. That was hot. He was hot and I wanted him.
"Enjoying yourself?" He smiled as he tugged my bottoms down my legs and tossed them somewhere. His mouth soon replaced his fingers, tasting me head on, and the moans kept coming. My fingers wound themselves in his hair, keeping him right where I wanted him.
"Oh my god!" I screamed, practically humping his face. With one last lick up my folds he moved up and kissed me gently. His hands disappeared underneath me and soon my top was with my bottoms. As I lay there, completely bare under him, he smiled down at me before removing his own clothing and tossing it somewhere on the floor. He moved back between my legs and I felt him there, waiting against my folds. I looked between us and I just stared.
"See something you like?" He smirked.
"That's not going to fit."
"Kaiya told me it's been four years since you've been touched. If you're nervous we can stop." He looked at me and waited for my answer.
"Kaiya is mistaken, I've been touched, yes, but nothing more. I'm still a virgin." I blushed. "But I don't want to be anymore." I watched his face.
"Are you absolutely sure?" He asked once more. I felt his abdomen against me and all of the muscles that resided there.
"I'm sure. Just do it quick." I looked at his eyes and then he nodded. He kissed my neck and my lips as he pressed his tip against my entrance. I closed my eyes and felt his lips connect with my shoulder and then in a swift movement of his hips I felt pain and pleasure. He froze as he let me adjust to his size inside of me. A small whimper left my lips and a thin trail of tears left my eyes. He kissed me cheek and wiped the wetness from my face. I felt a connection with him.
"Are you okay?" He whispered against my neck. I smiled at his concern.
"Right here, right now, I'm perfect. You can move." I spoke. He nodded.
"I'll go slow." He kept his promise and after a few moments the slight pain turned to extreme pleasure. Moans from both of us mingled in the summer air. His eyes never left mine except when he kissed me.

Our hips moved as one as I felt him deep inside me. He sped up and I thought I was going to come undone right then. In a single second I made a choice that might possibly change my life forever. I bit his shoulder which in turn triggered him to bite me, but he didn't break the skin thank God. His thrusts kept getting harder, more rough and I was getting ready to burst. He pulled out quickly and turned me over. He entered me from behind and grabbed a handful of hair. Pleasure never felt so good. He was in total control and he kissed my shoulders and back. I wanted more, needed more. I drew my knees up underneath me and he pulled my back to his chest, his thrusts getting stronger. He felt so deep inside me like I was going to burst at the seams. 
"Don't cum yet. Wait." He spoke roughly. I was already at the edge and now he wanted me to wait while he kept pounding further into me. I grabbed his hips behind me and buried my nails into his flesh.
"I'm going to cum!" I moaned. His thrusts quickened even more.
"Don't. Hold it." He growled in my ear. He pulled at my nipple, pinching it and rolling it between his fingers. "Cum for me now." He growled again. Every muscle in my body tensed at his words as my release exploded around him. His lips kissed my neck as he kept me from falling forward. He guided me down slowly to the bed and hovered over top of me. He gently pulled out of me and collapsed on the other side of the bed. My heart was going crazy. I looked at him and when he smiled I blushed.
"Wow." Was all I could say.
"You got that right. Are you hurt? Are you okay?" He asked moving towards my limp body.
"I'm okay. I'm good." I panted. He left the room and returned with a rag and a bowl of water. He helped me roll over and gently parted my legs. He began wiping at my inner thigh and at first I didn't understand why until I looked at my thighs. Blood. He saw the concern on my face and continued to clean me up.
"It was your first time. It's normal. You're bleeding because I tore through your hymen." After he finished wiping me off he changed the sheets. Once the bed was remade with fresh sheets, he drew me a bath and helped me set down into the water and sat behind me. 
"I'm sorry." I spoke.
"It's not your fault. Don't be embarrassed. It's completely normal." He rubbed the tension out of my shoulders. My body relaxed and he drug his teeth against my ear lobe.
"I don't know about you, but that was amazing." I said as I drug my fingers down his legs.
"It was more than amazing. It was perfect." He kissed my neck again.
"I'd love to do it again sometime." I smiled.
"I'd like to do it for a long time to come if you'd like." His words shocked me.
"I'd like that but I don't just want to be fuck buddies."
"No, no, no! That's not what I meant. What I'm trying to ask is if you'd like to go out with me?" He drug his teeth along my skin.
"I'd love to on one condition." I began to bargain. "Feed." I turned to look at him. He smiled before pulling my neck dangerously close to his lips but instead of biting me, he simply placed a kiss on my tender flesh.
"If I feed on you I would change you." He spoke but his words didn't phase me. I straddled his lap and pulled his lips to my neck.
"If I'm with you then I don't care."
"I'd do anything for you. I'll be here for you through the change." And with those few words he bit me.

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