{Ch.6~ My Tall Girl...Friend}

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*Im currently working on ch

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*Im currently working on ch.8 and im debating if I should have their first kiss or not. Vote yes or no, please?

"I just think that maybe you should take consideration in the possibly that your educational thought process is slowing you down from excelling academically." Why do I even bother with trying to talk to these people.

"Arri, English, please." Peggy said as she touched up her perfume in her compact. I rolled my eyes and then continued to cross them and speak in a stereotypical 'dumb' voice.

"You're don't pay attention so it makes you look like an idiot." I fixed my face and watched as she scowled at me. I pulled a face at her.

I saw a tall figure come down the hall and swivel so that it was next to Peggy, Josh McLennan. He draped his arm around Peggy's shoulder and kissed her temple, that was the only time he ceased his gum smacking.

"Hey, J, we still on for that trip this weekend?" She giggled as if all sense just flew out of the window, but then again was ever really in the building with her?

"Trip, what trip?" Why did I even care to ask? I was curious, and maybe it bothered me that she had even gotten the chance to go on such an 'exclusive' trip with someone of the opposite sex and boys around here didn't even look my way...well, that's not entirely true I guess.

"A highschool trip, we're going to a beach with his brother and his girlfriend. It'll be all bomb-fires and late nights..." She said as if she was in a daze. I smiled sarcastically and nodded, crossing my arms as I leaned against the lockers. Josh then looked at me funny and continued to stare. It let myself fly off the handle and ask him about it.

"What are you lookin at, What we're you raised in a barn, haven't your mother ever told you it's rude to stare?" I asked rhetorically, he just shook his head and looked me up and down before stopping at me eyes.

"No it's just that, you're really tall," he said shrugging, "must be like that where you're from, huh?" I don't even think he knew he was being rude but I did and my cheeks reddened with embarrassment and anger.

The bell rung and Peggy pulled Josh down the hallway giggling. It took me a second to actually start my walk, but soon I had made it to the art room. When I'd gotten in there I, instinctually, looked at the assignment on the board: feelings. Our teacher made always write a word on the board and then would let us do something that interpreted that for us.

I sat down and started to draw well, what I was feelings. I was feeling a lot right now, the move, my height, my friend, and my 'friends', even some about highschool. My drawing idea was going to be me, but with my natural hair picked out in an Afro. The hair would be colorful, put the color spectrum around the hair would be neutral and cool undertones while the hair had warm undertones to draw more attention to it. It was symbolic, ya know?

{Four-Eyed Freaks} ~R. TozierWhere stories live. Discover now