Chapter 4

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Tooth's head raised when she heard Jack muttering from his cot. She stood up and rushed to him, almost tripping over her own feet in her haste.  Jack was crying. There were tears practically pouring from his eyes, and his face was contorted in silent agony. At once, she knew it was Pitch. He was torturing Jack in the only way he couldn't be caught. Pitch was torturing Jack within the safety of his own mind. 

Tooth tried petting his head, to try and soothe him. He wasn't calming down, though. His thrashing was only getting more intense, shaking the cot beneath him. 

She sent a quick glance out of the door and was about to call for help when her thoughts were cut off by a blood-curdling scream coming from the boy on the cot. All of the guardians came running, quickly filling the air with concerned questions. 

"Tooth, what happened?"

"Are you Alright?"

Jack silenced them all with a quiet whimper followed by violent thrashing and screaming. Tooth looked to them all with worried eyes. 

"It's Pitch," She rasped, "He's torturing him." 

The guardians all looked on helplessly, there was nothing they could do to help. They could only listen to the cries of their youngest member. 

Bunny shook his head angrily and muttered, "I'll kill him." 

North placed a comforting hand on the over-sized rabbit's shoulder. Tooth stared wide-eyed and hugged herself, imagining all the things Jack must be feeling. 

"I can't take any more of this." She murmured turning to leave. 

The pain filled cries stopped just as suddenly as they'd started, leaving the room in stifling silence. Every person in the room held their breath, waiting for what came next. 

Startling blue eyes, flickered into existence. The pale white eyelids snapping open with frightening speed. He tried to move around and get a better view of the room when he found himself bound tightly to the bed. His breathing quickened and he tried to turn his head. 

"What is this?" He murmured, trying to look around. 

Tooth gasped loudly, recognizing the familiar voice of Jack Frost. "Jack?" She choked out, moving closer to him. 

Jack flinched at the quality of her voice, and froze when he caught sight of who she was. His eyes widened and he shook his head slightly, "Tooth?" He asked, tentatively. 

Tooth nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. She reached to touch his hand, but something changed in Jack's eyes. He violently jerked himself away. His eyes never left hers as he screeched, "No, don't touch me!" 

Tooth yanked her hand back and stared at him worriedly. Bunny stepped forward, gently taking Tooth by the shoulders and guiding her away from the winter spirit. 

Jack thrashed more angrily, pulling on his wrist restraints furiously. "I'll kill you!" he shouted, twisting his head to look at whoever he could, "I'll kill you all!" 

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